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Fantasy Forest Tree House Straight Out Of A Kids Story Book / design bookmark #12048. All I Want Is A Treehouse. When I think of tree houses, my mind conjures up images of a makeshift room, sloppily put together with spare wood and a big "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" sign.

All I Want Is A Treehouse

Yup, you can blame Saturday morning cartoons for that, since I never really experienced a tree house growing up in an apartment building. To my surprise, some folks actually do take erstwhile children's playrooms seriously fashioning them to look like classic Italian abodes, Loch side retreats and fake Tudor mansions. Hell, some even equip their tre houses with complete amenities. Treasured Dreams has been responsible for many of those trendy constructions, bandying themselves as the "designers and makers of the world's most beautiful treehouses. " Of course, I find it difficult to disagree. I especially love Treasured Dreams owner Gordon Brown's take on treehouses: "Children think they’re a make-believe land, men view them as adventurous and women (see them) as romantic.

" The Invisible City: Temporary High-Tech Treehouses Could Transform London’s Parks London Treehouses Invisible Works - Gallery Page 1. Invisible Works has unveiled plans to fill one of London's city parks with a series of fantastical treehouse-like semi-permanent structures.

The Invisible City: Temporary High-Tech Treehouses Could Transform London’s Parks London Treehouses Invisible Works - Gallery Page 1

The designers hope that the installations will inspire people to spend more time outdoors. Invisible Works intends for the temporary structures to remain in one of London's parks for 10 years, during which time the spaces can be used as a venue for concerts, movie screenings and other public events. Instead of experiencing parks as patches of urban greenery that act as oases detached from the city, Invisible Works hopes to introduce a whole new set of structures that would help transform the way city inhabitants interact with the natural environment.

Privately financed installations would populate the parks and draw people away from overcrowded city streets and encourage more frequent use of the parks. Invisible Works hope to be able to use one of London’s parks for a 10 year period, and further aim to expand their program throughout the city. Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible. It is an old architectural trick used since the invention of mirrored glass: covering buildings with the reflective material and declaring that they blend in with the surroundings.

Treehouse by Tham & Videgard Hansson is Almost Invisible

Most architects use it to convince wary citizens that it is OK if their building is tall because it will reflect the sky and nature. The rendering always makes the building disappear, and the reality is always a big clunky mirrored box. But a mirrored box can be elegant, too, such as this treehouse by Swedish firm Tham & Videgard Hansson Arkitekter. TreeHugger loves treehouses (see our roundup of them here) when they are designed to minimize impact on the surrounding landscape. And in this case, it looks like the architects have pulled it off successfully. Images used with permission of the architects section through unit. My Tree House. Beach Rock Treehouse: Okinawa, Japan This... - Jauder Ho - - links and things. Steampunk Tree House. Steampunk Tree HouseFebruary 3rd, 2010slagrat Permanently installed in Milton, Delaware at Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Treehouse Website The Steampunk Tree House is representative of a mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature: humans living in harmony with the planet and its natural elements.

Steampunk Tree House

The House component itself is built of recycled wood, styled after the Victorian age of architecture, H.G. Tarzan's Treehouse. Rick and Annie's handbuilt treehouse in Australia. Lauren and her family live nomadically in Australia and sometimes share their adventures with us — they're back with a tour of a recently-visited home!

Rick and Annie's handbuilt treehouse in Australia

What would it be like to inhabit a normal-sized home that's actually a treehouse? Now we know. We picked up a friend of ours and offered her a ride, and we didn't know we were in for such a treat when we got to her destination! Our friend Rebecca first met Rick and Annie through HelpX. Help Exchange provides a directory for organic farms, non-organic farms, farmstays, homestays, ranches, lodges, B&Bs, backpackers' hostels, and even sailing boats who invite volunteer helpers to stay with them short-term in exchange for food and accommodation. As we drove closer to Glenreagh, Rebecca told us more about the property we were going to. Rick (on the left) has spent about a year and a half building his house so far. The main house design is quite simple with large verandahs that wrap around the whole building.

World's Largest Tree House Stands 10-Stories Tall. Photo via Obvious.

World's Largest Tree House Stands 10-Stories Tall

10 Most Awesome Tree Houses (amazing tree houses. Too High Teahouse Completed in Spring, 2004, Terunobu Fujimori, a professor of architecture at the University of Tokyo, built his boyhood dream hideaway in Takasugi-an (Chino, Nagano), a teahouse on stilts, in the bottom of his father's garden.

10 Most Awesome Tree Houses (amazing tree houses

So said his father when he saw it: "There goes Terunobu, making something wacky again. " World's Largest tree house. The Patient Gardener by Visiondivision. A circle of trees will frame an hourglass-shaped hut for Milan that won’t be complete for 100 years.

The Patient Gardener by Visiondivision

Swedish architects Visiondivision and a group of students designed the two-storey study retreat, which is currently growing on the Politecnico di Milano campus. Aptly titled The Patient Gardener, the garden structure will be shaped from a circle of ten Japanese cherry trees that will be bent, pruned and woven as they grow. The trees will be tied to a central wooden scaffold to frame the dome-shaped ground floor, whilst branches above will be directed outwards as first-floor walls. The New Orleans Treehouse. Hidden in the back yard of a house on Esplanade Avenue, the New Orleans Treehouse is a two-story installation constructed in the limbs of a golden rain tree.

the New Orleans Treehouse

Composed primarily of materials salvaged from abandoned sites in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, the structure includes a rope bridge, canopy lookout tower, and waterslide. The installation undergoes continual change as new materials are discovered and acquired. The house at 1614 Esplanade is known as the NOLA Art House, and is home to HomeMade Parachutes, the group responsible for the construction of the Treehouse. The HemLoft. I'd be remiss in beginning this tale without first mentioning my dad. Treehouse set interior.