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Guns N' Roses - November Rain

Guns N' Roses - November Rain

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Love is my Weapon…. Mus… « creativeresourcesbd Love is my Weapon…. Music is my Religion …Peace is in my Soul … Like this: Like Loading... Old Red Goes Green: Recycled Wall Brick Built to Save Water It might look like your typical old red clay house-building brick on one side, but turn it over and there is a shift that hints at a deeper design change – one that is eco-friendly but also expressive in a way that most walls or brick are not. Designed by Jin-young Yoon to be made from recycled plastic and decomposed leaves, this brick is green from the ground up (so to speak). More than just its composite materials, however, built-in grooves are designed to funnel water for gardening or even long-term underground storage.

In mobile, it's now a three-way race By Kevin Kelleher, contributor FORTUNE – In a world increasingly going mobile, platform is destiny. The operating system will determine who rules -- or at least who has a seat at a lavish feast. Whether manufacturing phones or tablets, selling mobile ads or developing apps, the operating software running the show will determine how well it succeeds. Although there are several mobile platforms in the market or in development, only three really matter: Apple's (AAPL) iOS, Google's (GOOG) Android and Microsoft's (MSFT) Windows Phone 8.

Fast forwarding women in tech Few women have joined or founded startups and gained the kind of experience that enables their careers to explode like Marissa Mayer's. Here are specific recommendations on accelerating the pace of women in high-tech. By Jack Hidary and Cindy Padnos Photo: Asa Mathat India’s Massive Blackout Calls for Smarter Grid, From the Bottom Up The only good thing about India’s daily blackouts is that when there’s a truly massive power outage, people are prepared for it. Thus, when the power went out across eight northern Indian states early Monday morning, leaving some 370 million people in the dark, most of the critical facilities -- Delhi’s international airport, hospitals and police stations, large-scale commercial and industrial power users and higher-end homes and apartments -- were ready to go with backup generators. But everyday people were stuck with no light, no heat, and no public transportation. Traffic jams snarled thoroughfares without traffic lights, rail commuters were stuck in stalled electric trains, and small businesses had to close. Then, on Tuesday, things got worse, with a 20-state blackout that cut power for anywhere between 620 million and 680 million people -- about half of India’s population, or twice the number of people now living in the United States. India’s Grid in Dire Need of Repair

25 Years After First Solar Restaurant, Germany Breaks 25% Renewable Energy Barrier Rappenecker Huette/Promo imageGuests enjoy a pause for beer or a meal at the Rappenecker Huette, Europe's first solar restaurant; Inset: Solar panels on restaurant roof (Fraunhofer Institute) 25 years to 25 percent. A good start towards Germany's aggressive renewable energy goals. According to German law (pdf), renewable energy shall account for: Using Social Media to Test Your Idea Before You Try to Sell It Offerings from Creme Delicious. When starting a business, new entrepreneurs often spend time naming the business and developing a logo and printing business cards and perfecting the look and feel of their packaging before they know whether they have a viable product or service. There’s now a better way — social media has become the ultimate tool for market research. Stephanie Clifford wrote an article for The Times this week about how big corporations are replacing focus groups with social media, but it works for small businesses, too. Thanks to social media — especially Twitter — small businesses now have the ability to determine what their customers want and what they are willing to pay.

Chris B. Leyerle: A Renewable Future Present-Day Germany ~ Europe's largest national economy hit a milestone in the first half of this year—for the first time, 25% of German electricity generation came from renewable sources. Wind energy was the largest contributor of green power, accounting for 9.2 percent of all energy output... Biomass, or material acquired from living organisms, accounted for 5.7 percent and solar technology for 5.3 percent. Germany is the largest market for electricity in Europe, and has long been a leader in boldly reshaping its energy policy, including forswearing all nuclear after Japan's Fukushima disaster. Best Place in the World to Start a Company The relative merits of various cities as locations for start-ups is a favorite media talking point. Is New York approaching parity with fabled Silicon Valley? Check out the start-up scenes sprouting in formerly down-and-out cities! Or, look at the unlikely places abroad where start-up clusters are forming.

Match Point - Laptop Case by Jacquelyn Schmelter The slim Match Point laptop bag by Jacquelyn Schmelter makes it possible to carry utilities around in a stylish way while conserving less space. Designed for artists and designers, this sharp looking design will not only secure a laptop but also features an integrated graphics tablet so the user can get creative in any situation. Designer: Jacquelyn Schmelter A High Resolution Experience There’s a new generation of devices really changing how we look at the web, Apple calls it Retina, others call it HiDPI (high dots per inch), but it’s been trickling its way up mostly through mobile phones and then in tablets with the iPad 3. Basically the idea is that the pixels are so close together you can’t even see them, even if you put your nose right up to the screen. (Wipe off your screen now.) My mind was personally blown when I first saw the new Retina Macbook Pro — basically Apple took the clarity of the retina screen and brought it to full 15″ laptop (which also has amazing other specs) and the result is remarkable.

Tap Canal Currents for 12 kW of Power Apiece Hydrovolts featured in this artice from Gizmodo: Irrigation canals are the blood vessels of agriculture, delivering water throughout America’s farmland. Pretty soon, they may well deliver a bit of electricity too, thanks to the Hydrovolt micro-generator. Project Management To an increasing extent, today’s projects involve large numbers of people and vast amounts of information. Global competition, coupled with rapidly advancing technologies and innovation, has resulted in projects that are completed within ever tighter time frames and budget constraints. A Professional Project Management is critical for the success of a project. This involves the bringing together of people focused on communication, organisation and the flow of information. In our project management we are targeted towards ensuring that results meet expectations and that clients and project partners are kept informed and feeling secure and confident. Our project management expertise covers engineering projects within building, construction, transportation as well as water and environment.

Venger Wind Unveils World's Largest Rooftop Wind Farm in Oklahoma City Venger Wind and US renewable distributor SWG Energy just installed the world’s largest rooftop wind farm atop the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) in Oklahoma City. The project saw Venger Wind construct 18 V2 vertical axis wind turbines on the medical center’s roof as part of OMRF’s sustainability strategy to create a zero emissions research tower. The omni-directional wind turbines have been integrated into the design of the building and precisely positioned to collect wind from both the North and South sides of the rooftop farm.

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