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Graffitis increíbles que te dejarán con la boca abierta. Smug One es uno de los artistas callejeros más conocidos de las Islas Británicas y a pesar de su fama, no se sabe mucho sobre él, sólo que vive en Glasgow. / SMUG.

Graffitis increíbles que te dejarán con la boca abierta

Ric stultz 2012. Ana Teresa Fernandez Oil Paintings. Book sculptures and paintings. A little good advice never hurt anyone.

Book sculptures and paintings

If you’re looking for a few tips on how to improve your graphic design business or just a little insight into how others do things, 100 habits of successful graphic designers is worth a read. On to a few quotes from the book… Keep in touch with your clients, past and present. Every business has competitors and you want clients to think of you first. Though repeat projects from some clients may be few and far between, keeping in touch occasionally will help secure you in their mind for future work. Do an extra-good job on tiny projects. Small projects are often treated as churn and burn jobs, but every business starts small. Spend time with your client to build consensus and create shared goals. It’s understandable that clients are excited and designers are eager to begin a new project, but you can never have too much information.

Don’t stop at just a written brief, have a few conversations. Seek out creative clients for successful collaborations. Still Life Still Alive. Home » Inspiring Artists, Inspiring Projects 1 November 201060 Comments Alexa Meade is a 23 year old D.C. based artist who is developing an aesthetic that is playfully and skillfully combing paint, portraiture, photography and performance.

Still Life Still Alive

The finalized work is one that is beautifully engaging, temporary and colorfully alive. The initial experience feels a touch kitchy with it’s aesthetic trickery but once past understanding the illusion the work is quite alluring. Make sure you check out the video that illustrates the painting process and how the personality and background of the model is integrated into the creative process. Oleg Shuplyak's Optical Illusion Paintings. Sometimes there’s more to the eye than you initially perceive.

Oleg Shuplyak's Optical Illusion Paintings

Apparently just some amazing oil paintings, the works of Ukrainian artist Oleg Shuplyak’s hide a surreal world once you take a step back and watch more closely. Through carefully placed objects, characters, coloring and shadows, there is a second image in the painting which creates an optical illusion. The second image is so easily observable in some paintings, that you can miss the first one consisting of harmless landscape or characters in different settings.

You have to observe the painting more closely to actually see the initial setting and not concentrate on the faces. Fact is that it’s impossible not to be observe the faces firstly, when they portray famous personalities like Van Gogh, Sigmund Freud or Salvador Dali. Personally, I can’t decide on which of the two planes to admire more. Enjoy some selections of the artists’ works below and get captivated by the illusions. Photo credits: Oleg Shuplyak. Tutorials. 35 Funny Illustrations by Tiago Hoisel – with Exclusive Interview. Today we have the special honor to discuss about digital art and painting with Tiago Hoisel. Besides the great collection of humorous illustrations that he has provided for us, Tiago also gives precious advice and shares interesting information in the below exclusive interview.

Amazing creativity, detail and fun are the perfect words to describe his artwork. The humor and realism are perfectly combined to depict real life situations or imaginary scenarios meant to make the viewer laugh and want more! Q: Howdy Tiago! Welcome to community. A: My name is Tiago Hoisel, I’m graduated in graphic design in Universidade do Estado da Bahia. “Chico Bento” Q: Your illustrations are so funny and expressive! A: I always liked humor and realism, so when I started to draw I tried to bring these two thing to my work. “Teenager” Q: What software do you use and which is the feature you couldn’t live without, of that particular software? “Meeting with Girlfriend’s Family” “Maria!” 20 awesome examples of street art. If you still need a proof that art can be found anywhere, those awesome examples of great street art should convince you.

20 awesome examples of street art

Ric stultz 2011.