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Flashcards: The world's largest online library of printable flash cards ::VitalSmarts - Books:: The truth is, we all need to be better influencers. Hardly a day passes that we don’t try to influence others to do something different. We do our best to motivate employees to demonstrate more concern for profitability. We struggle to enable our teams to complete projects on time and on budget. An Influencer motivates and enables others to change. This acclaimed leadership book combines the skills used by hundreds of successful change agents with five decades of the best social science research. As you read this book you’ll learn how to identify a handful of high-leverage behaviors that lead to rapid and profound change, use vicarious experience to change thoughts and actions, and marshal multiple sources of influence to make change inevitable. Influencer gives you powerful strategies to create rapid, dramatic, and permanent change in others – whether that’s your team or entire organization. Influencing human behavior is one of the most difficult challenges leaders face. View videos

CoboCards Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia BrainFlips | Home of the world's smartest flashcards | Flashcards | Online Flashcard | Online Flashcards Tim Berners-Lee Announces Web Science Initiative - Studying the This morning I participated in a conference call by MIT and the University of Southampton in Britain, announcing an initiative called Web Science. Tim Berners-Lee is leading the program, which is essentially about formalizing a new kind of scientific discipline called Web Science. The goal is to understand the deeper structure of the social Web and how people are using it. But as well as studying the Web, they also hope to shape the future of the Web. Web science will have both social and engineering dimensions. As the NY Times reported, it will include the emerging research in social networks and the social sciences that is being used to study how people behave on the Web. As Berners-Lee summarized it in a pre-conference interview with the BBC: "What we're saying is that it's becoming so important that things like Wikipedia are being created, new business models are emerging and that it's changing our lives so much that we have to have a science to understand this." Summary

gFlascards MindSnacks - Learn Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, and more on your iPhone, iTouch and iPad Online Flashcards with Spaced Repetition: FlashcardDB Phil Windley's Technometria | Web Science: Do We Need a New Disc I'm in a panel at WWW2007 on Web Science, essentially a proposal for a new discipline. The field would be interdisciplinary, taking things from areas as diverse as sociology, physics, biology, law, and psychology, as well as the areas you might immediately think of like computer science or math. What is Web Science? Here's a quote from a Science paper on Web Science: When we discuss an agenda for a science of the Web, we use the term "science" in two ways. The Web Science Method, is a cycle, which Tim Berners-Lee used as an underlying framework for his talk this morning. So what makes Web Science worthy of being a new discipline? Peter makes the point that if Web Science is merely a collection of informaticians with a common application area, that's not a new discipline. Danny responds that the Web is more than an interesting application. Nigel makes the point that names and slogans can have real force. Danny makes a clarification regarding fields and disciplines.

Anki - friendly, intelligent flashcards It's All Semantics: Open Data, Linked Data & The Semantic Web Yesterday we summarized some of the main developments in the Linked Data world over the past year. Linked Data is a W3C-backed movement that is all about connecting data sets across the Web. It can be viewed as a subset of the wider Semantic Web movement, which is about adding meaning to the Web. However, there is some confusion in the Semantic Web community about the crossover. To add to the confusion, there is a term called 'Open Data' that is being bandied around too. So what's the beef with all of these terms? The Difference Between Open Data and Linked Data In the discussion over yesterday's post, a few people tweeted that the U.K. government's public data website is mostly populated with 'Open Data' and not 'Linked Data.' Titti Cimmino put it nicely: Open Data is simply 'data on the web,' whereas Linked Data is a 'web of data.' However, the idea of Open Data is to turn it into Linked Data. Linked Data and The Semantic Web Even Wikipedia can't define Semantic Web...

FlashCards Curation - The Third Web Frontier Posted by Guest Writer - January 8, 2011 Here is a guest article by Partice Lamothe - CEO of Pearltrees (Pearltrees is a consulting client of SVW.) This is a lightly edited version of "La troisième frontière du Web" that appeared in the magazine OWNI - Digital Journalism - March 2010. The article argues that the founding pricinciples of the Internet are only now being implemented and that the next frontier is in organizing, or curating, the Internet. By Patrice Lamothe Everyone realizes that the web is entering a new phase in its development. One indication of this transition is the proliferation of attempts to explain the changes that are occurring. Although these explanations are both pertinent and intriguing, none of them offers an analytical matrix for assessing the developments that are now underway. The "real time web," for example, is one of the clearest and most influential trends right now. In contrast, other explanations are far too broad to serve any useful purpose.

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