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Getting Started with OpenFrameworks. After months of peeking curiosity, this past week I finally downloaded and starting playing with OpenFrameworks and taking my first steps to learning C++.

Getting Started with OpenFrameworks

If you have a Flash / AS3 background like me you’ll quickly find that the two languages are vastly different not just in their syntax but in the way you structure a project and setup its dependencies. With that in mind, this post will hopefully ease the process and help you sidestep some potentially confusing pitfalls especially if you are coming to OpenFrameworks from an AS3 background and have experience with Object Oriented Programming. Before you begin. Here is a fantastic example of the emitter created in this tutorial as extended by reader Silvio Paganini. Learn C++ DuckDuckGo. Programming in Lua : contents. This book is a detailed and authoritative introduction to all aspects of Lua programming written by Lua's chief architect.

Programming in Lua : contents

Programming in Lua provides a solid base to any programmer who wants to use Lua. It covers all aspects of Lua—from the basics to its API with C. The book is the main source of programming patterns for Lua, with numerous code examples that help the reader to make the most of Lua's flexibility and powerful mechanisms. The book is targeted at people with some programming background, but it does not assume any prior knowledge about Lua or other scripting languages.