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Birds by Abby Diamond

Birds by Abby Diamond

beatriz Cover Premonition First Encounter Grandma and Wolf Garden "Garden" - ink, watercolor and gouache on paper - 10" x 10" Artwork © Lawrence Yang 2010 my blog | my site | purchase inquiries Matheus Lopes Manifesto, traditional art, mixed media Building a galaxy, digital art, mixed media Alternate ending, digital art, mixed media Ace of Wands, digital art, mixed media 20 Amazing Watercolor Masterpieces This is the first of its kind post on Designzzz. The reason this subject of watercolor paintings is selected because these paintings cannot carry as much detail as other routine oil or digital paintings. That is due to the fact that watercolours are not that sophisticated with gradients and swirls. This aspect makes it the most aspiring brand of art, hence we are sharing a collection 20 watercolor paintings from all over the internet.

A Butterfly Effect Art Print by Norman Duenas New All « PrevNext » « Prev1234 ... 80Next » Video Transcript What is art? Dissected artists This would have made art history much more interesting, don´t you agree?! Created by DDB Brazil for the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) Art School, this awesome campaign took artists as Dali, Van Gogh, Picasso and dissected them to show their inside illustrated in the same style as their famous artworks. A brilliant idea and execution! Unfortunately, this is just a sneak peek, but definitely we´ll keep you guys posted when they come up with more… Advertising Agency: DDB, Brazil Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Marco Versolato, Wilson Mateos, Luciano Lincoln Art Director: Leonardo Rotundo Copywriter: Fred Sekkel Illustrators: Marcos Falcão, 6B Estúdio Photographer: Ricardo Barcellos Account Supervisors: Mônica de Carvalho, Andrei Croisfelt, Daniel Malavazzi, Adriana Barreto. I don’t do drugs.

Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design Gabriel Moreno does beautiful work with such basic materials: a pen and a brush. His illustrations begin in black and white, upon which Moreno builds, adding layers of color and images of other places and people tattooed into their skin. Flowers, birds, and faces organically expand from his subjects, as if a rush of creativity, or a dream, is escaping them. 20 awesome examples of street art If you still need a proof that art can be found anywhere, those awesome examples of great street art should convince you. Watercolor with Grace and Ease ~ Meet The Boardwalk Artist Series ~ Featured Artist ~ Mary Ellen Golden Many thanks to Mary Ellen for such a great bio! Next week another Boardwalk artist will be featured - so don't forget to stop by! Watercolor is considered a difficult medium by many people. My goal is to create a space in which it happens with grace and ease. My very first art teacher was Margaret Cooper in Rose Hill, North Carolina. I studied oil painting with her from the age of 10 until I went off to college at 17.

Dirt Poster « Whitezine Dirt Poster is a Design and Graphic-Design work made by Roland Reiner Tiangco, a new graduate of a Design School, living in New York. While handling the poster, your hands starts to get dirty, and this dirt allows you to see what’s the poster is all about. Check out also the artist’s Website. Dirt Poster BanksyInside - A Digital Magazine Dropping What's Fresh on the Web The mysterious Banksy just released some new paintings on his website. You heard it right, Banksy painted on a canvas. All Banksy fans will appreciate. Here are a few of my favourites.
