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sans titre Introduction Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a technique which can be employed during fertility treatment to test an embryo’s genes before deciding whether to transfer the embryo to a woman’s uterus. The technique is primarily used to detect serious heritable disorders, such as Tay-Sachs or cystic fibrosis, which the parents wish to avoid passing on to their children. It can also be used for more controversial purposes, however, such as selecting for a child who can serve as a tissue donor for a sick sibling, selecting for a child with a certain condition, such as deafness, and selecting for a child of a particular sex. In nearly all countries with advanced fertility clinics carrying out PGD, the technique is limited by legal restrictions on its acceptable use. The USA stands apart in its laissez-faire approach towards the use of PGD.

SCHOOLS IN THE UK AND THE US - 4e par Isabelle Beaubreuil sur Genially Isabelle Beaubreuil (Ac. Limoges) School in the UK School in the USA We featured Bridges of London earlier this week. However, the public realm relating to the Thames is more than the river itself and the bridges crossing it. One of London’s defining features, in recent times, as the Thames has cleaned and the spaces beside it have become less-traffic choked, is its riverside frontage. This lovely new illustrated map by Martin Thompson focuses both on the bridges and on the public realm beside the river. Running from Canary Wharf and Greenwich in the east, to Battersea Park in the west, it includes beautiful sketches of the 12 foot-accessible bridges in this section, the iconic buildings alongside, and other little details, such as the lost (that is, now underground) smaller rivers that meet the Thames in this central part of the capital. Martin redraws the river as a straight line of fixed width, with the buildings on either side flaring out and away from it.

Resources > Inventory of ICT tools Evaluation criteria: Added value: What is the potential of the tool for achieving learning objectives? Usability: How easy is the tool to use and to adapt to your teaching context? Listen, learn and teach English for elementary and pre-intermediate English learners For teachers These podcasts can be used in your classroom or computer lab to supplement course book listenings. The conversations are more authentic and so the language is more natural. They therefore provide a refreshing alternative to scripted listenings.

Designer babies: an ethical horror waiting to happen? Comfortably seated in the fertility clinic with Vivaldi playing softly in the background, you and your partner are brought coffee and a folder. Inside the folder is an embryo menu. Each embryo has a description, something like this: Embryo 78 – male• No serious early onset diseases, but a carrier for phenylketonuria (a metabolic malfunction that can cause behavioural and mental disorders. Carriers just have one copy of the gene, so don’t get the condition themselves).• Higher than average risk of type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.• Lower than average risk of asthma and autism.• Dark eyes, light brown hair, male pattern baldness.• 40% chance of coming in the top half in SAT tests.

Mr. Duck and Mr. Turkey (Rhyme) - Chansons enfantines américaines - États-Unis - Mama Lisa's World en français: Comptines et chansons pour les enfants du monde entier Jeu de doigts (Anglais) 1. Use pop songs to learn connected speech and sound more fluent in English Colm Boyd, a materials writer and British Council teacher in Barcelona shows how attention to connected speech in pop music can help improve fluency in spoken English. What is connected speech? When people are learning English, they often pronounce words as they appear in print: Where do you live? → /wɛr/ /du/ /ju/ /lɪv/ An English speaker who is very fluent will pronounce the sentence differently. Book Cover Creator The Book Cover Creator is designed to allow users to type and illustrate front book covers, front and back covers, and full dust jackets. Students can use the tool to create new covers for books that they read as well as to create covers for books they write individually or as a class. Students can use text tools to add formatting to their titles and book notes, add shading to background areas of the cover, and draw original images to illustrate their covers and dust jackets. The tool is easy to use, made even easier with the Book Cover Planning Sheets, printable PDFs that students can use to draft and revise their work before creating and printing their final book covers or dust jackets. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Recurring Lesson

What makes 'Black Panther' so special? Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another video for the British Council’s LearnEnglish Teens website and their YouTube channel. I’m so excited to be making this video today about the Black Panther film which recently came out. For those of you who do not know what the film’s about or maybe haven’t seen it yet, it basically follows the story of the Marvel comic, the ‘Black Panther’, where our Wakandan king, T'Challa, is both the superhero and the king of the movie. The poo panacea: inside the strange, surprising world of faecal transplants The man and woman are wearing blue hospital gowns and clear face shields. Dr James Sones and Dr Indu Srinivasan are in a room in the Division of Digestive Diseases at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. They are about to create something that has spread through medicine like, well, a shitstorm. Sones takes a brown gloopy material and spoons it into what looks like a regular kitchen blender. The camera zooms in to a label on it: faecal blender.

Anglais – Fiches culture Je vous propose dans cet article des fiches pour travailler les éléments culturels des pays de langue anglaise. Sur chaque fiche quelques phrases en anglais, un texte explicatif, des illustrations et des activités (coloriages, mots mêlés…). Je vous laisse les découvrir et contribuer si vous le souhaitez car la trame est à disposition. The United Kingdom The United States of America The english breakfast Time We all have an image in our minds of what the American dream looks like, but rarely do we see it photographed. For the past 20 years, Beth Yarnelle Edwards has been documenting suburban families in an effort to capture how the American dream has changed over time. Edwards’ Suburban Dreams project was born in 1997, growing out of Beth’s disillusionment with her own life in the suburbs. “I felt isolated and trapped, but I realized that the people around me really loved being there,” she tells TIME. Edwards started the project by photographing her network of friends and acquaintances near her home in San Carlos, California.

Postcard Creator The Postcard Creator helps students learn to identify all the typical parts of a postcard, and then generate their own postcard messages by typing information into templates. Students fill in the address, details on the postcard's artwork, and the postcard message. The finished postcard can then be previewed, edited, and printed. After printing their texts, students can illustrate the front of their postcards in a variety of ways, including drawing a picture, creating a collage of images, or printing and pasting clipart in place. The tool is easy to use, made even easier with the Postcard Planning Sheet, a printable PDF students can use to draft and revise their work before creating and printing their final postcards on the computer. See a completed sample Postcard based on Where the Wild Things Are for details on what a student's work might look like.
