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Boule et Bill le site officiel - Tout l'univers de Boule et Bill Mot de passe oublié ? Mon panier Les dernières pages visitées : Site dédié de Boule et Bill À l'abordage avec Boule et Bill morality structure The US Department of Defense, working with top computer scientists, philosophers, and roboticists from a number of US universities, has finally begun a project that will tackle the tricky topic of moral and ethical robots. This multidisciplinary project will first try to pin down exactly what human morality is, and then try to devise computer algorithms that will imbue autonomous robots with moral competence — the ability to choose right from wrong. As we move steadily towards a military force that is populated by autonomous robots — mules, foot soldiers, drones — it is becoming increasingly important that we give these machines — these artificial intelligences — the ability to make the right decision. Yes, the US DoD is trying to get out in front of Skynet before it takes over the world. How very sensible. This project is being carried out by researchers from Tufts, Brown, and the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), with funding from the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

Jeux Populaires by Games2win Games » Online Popular Games This is what you came here for, the best of the best; games that will blow your mind while you blow stuff up. A collection of wicked awesome games that will keep you playing for hours or at least till your parents stop you. So what are you waiting for jump right in. ▲ Less to build a_brain An interesting pair of news posts caught my eye this week, and they’re worth presenting for general discussion. First, VentureBeat has an interview with futurologist Ray Kurzweil, who made waves in 2005 with his book The Singularity Is Near. In it, Kurzweil posits that we’re approaching a point at which human intelligence will begin to evolve in ways we cannot predict. The assumption is that our superintelligent computers (or brains) will allow us to effectively reinvent what being human means. In our present state, we are, by definition, incapable of understanding what human society would look like after such a shift. Mrow

Caillou Crédits CAILLOU © DHX Cookie Jar Inc. CAILLOU est une marque déposée de Les Editions Chouette. Utilisée sous licence par Divertissement DHX Cookie Jar Inc. the DNA artefact Scientists have succeeded in creating the first organism with “alien” DNA. In normal DNA, which can be found within the genes of every organism , the twin strands of the double helix are bonded together with four bases, known as T, G, A, and C. In this new organism, the researchers added two new bases, X and Y, creating a new form of DNA that (as far as we know) has never occurred after billions of years of evolution on Earth or elsewhere in the universe. Console-toi Blog Nous vous en avions fait l’écho, Nintendo et Magnum Photos s’apprètent à dévoiler une exposition des plus originales! La 3Ds ne sert pas qu’à jouer et Nintendo veut mettre en avant cette possibilité offerte au grand public, avec ses deux objectifs, de réaliser des photos en 3D stéréoscopique. Nintendo et Magnum Photos, célèbre agence créée en 1947 par Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger et David Seymour, vont exposer des photos réalisées avec les objectifs de la Nintendo 3DS. Les clichés sont les oeuvres de trois des photographes de l’agence: Martin Parr, Gueorgui Pinkhassov et Thomas Dworzak. Cette exposition se déroulera à partir de demain à la Magnum Gallery et jusqu’au 17 septembre 2011.

african nollywood Es discreto, solitario y capaz de todo porque no tiene miedo, según afirman quienes le conocen. Se deja ver poco y le han dado por muerto varias veces. Es uno de los terroristas más buscados de toda África, el líder del grupo más sanguinario. El escurridizo Abubakar Shekau ha logrado llamar la atención del mundo con el secuestro de más de 200 niñas en el norte de Nigeria, pero lleva años sembrando el terror en su país desde que ascendió a la jefatura de Boko Haram en 2009. Más de 4.000 muertos en ataques y atentados dan fe de ello.

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