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Big Data Means More Than Big Profits - Jim Fruchterman by Jim Fruchterman | 8:00 AM March 19, 2013 Big Data is all the rage in Silicon Valley. From Facebook to Netflix, companies are tracking and analyzing our searches, our purchases, and just about every other online activity that will give them more insight into who we are and what we want. And though they use the massive sets of data they collect to help create a better experience for their consumers (such as customized ads or tailored movie recommendations), their primary goal is to use what they learn to maximize profits. But can Big Data also create positive social change? Interactive Maps for Video Games, Fantasy Worlds Find maps below for video games and fantasy worlds featured in movies and TV shows. The interactive maps are annotated extensively with markers for locations, characters, items, and more. And if you find something that is incorrect or missing, please edit or add it to the map. The Elder Scrolls Online Maps

Advanced Media Workflow Association AMWA and EBU have formed a Joint Task Force on a Framework for Interoperability of Media Services (FIMS) in TV Production. While the market is moving away from traditional videocentric technologies in favour of IT based ones, the design and management of enterprise level production systems is still a challenge for most broadcasters. A main obstacle has been identified in the lack of standard interfaces between components and systems that forces system integrators to devote consistent resources in the development of custom adapters to integrate components from different vendors. 12 Must Watch TED Talks for Entrepreneurs We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. TED is a circuit of highly popular conferences that present "Ideas Worth Spreading" - which have quickly grown to become some of the most well known conferences around the world. TED has attracted presenters such as Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, Larry Page, and a large handful of Nobel Prize Winners. Many of the presentations, known as TED Talks, present ideas that are particularly valuable to entrepreneurs. I put together a collection of TED Talks that all entrepreneurs, including ecommerce store owners, should find interesting and worthwhile.

Clean Tech News & Views: Solar Energy News. Wind Energy News. EV News. & More. A number of research teams have tackled the whole “how much could (or should) renewable energy power our grid?” question. Of course, the regions studied, goals of the studies, technology assumptions, and other parameters have varied, so the studies come to various conclusions. Here are some of the most notable studies I’ve seen: Country-, region-, city-, county-, and mode-specific studies can also be found here. How Can Big Data Have a Social Impact? Find us on Google+ facebook twitter linked-in Email Subscribe Login Up for Debate: How Can Big Data Have a Social Impact? Wind Map An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. The wind map is a personal art project, not associated with any company.

10 Awesome Infographics for Graphic Designers As a graphic designer, you’ve probably designed at least a few infographics for your clients – or even for fun. You can create (and sell) infographics for any topic or industry, which means infographics can be a lucrative source of income. Some designers make a full-time living designing infographics alone. And while infographics always require the talents of a graphic designer, how many infographics have you seen that feature graphic designers? The Best Mac Apps of 2012 So Far As you some of you may have seen, we recently asked our Twitter and Facebook followers to name their favorite Mac desktop apps of the year so far – thanks again to everyone who sent us suggestions. After a little in-house brainstorming, we took the decision to add a few apps that were released earlier than 2012, but have become very important in our lives this year. Here’s the full selection we came up with, from blockbusters to hidden gems. 1. Angry Birds Space (Game) If we live in the same universe, chances are it doesn’t need an introduction, but just in case: Angry Birds Space is the latest installment in the Angry Birds franchise, and one of our personal favorites.

Commercial Pressures on Land "The Land Matrix is a global and independent land monitoring initiative. Our goal is to facilitate an open development community of citizens, researchers, policy-makers and technology specialists to promote transparency and accountability in decisions over land and investment. The data should not be taken as a reliable representation of reality. Reality is fast-changing as deals are changed, annulled or new ones spring up. Many deals are not yet included in the database.

The Square Kilometre Array: The World’s Ultimate Big Data Challenge John Kelly, Senior Vice President and Director, IBM Research By John Kelly A few weeks ago, I shared a dinner table in Johannesburg with Adrian Tiplady, one of the managers of Square Kilometre Array South Africa, which is managing the country’s involvement in the Square Kilometre Array astronomy project. Map Tunnelling Tool Tunnel to the Other Side of the Earth Have you ever wondered which part of the other side of the earth is directly below you? Find out using this map tunnelling tool. Map Tunnelling Tool Options Digital Caliper Serial Interface I could use this unit that Kevin Timmerman designed! I have the same digital caliper that he designed the serial interface for. Project Page.

Related:  Maths et environnementà Classer dans : ECOLOGIEPrends soin de ta Terre !Le Meilleur des MondesDiversSVTEDDIndicateursMaths, Sciences & TechnologieindicateursSCIENCES; TECHNOLOGIE; ÉNERGIESstatistiques