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Digital Compass

Digital Compass

Related:  Role play and suchVärdegrundDigital Citizenship

You Have The Power Understanding energy and energy solutions is necessary if current and future generations are going to help solve our energy challenges. Being armed with a greater understanding of energy allows us to be better decision-makers and to make wiser choices in our personal lives, as well as in our communities. Energy-related decisions usually require the work of many experts to address economic, political, environmental, social, and other factors.

Trace my Shadow- Examine your online footprint MAC Address Logs on Router Logging of MAC addresses is usually done only on the immediate router or host that provides the IP address to MAC address association. Although on some networks the MAC address is logged as well on some routers within the local network. Cybersafety educational resources for teachers and schools: Cybersmart Professional development The Cybersmart Outreach program has been in high demand since its introduction, with many schools booking for repeat presentations. Over 2015 the ACMA will be placing a high priority on visiting those schools who have already registered, but have not yet received, one of our presentations.

GeoGames GeoGames challenges players to Build Planet Earth and Map Countries and Cities using fun graphics and sound effects on an animated 3D globe. The game focuses on cognitive concepts, such as spatial relationships (where the continents are in relation to each other and to the oceans), nesting (how a city is a unit within a country, a country is a unit within a continent), and how countries, continents and oceans have vastly different sizes (scale.) Designed to help educators teach and assess students' geography mapping skills, GeoGames can be played as a group activity or individually. Reading, Writing, Cyber Civics: Schools Grapple With Creating Good Digital Citizens Faced with problems like cyber-bullying, fake news and social media addiction, schools are dedicating class time to teaching students how to use digital tools responsibly. While the approaches of schools in the Roaring Fork Valley may differ, they share the same goal of teaching kids to be good digital citizens. Tim Connolly and his 6th graders are talking cyber civics at the Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork today. He reads scenarios about things like creating fake Snapchat accounts or responding to hurtful online comments. They jump in to discuss.

Eight things you need to do right now to protect yourself online 1. Use unique passwords for all your accounts What: Stop kidding yourself that you only re-use passwords on accounts that don’t matter, or that you have an unbreakable password scheme that no one else can guess. Every single thing with a password needs to have a unique password, shared with nothing else. Klondike - Rush for Gold In the summer of 1897 two ocean going steamers landed on the west coast of the United States. One ship, The Excelsior, landed in San Francisco and three days later The Portland landed in Seattle. Down the gangplank of these two ships went a rag-tag group of men and women carrying sacks of gold.

Kate Winslet and the little Australian anti-bullying film that took on the world When one of Australian writer-director Galvin Scott Davis’ little boys was bullied he wanted to comfort him by reading him a book about overcoming bullies. But when he searched the well-stocked bookshelf in his bedroom, he couldn’t find one. So he turned to his own imagination and made up a story. “My middle boy was acting quiet and I found out that he’d been bullied. Harvard case offers reminder of perils of online misbehavior The racist social-media posts were originally shared only among friends — in text messages and a Google document. But someone took screenshots, which led Harvard University to revoke an offer of admission to a Parkland high school survivor. The decision announced Monday serves as a reminder to aspiring college students and all young people that online comments, even those considered private, can resurface and be used against them. It’s relatively unusual for colleges to rescind admission offers.

Digital Citizenship Flashcards Another academic year is here and with it comes new clothes, lessons, and of course, new technologies. But are your child's digital citizenship skills back-to-school ready? If not, don't worry. To help them make the grade, download these flashcards to help them boost their online know-how. From safety and privacy to literacy and online responsibility, these cards cover digital citizenship basics and have conversation starters to get you and your child thinking and talking.

Lost Luggage – Speaking Activity – Mike Astbury – Teaching Games This is a practical speaking activity, designed to be part of a task based learning style lesson for a strong intermediate class. The material is adaptable for a variety of levels. [CLICK HERE to download the handouts.]

Brújula digital es el único juego educativo que da a los niños la libertad de explorar cómo las decisiones tomadas en sus vidas digitales pueden afectar sus relaciones y futuro. La aplicación está diseñada para plataformas iOS y Android. by jrmadero Apr 19

Digital Compass es una herramienta digital que le ayuda a los niños a conocer los aspectos básicos de la ciudadanía digital y el aprendizaje digital a través de juegos interactivos diseñados para cursos entre 6 y 9. El juego se desarrolla dentro de la simulación de un mundo digital.Mientras los estudiantes crean una historia para determinado personaje, se involucran con una variedad de habilidades conceptuales y de pensamiento. Ellos tienen que pensar estratégicamente en como crear un adecuado sendero digital para su personaje, las desiciones que tomen para resolver algún problema inesperado y cómo anticipar riesgos potenciales.Versión disponible para iOS y Android by academytic Jun 5
