background preloader Understand what you read Professional Website Design Software for Designers | Create a Website | Webydo blubbr - Play & create video trivia games Website Builder - Create a website in minutes - Sidengo PollSnack | Online survey software, web poll & questionnaire tool An Author Website Checklist For some publishing projects, it’s unclear who is responsible for what when it comes to marketing. Should the author or the publisher tweet and publish Facebook posts? Who answers reader emails? And, perhaps most importantly, who runs the author website? Because many authors are published by several publishers — and many self-publish their own work — an author’s Web presence can be scattered and have many owners, writes publishing expert and Digital Book World 2015 conference chairman Mike Shatzkin. Unfortunately, who creates, manages and owns an author’s website isn’t an issue that will be resolved for every author any time soon. – List of all the author’s books, listed chronologically and by series – Landing page for each book, including the cover, a description, reviews, excerpts, links to retail sites and other important metadata that would help readers discover the title and decide to buy – Contact page so readers can easily send an email and get a response – Email capture

Diary of a Techie Chick Why You Don’t Need a Huge Platform to Get Published—And What it Really Takes Instead These days everyone knows that you need a platform to get published. But if you’re like a lot of people I meet, you’re overwhelmed, short on time, and not sure where to begin. It feels impossible. Part of our problem is that we blow things out of proportion. But here’s the good news. I speak from significant experience on this point. The real issue isn’t the quantity of fans and followers. If you’re focused on building massive platform, you’ll waste a lot of effort. Passion. If you want to find a top-notch literary agent, avoid the slush pile at publishing houses, or create a massive launch for your self-published book, a highly engaged platform is the answer. There are a lot of other potential questions about what it takes to succeed as an author in today’s publishing world. Maybe you’re wondering about …

Kemal Gonen's Blog — “Teaching in the Internet age means we must teach tomorrow’s skills today.” – Jennifer Fleming
