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Saraben academia: Class of 2010. James Flynn.

saraben academia: Class of 2010

7 lieux insolites à New Delhi - Inde. Atelier olschinsky. Sundays : un court métrage de science-fiction entre Matrix et Inception. Après The Leviathan qui a bluffé Neill Blomkamp, le court métrage de science-fiction Sundays réalisé par Mischa Rozema a tapé dans l'œil de la Warner.

Sundays : un court métrage de science-fiction entre Matrix et Inception

Les courts métrages de science-fiction sont en vogue en ce moment. Raw Run - Zak and the Pass. Behance. Baghdad an 1000 : capitale du Monde (Califat Abbasside) Documentaire. 5 documentaires sur le graffiti et le street art disponibles en ligne BE STREET. —Cette liste n’inclut pas “Exit Trough The Giftshop”.

5 documentaires sur le graffiti et le street art disponibles en ligne BE STREET

Si on m’avait donné un euro à chaque fois que j’entendais la phrase “est-ce que tu aimes Banksy?” AD Interviews: Amale Andraos & Dan Wood / Work AC. AD Interviews: Amale Andraos & Dan Wood / Work AC As I had previously mentioned we visited Work AC in New York a few months ago, where we interviewed Amale Andraos and Dan Wood.

AD Interviews: Amale Andraos & Dan Wood / Work AC

This turned out to be a great interview, where they shared their thoughts on the current state of architectural practice, the role of architects in current society, humor, networking, media and something that really interested me: the importance of knowing how to manage the growth of your office. On their office we saw the amazing model for their Cadavre Exquis Lebanese, a proposal based on a series of interventions to re-create Downtown Beirut presented at the 2007 Rotterdam Biennale.

We also got to see their on on going projects and a 1:1 prototype of their Public Farm 1 structure soon to be opened at the PS1. You can check the construction progress at the PF1 website. Pictures of Work AC after the jump. Idriss Aberkane - Bordeaux 2016 - 1/3 - Economie de la connaissance. Chrome Experiments. Peter Murrell. Espace LVL - A CHEVAL - Exposition collective.

Etienne Bardelli - Oil On Canvas. Reno ki. Antonio Mesquita. The entry to this space is made through a very low area, conceived to the man scale, where you can feel that dominate the space, as well as observe your own shadows, but then you move forward and leave your shadows and ghosts behind and at this moment the space opens toward a skylight pointing to the sky, and here you can finally rest without any distraction, just contemplating a natural light beam.

Antonio Mesquita

Adjacent to this space there is a small room for contemplation accessed by a triangular passage that leads us to the city’s iconic rooftops. This room has panoramic view that is displayed through a long and slim window which only transmits this to whoever is sitting, providing the space to be lived in a slow and quiet way and not with the hustle and bustle of those potentially found standing. Wood, Detail, Structure, Competitions, Education Projects, San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA, U.C. Berkeley, Lixil JS Foundation, California.

Inspired by the character of Japanese larch forests, students from the College of Environmental Design (CED) at the University of California, Berkeley, designed a timber grid structure for their winning entry, Nest We Grow, in the fourth Lixil International University Architectural Competition.

Wood, Detail, Structure, Competitions, Education Projects, San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA, U.C. Berkeley, Lixil JS Foundation, California

An elegant, recurring moment connection detailed by the team with Kengo Kuma and Associates and Oak Structural Design Office, both in Tokyo, ensure the rigidity of the four-story, 919-square-foot facility. Led by CED architecture professors Dana Buntrock and Mark Anderson, FAIA, the team used SAP 2000, Rhinoceros, and AutoCAD for conceptual design.

Oak Structural Design calculated the building’s anticipated loads with the Rhino model. Nine larch timber columns anchored in concrete footings provide the building’s primary structural support. The students worked with CED associate architecture professor R. Construction of Nest We Grow began in September 2014. Brutalism and Culture: How St Peter's Seminary is Already Shining in its Second Life. Brutalism and Culture: How St Peter's Seminary is Already Shining in its Second Life Gillespie, Kidd & Coia's celebrated St Peter's Seminary—once voted Scotland's best modern building—has for too long been a victim of fate, left to decay after it was abandoned just 20 years after its completion.

Brutalism and Culture: How St Peter's Seminary is Already Shining in its Second Life

Fortunately, plans are well underway to restore the building. 20 Creative Business Cards for Architects. Hugo Lebrunet Portfolio by Hugo Lebrunet. Echelles d'impression Zoom XP pour l'espace papier de AutoCAD et IntelliCAD. Тази страница съществува и на български език.

Echelles d'impression Zoom XP pour l'espace papier de AutoCAD et IntelliCAD

This page is also available in English. Ici j'ai ajouté pour aide-mémoire la règle pour l'impression à la bonne échelle d'un dessin AutoCAD ou IntelliCAD. N.B. Mitch Dobrowner. Un entretien Boum!

Mitch Dobrowner

Bang! Il semble logique à chacun de fuir à la vue d’une tempête météorologique menaçante pouvant s’avérer dévastatrice, et rare sont ceux qui s’en approchent. Le photographe américain Mitch Dobrowner, né en 1967, fait cependant partie de cette seconde catégorie. Imprudent certes, mais son travail n’en est que plus incroyable. 7 Futuristic Fabrications Leading Us Towards a Newer Architecture. 7 Futuristic Fabrications Leading Us Towards a Newer Architecture Swept up in an age of digitization and computing, architecture has been deeply affected in the past decade by what some critics are calling “The Third Industrial Revolution.”

7 Futuristic Fabrications Leading Us Towards a Newer Architecture

With questions of craft and ethics being heavily present in the current architectural discourse, projects taking advantage of these new technologies are often criticized for their frivolous or indulgent nature. On the other hand, there has been an emergence of work that exemplifies the most optimistic of this “Third Industrial Revolution” – an architecture that appropriates new technology and computation for the collective good of our cities and people. We’ve collected 7 of these projects, ranging from exemplars of engineering to craft and artistry; projects that 80 years after Le Corbusier’s modernist handbook hint at a further horizon – towards a newer architecture. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

FUTUREMAG - ARTE. Californium. “Un écrivain à la page désespérément blanche.” Berkeley, 1967. Vous êtes Elvin Green, un écrivain dont la carrière – comme la vie sentimentale - est au point mort. Trop d’acide, d’alcool bon marché, de nuits blanches à lutter contre la page blanche ? Votre précaire santé mentale bascule. I, Philip. ARTE Creative. Images — Luxigon. 2016 Wood Design Award Winners Announced. 2016 Wood Design Award Winners Announced WoodWorks, an initiative of the Wood Products Council, has announced the winners of the 2016 Wood Design Awards. Honoring projects that “showcase the innovative use of wood as both a structural and finish material,” this year’s awards highlight the many uses and attributes of wood, “from structural performance and design versatility to sustainability and cost effectiveness.”

The Wood Design Awards are both National and Regional, with regional awards being presented at Wood Solutions Fairs across the country starting in late March. The winners of the Wood Design Awards are: Banque d'Image Libre de Droit, Photos, Vecteurs et Vidéo - Shutterstock. Bartlett Students Develop New Method for 3D Printing Concrete. «Contrechamp» : le ventre de l’architecte. Drawing perspective.avi. Cours de dessin : les différents gestes du crayon (1/2) Origines de l'architecture : La tombe et la cabane.

Pardonnez-moi - L'interview de Jean Nouvel. Le Vorarlberg une architecture vernaculaire et contemporaine part1/2. Conférence de Pierre Thibault, Architecte ( Canada ) Conférence Romain Anger : La Terre et les fibres végétales : matériaux de construction du futur. Architectures ARTE Documentaire 2015. (doc - complet) Les secrets des Romains.