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ESL Flashcards

ESL Flashcards
Here you will find a collection of hundreds of flashcards for ESL kids. Each flashcard set has both small (four on one A4 sheet) and large (two on one A4 sheet) versions. There are two copies of each card, one with a word describing the picture, and the other without a description so that you can write your own. This is particularly helpful with differences in American and British English. The flashcards are saved as .pdf files which are opened in your browser with Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF reader. Most computers already have this installed but if not, you can download it here for free. Below the vocabulary list for each flashcard theme, there is a 'Single Flashcard Wizard' which you can use to print individual cards instead of a whole set. To get started, choose a flashcard category from the list on the right.

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Blog- Elementary English Language Learners
