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APPitic: Home. 40 herramientas para aplicar la metodología flipped classroom en el aula [Infografía] La pedagogía inversa o flipped classroom es una de las metodologías educativas que más revuelo están causando. Desde que los profesores de química Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams la llevaran a la práctica por primera vez en las aulas del instituto Woodland Park High School, en Woodland Park, Colorado (Estados Unidos), ha ido sumando seguidores de manera progresiva. Este nuevo modelo de enseñanza propone darle la vuelta a la case, de modo que los alumnos adquieren los conceptos teóricos en casa, a través de la visualización de un video, una presentación o cualquier otro recurso; y después, en clase, resuelven sus dudas y trabajan de forma individual y colaborativa.

Si quieres innovar y llevar a la práctica esta metodología, te recomendamos 40 herramientas que te servirán para poner tu clase del revés. Descarga en PDF la infografía “40 Herramientas para aplicar la metodología Flipped Classroom en el aula” Crear videolecciones o videos interactivos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Puzzles Baby - Juegos educativos infantiles para iPhone, iPod touch y iPad en el App Store de iTunes. Memory games for kids Free 4-7 - Android Apps on Google Play. This educational bundle includes 4 mini-games for the development of visual memory and 3 mini-games for the training of attention and concentration.

The games are great for kids ages 4-7 years old, but watch out: parents can get addicted to them just as easily. Mini-games that train visual memory:- Who Had Which Number? - Palette- Memorize the Pictures- Memory game Mini-games that train attention and concentration:- Find All Objects- Find the Numbers- Reaction The games were designed by a professional child psychologist and are based on the materials she uses in her practice with children in preschool and elementary school.

We recommend these games to all kids, but even more to kids with ADHD / ADHS (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome / Disorder). Each game in the bundle has 4 levels of difficulty. Aplicaciones de Geoposicionamiento | A Listly List. 3G/4G/WiFi Signal & Speed Maps. WeatherSignal uses native phone sensors to measure local atmospheric conditions, which are then displayed on our live-updating weather map. Join the world's largest crowdsourced weather project.Features:✓ Readout for all the sensors on your device (think Tricorder - but real!) ✓ Widgets for temperature, magnetic, light, humidity and pressure sensors (if you have them)✓ Save all data to CSV - play with it however you like✓ Map of readings of other users and of your own, see averages within each map window, click on icons to see full readout✓ Manual reports✓ Tons of graphs (for geeks like us :))✓ Contribute to our maps (you can turn off sharing in settings) ✓ Share data to help us improve the weather forecast✓ Looks great on tablets Turn your device into a thermometer, barometer, lightmeter and hygrometer - depending on which sensors your device has - with this app your phone is a mobile science kit!

What if my phone doesn't have many sensors? *Thermometer readings are experimental! Relax Melodies Oriental Meditación HD: Música y sonidos de descanso para dormir, practicar yoga y la relajación para iPhone, iPod touch y iPad en el App Store de iTunes.


TRANSPORTE TERRESTRE - Aplicaciones de Android en Google Play. Você é caminhoneiro? Seu amigo te mostra aonde tem Cargas e você o Busca sempre que precisar da informação! Baixe e veja como é Perfeita essa Solução! Visualize no seu celular cargas e faça ótimas negociações! As cargas são incluídas por diversos embarcadores do Brasil.BUSCAGARGAS por tipo de: CAMINHAO:Bi-Truck,Truck, Vuc, Toco,Toco 3/4,Bitren, Carreta, Carreta LS,Van, Rodotrem,etc Com possibilidades de filtros tipo CARROCERIA,: Aberto, Basculante, Bau,Bug, Frigorifico, Porta Container, Graneleiro, Prancha, Passageiros,Sider, Plataforma, etcEste aplicativo foi desenvolvido para o segmento de cargas. Empresas ou pessoas incluem cargas porque necessitam de transporte e os motoristas/transportadores que precisam de serviços buscam as cargas destes em sua rota, por cidade, por estado, por raio, por tipo de caminhão, de carroceria, por espécie.

. - Caminhoneiro está vazio e buscando cargas? BUSCACARGAS O MELHOR AMIGO DO TRANSPORTADOR!