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Leading authors sound alarm over post-Brexit changes to copyright. Bestselling writers including Philip Pullman and Kate Mosse are warning of a “potentially devastating” change to the UK’s copyright laws that could damage authors’ livelihoods by flooding the UK market with cheap foreign editions.

Leading authors sound alarm over post-Brexit changes to copyright

The Intellectual Property Office launched a consultation this week into the UK’s approach to copyright in the wake of Brexit. One option under consideration would see a change to the “copyright exhaustion” rule, which governs when the control of a rights holder over the distribution of their property expires. For example, if a customer buys a book, then the owner of the book’s copyright would not then be able to prevent the customer selling that book to another person in the same territory.

As part of the EU single market, a first sale within the European Economic Area has been the point at which the copyright owner can no longer control onward distribution, but Brexit means the rules for the UK are being reconsidered.


Triarchy. This Note-Taking System Turns You Into An Efficiency Expert. Note-taking is a skill not easily acquired.

This Note-Taking System Turns You Into An Efficiency Expert

In the hands of an artist, designer, or Hollywood serial killer (à la Seven’s John Doe), an idea-crammed notebook can even become a rarified, and in the case of the latter, creepy, object all on its own. Too often, however, the ability to take comprehensive, ruminative, or even attractive notes and sketches is conflated with simply buying a stylish book of paper, say from Moleskine or Field Notes. Wrong. The most important step to keeping a great notebook is organization. J.K. Rowling's Plot Spreadsheet. (Click to enlarge) When you're writing a book (actually, a series of books) with a bunch of plot lines, you need a way to keep track of what's going on. How can you structure the book so that everything fits, and moves, and you don't leave out any of those zillions of characters and subplots?

How do you figure out what goes in each chapter? Well, apparently J.K. Rowling made a spreadsheet -- the old-school way, using a piece of paper. One sample sheet popped up on the blog état omnipotent in 2010, though apparently this page had been floating around for years (I've read some comments suggesting that Rowling herself released it on her website for fans). A spreadsheet plot written out by J.K. Publish Books Instantly From Evernote. It’s never been easier to be an author.

Publish Books Instantly From Evernote

Evernote is an especially popular tool for many writers. It serves as the place to collect, find, and organize source material, archival information, and photographs. For many authors, Evernote is the place where ideas are assembled into words and manufactured into stories. The white canvas of a note is a comfortable place to pour out prose and organize the elements of a publication into place.

Now, with an integration by FastPencil, authors have a full-fledged tool to create and distribute a book in Evernote, from start to publish. Here’s all you need to know to turn your Evernote notes into published content with FastPencil: Create. Review. Publish. Distribute. Evernote is a great resource to capture ideas and write, but with this integration from FastPencil, it’s a powerful new tool to format, structure and print your content and share it with the world.

The Neurobiology of Writing. The PHD Movie Sequel!

The Neurobiology of Writing

- Help us make a sequel to the PHD Movie! Click here! If you haven't seen the first one, you can watch it for FREE all this month at: Tell your friends! Doctor (of Philosophy) Shirts - are back in stock! (More Doctor Mugs coming June 5th) UK Lectures! Stephen King's Top 20 Rules for Writers. Image by the USO, via Flickr Commons In one of my favorite Stephen King interviews, for The Atlantic, he talks at length about the vital importance of a good opening line.

Stephen King's Top 20 Rules for Writers

“There are all sorts of theories,” he says, “it’s a tricky thing.” “But there’s one thing” he’s sure about: “An opening line should invite the reader to begin the story. It should say: Listen. Come in here. We’ve talked so much about the reader, but you can’t forget that the opening line is important to the writer, too. This is excellent advice. Revision in the second draft, “one of them, anyway,” may “necessitate some big changes” says King in his 2000 memoir slash writing guide On Writing. 10 Things That Every Brand New Creator of Science Fiction Should Know. Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling. Note: This article is included in our year-end storytelling advice round-up.

Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling

A while back, now-former Pixar storyboard artist Emma Coats tweeted a series of pearls of narrative wisdom she had gleaned from working at the studio. This list of 22 rules of storytelling was widely embraced as it was applicable to any writer or anyone who was in the business of communicating (which is pretty much everyone, including software developers).