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Cybernetic Serendipity: A Documentation Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2016 23 Nov 2016 – 22 Jan 2017 Previously at the ICA - Exhibitions Cybernetic Serendipity Exhibition poster, Institute of Contemporary Art, 2 August – 20 October, 1968 © Cybernetic Serendipity Cybernetic Serendipity: A Documentation 14 Oct 2014 – 30 Nov 2014 Fox Reading Room Entry with Day Membership Sign up to our mailing list for invitations to private views. ‘Where in London could you take a hippy, a computer programmer, a ten-year-old schoolboy and guarantee that each would be perfectly happy for an hour without you having to lift a finger to entertain them?’ Cybernetic Serendipity, the landmark exhibition curated by Jasia Reichardt in 1968, is being celebrated in the Fox Reading Room with a display of documents, installation photographs, press reviews, invitation cards and publications. Cybernetic Serendipity: A Walkthrough With Jasia Reichardt Cybernetic Serendipity: Gustav Metzger in conversation with Nick Lambert Curated by Jasia Reichardt Resources Related Media

5 podcasts d’art renversants 1. Museum Fiction : quand Arte Radio s’invite au Centre Pompidou « La nuit tombait, et je restais dans ce grand aquarium bleuté, tranquille. » La voix susurre, douce à l’oreille, après une série de bruits immersifs… Lesquels forment une collection sonore d’impressions pêchées au Centre Pompidou. Pas des œuvres, non, juste de petits détails sensoriels. Réalisé par Emma Broughton, l’épisode « Je suis ici » est l’une des pépites du podcast Museum Fiction, porté par Arte Radio. L’idée ? 2. « Enfin une héroïne à laquelle je pouvais m’identifier ! 3. De tout petits épisodes de 2 minutes, juste le temps de raconter un secret. 4. Le musée d’Orsay a confié une très jolie mission à l’écrivaine Béatrice Fontanel : choisir 5 tableaux exposés entre ses murs et les faire parler, en inventant des histoires immersives qui font palpiter les touches et chanter les couleurs. Promenades imaginaires 5. L'art est la matière À la Une : © Léo Caillard

Legendary Animator Chuck Jones Creates an Oscar-Winning Animation About the Virtues of Universal Health Care (1949) While our country looks like it might be coming apart at the seams, it’s good to revisit, every once in a while, moments when it did work. And that’s not so that we can feel nostalgic about a lost time, but so that we can remind ourselves how, given the right conditions, things could work well once again. One example from history (and recently rediscovered by a number of blogs during the AHCA debacle in Congress) is this government propaganda film from 1949—the Harry S. Directed by Chuck Jones, better known for animating Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, and the Road Runner, "So Much for So Little" follows our main character from infancy—where doctors help immunize babies against whooping cough, diphtheria, rheumatic fever, and smallpox—through school to dating, marriage, becoming parents, and settling into a nice, healthy retirement. The film won an Academy Award in 1950 for Documentary Short Subject—not best sci-fi, despite how radical this all sounds. So what happened?

The Man Who Keeps Monet’s Famed Gardens Growing Vahé notes that, when it came to the gardens, Monet was driven by desire and instinct. He’d once decided on the spur of the moment that he wanted chrysanthemums, and wrote a letter to friend and fellow painter to find out where he could get them. Monet prided himself on the garden, acknowledging it as his own creation, but also as his open-air studio, where he planted himself for hours on end to paint, weather permitting. Though the time Monet spent at Giverny is often associated with the artist’s darker works and periods of personal turmoil, particularly around World War I, the gardens are said to have instilled in the artist a sense of joy, as well as the motivation to create the works that would later be credited with pushing Western painting towards abstraction. He works with a team of 10 full-time gardeners, as well as volunteers, from worldly horticulturists to teenage French apprentices.

Fruire in maniera innovativa i beni culturali: report da TECHNOLOGYforALL 2015 - Archeomatica Un particolare successo di pubblico e un'attenta partecipazione per la Conferenza “Strumenti intelligenti per i beni culturali”, in particolare alla sessione dedicata al tema "Nuove modalità di fruizione dei beni culturali", moderata da Sofia Pescarin ricercatrice CNR e da Michele Fasolo, direttore responsabile di Archeomatica, all’interno del Forum TECHOLOGYforALL 2015 svoltosi a Roma dal 12 al 14 maggio. Al centro di questo come degli altri eventi del Forum TECHNOLOGYforALL l'innovazione tecnologica, sempre più rapida e pervasiva nella sua diffusione che tocca uno spettro sempre più ampio di processi. Sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda la relazione di Eva Pietroni ricercatrice nell'ambito dei Musei Virtuali ed applicazioni interattive per i musei, dell'Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali del CNR, che ha portato un contributo sul Museo Virtuale della Valle del Tevere e Lucus Feroniae.

david hockney: me draw on iPad oct 11, 2011 david hockney: me draw on iPad copenhagen’s louisiana museum exhibited david hockney’s digital paintings in ‘me draw on iPad’ presented at the louisiana museum of modern art in copenhagen, ‘me draw on iPad‘ is an exhibition of the digital paintings created by british artist david hockney using the iPhone and iPad with the ‘brushes’ app. the installation includes 20 touch iPods and 20 iPads mounted along the walls, on each of which several paintings are exhibited on a sequential loop. a large-format triptych slide show directed by hockney displays additional works, while several projections showcase footage of hockney’s process and a start-to-finish animation playback of several pieces. over the course of the exhibition, hockney occasionally sent new iPad drawings via e-mail to be added to the show, illustrating an interesting potential that the digital medium offers for museum exhibition. installation view of the iPads image © designboom closer viewimage © designboom

Banques d'images | Enseignement des ARTS PLASTIQUES Images, photos et vidéos, gratuites et libres de droits, tous types de formats. Il est parfois demandé une création de compte pour pouvoir les télécharger. Images fixes (CC) Search - Creative Commons. Toutes les images libres de droits librement accessibles (en anglais). FLICKR – Photos libres (CC). Vidéos libres de droits Des vidéos à utiliser comme ambiance, fonds, interludes, etc. PEXELSvideo : libres et sans compte à créer, une navigation par mots clefs ou par thème. Ex.

Saikutatko? Työnantaja voi puuttua poissaoloihin: palkka pois, korvaavaa työtä ja keskustelu | Yle Uutiset | Sairauslomalapun hakija saattaa yllättyä kovasti, kun työnantaja sanookin, että työntekijä voikin tehdä vaikkapa paperitöitä kun asiakaspalvelu ei sujukaan esimerkiksi äänen menetyksen vuoksi. Varatuomari Kaija Kess toteaa suoraan, että lääkärin kirjoittama sairauslomatodistus on vain lääkärin antama lausunto potilaan työkyvystä tai työkyvyttömyydestä. – Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että lääkäri ei päätä sairauslomasta, eikä varsinkaan sen palkallisuudesta. Töissä pitää olla kivaa.Riitta Uhrman Terveystalon työterveyden ylilääkäri Minna Pihlajamäki vahvistaa asian. – Se on vain suositus poissaoloon. Työntekijä voi potilassalaisuuteen vedoten piilottaa sairauden tunnistetiedot työnantajalta, mutta työnantajalla on palkanmaksua varten oikeus pyytää lisäselvityksiä. Lääkärin suositus poissaolosta ei velvoita työntekijääkään. – Potilaallakaan ei ole mitään velvollisuutta noudattaa sitä, mutta hyvässä hoitosuhteessa näistä asioista keskustellaan niin, että myös potilas sitoutuu hoitoon. Lue lisää:

Cyberpunk urbanscapes: neon noir photography by Noe Alonzo - toner magazine Noe Alonzo is a photographer based in South Korea. Alonzo is an urban and landscape photographer; he is famous for his neon noir artworks, inspired by cyberpunk iconography. Toner Magazine asked few questions to him. Noe, where do you get your inspiration? Initially, I got inspired to shoot in this style by watching the works of other photographers, particularly those in Japan. This picture is part of a collaboration to the group at /r/neoncities on Reddit Which is the reletioship and influence beetween your cultural backgorund (country, studies, etc.) and your artworks? I think most people would be shocked to hear that there is not much relationship between me and my cultural background. What are you much focused in? At the moment, I am most focused on growing my Youtube channel. Have you encountered any difficulties when you first started your art/freelance career? Actually, it is not my career. Over these years, what is the most important thing you have learnt from your profession?

TECHNOLOGY for ALL Mutate Britain Beaux Arts | L’art comme vous ne le verrez nulle part ailleurs

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