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AngularJS State Management with ui-router. Managing state with AngularJS’s ui-router ( is down right elegant.

AngularJS State Management with ui-router

How is it different from a traditional router you might ask? Well I’ll tell you, but first… Update!! You're deploying it wrong! TeamCity, Subversion & Web Deploy part 5: Web Deploy with TeamCity. In the first four parts of this series we got config transforms playing nice, command line builds and packaging ticking along, Web Deploy happily receiving our application and TeamCity continuously building the entire solution on every commit.

You're deploying it wrong! TeamCity, Subversion & Web Deploy part 5: Web Deploy with TeamCity

The last thing to do is to harmonise everything so that we can actually automate the deployment. Breaking down the build and deploy processes First up, we’re now only focussed on the web application. If there are other projects in the solution on which the web app is not dependent, they’re not going to play a role in this post. It’s now all about building, packaging and deploying the UI layer and anything it’s dependent on. However, we only want to do this if the build in the last part of the series has passed. Full-Spectrum Testing with AngularJS and Karma. Learn how to fully test your AngularJS application with Karma One of the major areas of AngularJS development which needs to be covered in better detail is how to test your application.

Full-Spectrum Testing with AngularJS and Karma

But wait, how do you do that? How do you setup your test environment? How should you organize your code? How do you setup a runner and how to automate the process? It doesn't take much time to realize that testing JavaScript is difficult and finicky. This page was first published on January 21st 2013 and was last updated on November 20th 2013. LiveRebel Deploy Plugin. Overview Safely deploy or update applications - code, database and configuration included - across environments with no user interruption or downtime.

LiveRebel Deploy Plugin

Failed deployments are fully rolled back. Plugin Information Prerequisites LiveRebel helps you release apps - code, database and config - across environments safely with no user interruption or downtime. If you do not already have LiveRebel, download the free version and install it. You're done! Using Testacular with Jenkins for AngularJS e2e Testing. JetBrains/meta-runner-power-pack. Linux Scripts for Easy Installation. To quickly install YouTrack from .jar distribution under Linux, perform the following steps under root user: You can now access YouTrack on port 80 via HTTP.

Linux Scripts for Easy Installation

Blai/grunt-express. Paul Irish. Angularjs-livetpls/angularjs-webstorm-livetpls. Things I Wish I Were Told About Angular.js. Recently I have worked on a project using Angular.js.

Things I Wish I Were Told About Angular.js

As of writing this post, it’s a medium sized app (~10 modules, ~20 controllers, ~5 services and ~10 directives) with quite decent test coverage. When I look back, I find myself learning much more about Angular.js than before. It’s not a smooth ride: I’ve gone through lots of refactor and rewrite. Karma-runner/karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor. Jonnyzzz/TeamCity.Node.

Eugene on dev: Kotlin, Node.js and TeamCity. In this post I describe Node.js support plugin that was implemented in Kotlin Node.js The goal of the plugin is to provide an initial support for Node.js scripts execution on TeamCity.

Eugene on dev: Kotlin, Node.js and TeamCity

Plugin does the following: Detects system installed Node.js on the agent machine, it adds node.js configuration parameter with Node.js versionProvides a build runner to start .js file or script text This is the runner settings page. Kotlin In the plugin I decided to use Kotlin. TeamCity requires plugin to extend some Java classes or interfaces and register implementations in Spring Framework Dependency Injection. In the build runner implementation I had to handle several IO errors. This function accepts another function to execute. A Step by Step Guide to using GitFlow with TeamCity – Part 2 – GitFlow – a Branching Model for a Release Cycle. In Part 1 – I covered off a brief overview of the branching model differences between TFS and Git.

A Step by Step Guide to using GitFlow with TeamCity – Part 2 – GitFlow – a Branching Model for a Release Cycle

One of the most interesting developments to happen in the Git ecosystem (apart from its growing adoption rate) is the creation of the Git Flow branching model and its embodiment as an plugin extension to the core Git client libraries. GitFlow sets out to answer the following questions that plague every software development team: How can we: Keep our repository tidy? Have consistency between projects?

The solution GitFlow proposes is a prescriptive branching model, born of experience which answers the questions above, and a set of Git Extensions that allow you to manage and automate work through that model. GitFlow specifies the following branch structure: A Step by Step Guide to using GitFlow with TeamCity – Part 2 – GitFlow – a Branching Model for a Release Cycle. Deployer plugin - TeamCity. Continuos Integration (CI) for JavaScript – Jasmine and Teamcity. Web applications are using more JavaScript than ever before.

Continuos Integration (CI) for JavaScript – Jasmine and Teamcity

The following image (thanks to Gineer) shows the shift in the architecture types of web applications from simple thin clients to thicker clients driven by rich presentations and client logic. Since most of the newer web applications include business logic embedded into the client using JavaScript, we must put assurances to make sure the quality of the application is not compromised over time.

In most cases, the JavaScript side of the applications goes untested or is not automated which is a bad idea. CaryLandholt/AngularFun. NgInfiniteScroll - Infinite Scrolling for AngularJS. Sanfordredlich/angular-brunch-seed-modularized. HTML5 application assembler. Sanfordredlich/angular-brunch-seed-modularized. Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture. Today we're going to discuss an effective set of patterns for large-scale JavaScript application architecture.

Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture

The material is based on my talk of the same name, last presented at LondonJS and inspired by previous work by Nicholas Zakas. Patterns For Large-Scale JavaScript Application Architecture. Angular-app/angular-app. Notes: Want Scalable Application Architecture? Check AngularJS. The Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture is a presentation by Nicholas Zakas where he suggests a flexible and scalable architecture for JavaScript applications. Here are other related resources: The presentation is interesting but it also leaves many open questions. In short, the architecture contains following application layers: base library (jquery, etc)application core: manages modules (register modules, tell when to start and when to stop)handle errors (like wrap all modules' methods into try/catch and log errors)enable inter-module communicationshould be extensible (error handling, ajax wrapper, general utilites, anything!)

Here are some questions raised by the presentation: Code Organization in Large AngularJS and JavaScript Applications — Cliff Meyers. Many developers struggle with how to organize an application's code base once it grows in size. I've seen this recently in AngularJS and JavaScript applications but historically it's been a problem across all technologies including many Java and Flex apps I've worked on in the past. The general trend is an obsession with organizing things by type. It bears a striking resemblance to the way people organize their clothing. Let's take a look at angular-seed, the official starting point for AngularJS apps. Modular AngularJS App Design. I am a sucker for modules. Something about bundling a set of functionality and display logic into a module that can be easily redistributed for many apps makes my skin tingle. So when I saw that “modules” were a big part of the AngularJS methodology, I was super excited to try it out. I quickly realized however, that most of the examples online used one module for the entire application, which didn’t seem all that modular to me.

At my current company we are developing an app that is ideal for the modular approach. We essentially have separate “apps” within our application, each of which we have bundled into full angular modules. Node.js - AngularJS and ExpressJS Routing issue. More AngularJS Magic to Supercharge your Webapp. Make way for another amazing article which covers more of AngularJS Due to the popularity of the previous article, Use AngularJS to power your web application, I've decided to cover more of AngularJS to make it fun and easy for all developers to play around with it.

AngularJS is an incredible tool, but a lot of the more advanced features are hidden in deep within the documentation and others are too tricky to learn direclty. AngularJS is also a fairly new product and as a result there are many features that are yet to be discovered and blogged about. This article will cover more of the hidden gems of AngularJS and introduce new development tricks and methods to supercharge your AngularJS application.

Pleaes read onwards if you wish to become an AngularJS web guru :). This page was first published on October 2nd 2012 and was last updated on January 30th 2013. Angular/angular-seed. 5 Awesome AngularJS Features. AngularJS is a great JavaScript framework that has some very compelling features for not only developers, but designers as well! In this tutorial, we will cover what I consider to be the most essential features, and how they can help make your next web application awesome. AngularJS is a new, powerful, client-side technology that provides a way of accomplishing really powerful things in a way that embraces and extends HTML, CSS and JavaScript, while shoring up some of its glaring deficiencies. It is what HTML would have been, had it been built for dynamic content.

In this article, we will cover a few of the most important AngularJS concepts to get the "big picture. " Karma - Spectacular Test Runner for Javascript. Ajoslin/angular-mobile-nav.