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An interactive learning tool that can help you understand what makes metered poetry in English tick.

An interactive learning tool that can help you understand what makes metered poetry in English tick.
accent: emphasis given a syllable in ordinary usage, as provided by a pronouncing dictionary. See also stress. accentual-syllabic: the prosodic mode that dominated English-language poetry 1400-1900, and that this tutorial exclusively addresses. Alike distinct from verse that is quantitative (measuring duration, as in classical Greek and Latin), accentual (counting only beats, as in Old English), and syllabic (counting only syllables, as in certain: 20th-cy. experiments), accentual-syllabic verse is based on recurrent units (feet) that combine slacks and stresses in fixed sequence.

Rhythm, Meter, and Scansion Made Easy Rhythm, Meter, and Scansion Made Easy I created this page as a quick reference for my students when studying rhythm. The sources I cited below were very helpful, especially X.J. Kennedy's book. Racial discrimination, white privilege, and standing up to systemic inequality: Joy DeGruy, “A trip to the grocery store” about In this video clip from World Trust’s film, Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequity, educator, author, and researcher Joy Angela DeGruy tells the story of how she and her daughter were discriminated against at a grocery store and how her sister-in-law used her White privilege to intervene, take a stand against the discriminatory and unjust interaction, and point out that moment as an example of unexamined privileges and internal biases manifesting in an institutionalized, systemic inequity. She also describes how this interaction affected not just the people directly involved, but also the people who witnessed the event.

AP Literature Class Website If you want any additional help regarding scansion (especially for those absent), come see me during my planning block (4th period) or immediately after school. The quiz on scansion will be next week sometime (I’ll figure out the date near the end of this week). It’ll be the same format as the practice, only a different order. You’ll still need to label all the syllables, divide the feet of the lines, and identify the meter of each line. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Interactive Quiz on Meter Seamus Cooney, English Test your grasp of terms and your ability to identify meters by name. It's worth pointing out that what you're learning here is merely a bit of terminology or jargon and the ability to apply it accurately. Naming meters is not the same as being sensitive to effects of rhythm in poems. Good readers who can hear what they're reading will respond to the poet's effects even if they lack the terms to name them.
