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One Hour 6.3Hz Theta Astral Projection OBE Binaural Isochronic - Karmic Beats. One Hour 7Hz Theta Astral Projection OBE Binaural Isochronic - Karmic Beats. Astral Body II (One Hour 6.3Hz Theta 221.23Hz Third Eye Astral Projection OBE Binaural Isochronic) Guided Meditation for Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences (Brainwave Mind Voyages) Astral Projection Part Two. Astral Projection Part One. Astral Body II (One Hour 6.3Hz Theta 221.23Hz Third Eye Astral Projection OBE Binaural Isochronic) Psychic Abilities - Powerful Subliminal Training (in HD) How To Astral Project Full Version. Conspiracy Theory News: New World Order, Conspiracy Theories, News, Government, Secret Societies, Freemasons, Extraterrestrials, War...

The Buddha and His Dhamma, by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Zen Koans - Thepsychicemporium. Lucid Dreams. Lucid Dreaming. Ghosts & Spirits. Enlightenment / Spirituality / Metaphysics / Science. Dreams, Astral Projection & More on Cloud Nine. Mind & body. Out of Body Experience. Chakras. Martial arts. Three Simple Qigong Exercises. Meditation. Chakra System. EnergyBody Science. Lee ching yuen. Healing. Qi Gong Also Known as Chi Chung. Chakra. Meditation. Pineal Gland. Sleep Enhancement Audio. Paranormal / Supernatural. SPIRITUALITY. Qi Gong - Energy Mastery. BEGINNER'S GUIDE ... © 1995 Dharman Craig PressonAll Rights Reserved “Zen is not what you think!”


-- anonymous Preface The purpose of this little book is to assure that all studentsunderstand the mechanics of Zen practice and the basic teachings ofBuddhism. The descriptions of practices have been generalized, andparticular schools have adopted variations. Part 1: Practice Sitting, Breathing, Walking Seated meditation (J. zazen, Ch. The Sitting Posture (asana) There are several good postures for zazen: four cross-legged, onekneeling, and one using a straight chair or camp stool, as illustrated[Add illustrations of full lotus, half-lotus, sukhasana, Burmese, seiza,and chair sitting].

Breathing One may be given specific instructions by a teacher regarding theproper focus of awareness during zazen. Do not force or control the breath in any way. Amazing: British Binary Mind Theorist Anthony Peake on Out of Body Experience. To Our Faithful Users: Current's run has ended after eight exciting years on air and online.

Amazing: British Binary Mind Theorist Anthony Peake on Out of Body Experience

The Current TV staff has appreciated your interest, support, participation and unflagging loyalty over the years. Your contributions helped make a vibrant place for discussing thousands of interesting stories, and your continued viewership motivated us to keep innovating and find new ways to reflect the voice of the people. We now welcome the on-air and digital presence of Al Jazeera America, a new news network committed to reporting on and investigating real stories affecting the lives of everyday Americans in every corner of the country. You can keep up with what's new on Al Jazeera America and see this new brand of journalism for yourself at. Astral Projection Success. Kaleidoskop.swf from - StumbleUpon. I.

kaleidoskop.swf from - StumbleUpon

The Chilbolton 'Arecibo message' Formation By Paul Vigay ( R.I.P. ) and Alexander Light On Tuesday 21st August 2001 two new c... I. The Chilbolton 'Arecibo message' Formation By Paul Vigay (R.I.P.) and Alexander Light On Tuesday 21st August 2001 two new crop formations were reported near Chilbolton radio telescope in Hampshire, UK. Kaleidoskop.swf from - StumbleUpon. Binaural Beats for OBE. Calea zacatechichi & 5-HTP - Absolute Lucidity - 50796. Citation: Dreamscape.

Calea zacatechichi & 5-HTP - Absolute Lucidity - 50796

"Absolute Lucidity: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi & 5-HTP (ID 50796)". Mar 13, 2006. Both taken 1 hour before laying down to sleep. Had a nighttime herbal tea right before laying down. I felt myself fall into the dream World, in fact, I willed myself straight to sleep and right into a dream like I was stepping outside the front door of my home into another realm. I looked at my hands, played with a cat in front of me and looked into its eyes knowing it was a dream, saw friends and laughed at them that this was just a dream of mine and they looked at me like, I know, but this could be fun anyway. The Lost Art of Levitation.

The Lost Art of Levitation. Levitation. Black Dragon Temple. Welcome to the OpenEEG project. About the project Many people are interested in what is called neurofeedback or EEG biofeedback training, a generic mental training method which makes the trainee consciously aware of the general activity in the brain.

Welcome to the OpenEEG project

This method shows great potential for improving many mental capabilities and exploring consciousness. Other people want to do experiments with brain-computer interfaces or just want to have a look at their brain at work. Unfortunately, commercial EEG devices are generally too expensive to become a hobbyist tool or toy. RetroPsychoKinesis Experiments Online. What's going on here?

RetroPsychoKinesis Experiments Online

Retropsychokinesis is the claimed ability of certain subjects to alter random data generated, but not examined, prior to the time the data are presented to the subject. Crazy, you say! Well, there's certainly no mechanism in mainstream physics which could permit such an effect, yet experiments conducted by a number of different researchers over the last 20 years suggest, compellingly according to some analyses, that the probability of the results obtained in such experiments being purely the result of chance is sufficiently low that they would be considered evidence of a causal mechanism in most scientific disciplines.

We neither accept nor dismiss the existence of retropsychokinetic effects—instead we make experiments available to anybody with access to the World-Wide Web in order to discover if there is anything genuinely there. If so, the implications for physics and consciousness studies are profound. Feedback Programs Bell Curve Clock Face. Quantum and Metaphysics. The Crystal Palace. The opiate substance secreted from the pineal gland during Samadhi has been variously called Nectar of the Gods, ambrosia, amrita, and the Living Water.

The Crystal Palace

FREE Techno Music Downloads - Free Music Downloads. AYP Home Page - Free Lessons in Meditation, Pranayama, Kundalini, Tantra. Rain makes everything better. Ambience for the Masses. Astral Projection. GreaterPotential's Channel. Vega Psionics and Kinetics - A Hosted Site. Digitally Imported - addictive electronic music. How to do telekinesis / psychokinesis tutorial guide - YouTube. How to do telekinesis / psychokinesis tutorial guide. The Psychokinetic Ability Research Project, page 1. You are here: Supernatural Glossary Akashic Records Collection of knowledge that is stored on a non-physical plane of existence.

The Psychokinetic Ability Research Project, page 1

The Akashic Records are said to have existed since the beginning of Creation. Just as we have various specialty libraries (e.g., medical, law), there are said to exist various Akashic Records (e.g., human, animal, plant, mineral, etc). Most writings refer to the Akashic Records in the area of human experience. Altered States of Consciousness. The Psychokinetic Ability Research Project.

Good work guys!

The Psychokinetic Ability Research Project

As Yarcofin said the static electricity phenomena is definitely something we need to eliminate from our experiments. I'm using a large glass to shield my subjects from static and also air currents. I suggest this becomes standard practice for all of us. Brainwave Frequency List. Brainwave Frequency List The following listing was compiled by Michael Trigg s .

Brainwave Frequency List

The original color-coded list is kept at This is a listing of frequencies that various parties have claimed can affect the human mind or body in some way. Learn Telekinesis Training. Meditation Timer JetCityOrange Timer. Meditation clock When (not “if”") you meditate you need to know when to stop. If you’re anything like me, your eyes are at least partially closed when you sit. And if you’re focused inward, are you watching the clock too? Psychokinesis.