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Webdesign. BOOTSTRAP. Method Draw. A Product Hacker Toolbox - by Aymeric Rabot. How to get started shipping software into awesome products effectively. There is a nebula of tools out there. Below is a compilation of some helpful ones that I’ve used over time. Awesome products help make awesome products. Some might require further study but they are all solid tools that you will love using at any level.These resources are trusted by millions of people. You can use them as part of your everyday workflow or just try them once just to know what the world is made of. Curiosity is one path to progress. # Get Setup Homebrew – make your Mac bulletproof by packaging add-on installations (extend it with Cask) Sublime Text – light-weight editor to write anything (Atom is a great Free alternative) Git – seamless, hassle-free team collaboration and the developer’s time machine Wunderlist – team or single, keep it simple, prioritize, get things done (calendar sync. available) Alfred – quickly launch anything on your Mac (inspired spotlight on new release Yosemite) # Kickstart Your Design.

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Keepass. Virtualization Administration Guide. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Virtualization Documentation Edition 0.1 Red Hat Engineering Content Services Copyright © 2011 Red Hat, Inc. The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Red Hat under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). An explanation of CC-BY-SA is available at In accordance with CC-BY-SA, if you distribute this document or an adaptation of it, you must provide the URL for the original version. Red Hat, as the licensor of this document, waives the right to enforce, and agrees not to assert, Section 4d of CC-BY-SA to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo, JBoss, MetaMatrix, Fedora, the Infinity Logo, and RHCE are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Abstract Chapter 2. 2.1. Check hardware information on Linux with hwinfo command. Hwinfo The hwinfo command is a very handy command line tool that can be used to probe for details about hardware components. It reports information about most hardware units like cpu, hdd controllers, usb controllers, network card, graphics cards, multimedia, printers etc. Hwinfo depends on the libhd library to gather hardware information which depends on libhal.

Hwinfo is available in the repositories of Ubuntu and Debian. # ubuntu, debian $ sudo apt-get install hwinfo To install Hwinfo on Fedora or CentOS follow this post How to install hwinfo on Fedora 19/20 and CentOS 5/6 Using hwinfo The help information explains how to use it $ hwinfo --help Usage: hwinfo [options] Probe for hardware.

The options are few, just mention the hardware item for which you would like to see the information and it would display that only. 1. Running hwinfo without any options would display detailed information about all hardware units $ hwinfo 2. . $ hwinfo --short Here is the output from my system Save it to a file 3. Global DNS Propagation Checker - What's My DNS? CEH Self Study Course Package - Information Security IT Training Course. Forum. Hacking. Metasploit Securite et hacking - Le guide du pentesteur. How to use proxychains. ProxyChains - TCP and DNS through proxy server. HTTP and SOCKS. Interactive Vim tutorial.


Free & Public DNS Server List (Updated March 2014) By Tim Fisher Updated October 01, 2016. Your ISP automatically assigns DNS servers when your router or computer connects to the Internet via DHCP... but you don't have to use those. Below are free DNS servers you can use instead of the ones assigned, the best and most reliable of which, from the likes of Google and OpenDNS, you can find below: See How Do I Change DNS Servers? For help. Free & Public DNS Servers (Valid October 2016) continue reading below our video Note: Primary DNS servers are sometimes called preferred DNS servers and secondary DNS servers are sometimes called alternate DNS servers.

Why Use Different DNS Servers? One reason you might want to change from the DNS servers assigned by your ISP is if you suspect there's a problem with the ones you're using now. Another reason to change DNS servers is if you're looking for a better performing service. The Small Print Don't worry, this is good small print! [8] Register here with SafeDNS for content filtering options in several areas. Chapter 12. Storage pools. Suppose a storage administrator responsible for an NFS server creates a share to store guest virtual machines' data.

The system administrator defines a pool on the host physical machine with the details of the share ( should be mounted on /vm_data). When the pool is started, libvirt mounts the share on the specified directory, just as if the system administrator logged in and executed mount /vmdata.

If the pool is configured to autostart, libvirt ensures that the NFS share is mounted on the directory specified when libvirt is started. Once the pool starts, the files that the NFS share, are reported as volumes, and the storage volumes' paths are then queried using the libvirt APIs. The volumes' paths can then be copied into the section of a guest virtual machine's XML definition file describing the source storage for the guest virtual machine's block devices. Mémo autohébergement - Dernière mise à jour : 20 avril 2014, reprise de la partie sur le partitionnement et Owncloud / Firefox Sync / SNI. Monter son propre serveur n'est pas très compliqué et est même largement accessible pour quiconque a un peu de temps à y consacrer et quelques connaissances sur Linux.

Ce guide a été écrit dans l'optique de me servir d'aide-mémoire le jour où je devrai tout réinstaller. Il n'est donc pas forcément très détaillé ou très complet et ne vise pas à être un guide pas-à-pas pour installer son serveur. En revanche, il donne des liens vers tous les sites et toutes les ressources que j'ai utilisées, et liste les quelques points qui peuvent porter à confusion et sur lesquels on peut perdre pas mal de temps, afin de vous permettre de moins galérer que moi le jour où vous déciderez de passer à l'autohébergement. Encore une dernière remarque : il vaut mieux tout mettre en place jusqu'au serveur LAMP d'une traite, ce qui permet d'avoir une base fonctionnelle et sécurisée. Pré-requis.


Blog » An installation and everyday usage guide for libvirt and KVM. Why all this ? Today, nearly every modern computing-related company uses directly or indirectly a virtualization software. As seen with the recent Cloud computing trend, it is a sector that recently exploded in popularity and it is now accessible to everyone. There are now a LOT of alternatives to virtualize an OS : Isolation : OpenVZ, VServer, LXC, UML, BSD jails, Solaris zones…Paravirtualization : XenFull virtualization : VMWare Player/Workstation/ESX/ESXi, KVM/Qemu, Virtualbox, Bochs… When having to deal with a large pack of machines for building packages, testing software on multiple OSes or optimally use a powerful server with lots of RAM, you rapidly should, if not have to, realize that Virtual Machines can make your life significantly easier.

It was the case for us. Overview First, let’s deepen a bit the details on these two softs : KVM : KVM is a port of the Qemu fullvirt software to the standardized Linux virtualization layer. Solution overview Installation of the solution Virt-Manager. Adding iSCSI storage to KVM | Jason Ruiz. I’m really surprised that I’m the one writing this as there we no flat out simple guides available, maybe it’s just because I’m new to the whole iSCSI thing. Awhile back when I first was testing multiple storage types with KVM, I never got my head around iSCSI when I had an OpenFiler VM up. It’s actually quite simple. From the Virtual Manager window, go ahead and click Edit and Host Details, once there go to the Storage tab. Click the plus sign to add storage. The Target Path can remain unchanged. Once you click finish you’ll be back at the Storage options and you’ll have that new LUN available.

Kvm iscsi KVM CLI Administration basics iSCSI on OpenFiler. Index of /debian-cd.

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Hadoop. Tricks. Glances gives a quick overview of system usage on Linux. Monitor your Linux system As a Linux sysadmin it feels great power when monitoring system resources like cpu, memory on the commandline. To peek inside the system is a good habit here atleast, because that's one way of driving your Linux system safe. Plenty of tools like Htop, Nmon, Collectl, top and iotop etc help you accomplish the task. Today lets try another tool called Glances. Glances Glances is a tool similar to Nmon that has a very compact display to provide a complete overview of different system resources on just a single screen area. It does not support any complex functionality but just gives a brief overview CPU, Load, Memory, Network rate, Disk IO, file system, process number and details. As a bonus, glances is actually cross platform, which means you can use it on obsolete OSes like windows :P. Here's a quick glimpse of it. The output is color highlighted. . $ glances -v Glances version 1.6 with PsUtil 0.6.1 The man page description Next task is to install Glances.

Using glances. Encrypt DNS Traffic In Linux With DNSCrypt (Via OpenDNS) DNSCrypt, as its name suggests, encrypts DNS traffic between your computer and OpenDNS, in the same way SSL turns HTTP traffic into HTTPS encrypted traffic. Initially, DNSCrypt was announced as being available for Mac only for now, but according to an OpenDNS article posted yesterday, the source code for DNSCrypt was published on GitHub when they've released the Mac preview and even though there's no user interface yet, Linux users can already install DNSCrypt. Why use DNSCrypt? DNSCrypt encrypts all DNS traffic between your computer and the OpenDNS servers (so you'll be using OpenDNS) and can protect you from man-in-the-middle attacks, spying, resolver impersonation, can prevent Internet service providers from blocking various websites and more. This is the first tool that encrypts DNS traffic - for instance, TOR encrypts DNS requests, but they are decrypted at the exit node.

You can read more about DNSCrypt @ OpenSND DNSCrypt page and on GitHub. How to use DNSCrypt in Linux. Welcome to OpenDNS! DNSCrypt home page. How to Boost Your Internet Security with DNSCrypt. Top 20 Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices. Nginx is a lightweight, high performance web server/reverse proxy and e-mail (IMAP/POP3) proxy. It runs on UNIX, GNU/Linux, BSD variants, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Microsoft Windows. According to Netcraft, 6% of all domains on the Internet use nginx webserver. Nginx is one of a handful of servers written to address the C10K problem. Unlike traditional servers, Nginx doesn't rely on threads to handle requests. Instead it uses a much more scalable event-driven (asynchronous) architecture. Default Config Files and Nginx Port /usr/local/nginx/conf/ - The nginx server configuration directory and /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf is main configuration file.

You can test nginx configuration changes as follows: # /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -t Sample outputs: the configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf syntax is ok configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf test is successful #1: Turn On SELinux Do Boolean Lockdown Run the getsebool -a command and lockdown system: See also: Where, 20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know. Need to monitor Linux server performance? Try these built-in commands and a few add-on tools. Most Linux distributions are equipped with tons of monitoring. These tools provide metrics which can be used to get information about system activities. You can use these tools to find the possible causes of a performance problem. The commands discussed below are some of the most basic commands when it comes to system analysis and debugging server issues such as: Finding out bottlenecks.Disk (storage) bottlenecks.CPU and memory bottlenecks.Network bottlenecks. #1: top - Process Activity Command The top program provides a dynamic real-time view of a running system i.e. actual process activity.

Fig.01: Linux top command Commonly Used Hot Keys The top command provides several useful hot keys: => Related: How do I Find Out Linux CPU Utilization? #2: vmstat - System Activity, Hardware and System Information Display Memory Utilization Slabinfo # vmstat -m Get Information About Active / Inactive Memory Pages. Outernet | Information for the World from Outer Space. Learn how to code. FreeNAS 9.1 Setup Guide.


Bitmessage. Pdf. Address Directory. Wiki. Bitmessage. From the Bitmessage wiki: "Bitmessage is a P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers. It is decentralized and trustless, meaning that you need-not inherently trust any entities like root certificate authorities. It uses strong authentication which means that the sender of a message cannot be spoofed, and it aims to hide "non-content" data, like the sender and receiver of messages, from passive eavesdroppers like those running warrantless wiretapping programs. " Bitmessage may be used independently or with TOR. Installation Install pybitmessage or pybitmessage-gitfrom the AUR. Set up Without TOR After launching bitmessage (the name of the bitmessage binary is pybitmessage) for the first time, disregard any popups and: Navigate to the Your Identities tab Hit the New button and create a few new addresses.

With TOR Usage Testing Using bitmessage is the same as using an email client. Attachments base64 < binary.file > text.file Chans. MegaHAL. MegaHAL is a computer conversation simulator, or "chatterbot", created by Jason Hutchens. Background[edit] MegaHAL was and made its debut in the 1998 Loebner Prize Contest. Like many chatterbots, the intent is for MegaHAL to appear as a human fluent in a natural language. As a user types sentences into MegaHAL, MegaHAL will respond with sentences that are sometimes coherent and at other times complete gibberish. MegaHAL learns as the conversation progresses, remembering new words and sentence structures.

It will even learn new ways to substitute words or phrases for other words or phrases. In the world of conversation simulators, MegaHAL is based on relatively old technology and could be considered primitive. In 1996, Jason Hutchens entered the Loebner Prize Contest with HeX, a chatterbot based on ELIZA. Distribution[edit] MegaHAL is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). See also[edit] External links[edit]


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Ethical Hacking. Linux_hebergement. Preparation · Rackster/ispconfig3-nginx-reverse-proxy Wiki. Beginner's guide on using IRC. Howto setup the Ultimate IRC Server — Codeography. Setting Up an Basic IRC Server on Ubuntu « The Tech Tutorial. Comparison of Internet Relay Chat daemons. How to set up ircd-hybrid and hybserv on ubuntu 12.04 : Leonard Austin. [Tuto] Tor : héberger son "hidden service" ← Open-Freax.