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Fairewinds Energy EducationFairewinds Energy Education. Des vétérans du site nucléaire d'Albion souffrent de cancer. Fairewinds Energy EducationFairewinds Energy Education. The Fukushima Daiichi disaster opened the door to see how this is not merely a Japanese crisis.

Fairewinds Energy EducationFairewinds Energy Education

It is a crisis that transcends geography and time. We traced the roots of this crisis back 60-years to the fishing boat Daigo Fukuryumaru, or #5 Lucky Dragon, and American efforts to force nuclear power upon the Japanese people. Sûreté nucléaire en France : des incidents « persistants » Chernobyl trees and leaves barely decomposed, study finds. Almost 30 years ago, the world's attention was fixed on Chernobyl, the nuclear power plant in Ukraine that exploded in one of the world's worst nuclear disasters.

Chernobyl trees and leaves barely decomposed, study finds

The world has moved on since that 1986 catastrophe, but at Chernobyl, one thing hasn't changed very much: The dead trees, plants and leaves at the contaminated site don't decay at nearly the same rate as plants elsewhere, researchers have found. "We were stepping over all these dead trees on the ground that had been killed by the initial blast," Tim Mousseau, a professor of biology at the University of South Carolina, said in a statement.

"Years later, these tree trunks were in pretty good shape. If a tree had fallen in my backyard, it would be sawdust in 10 years or so. " [Images: Chernobyl, Frozen in Time] Mousseau and Anders Møller of the Université Paris-Sud have made ongoing investigations into the biology of radioactive areas like Chernobyl and Fukushima, Japan. Mexicans concerned, anxious about WIPP radiation release — City of 2.5 million nearly 200 miles away “within transnational evacuation zone in event of a nuclear disaster” — Local officials meeting with U.S. gov’t — Whistleblower: If plutonium released “su. LEAD 2-Greenpeace s'introduit dans la centrale de Fessenheim. * Greenpeace dénonce les dangers du nucléaire.

LEAD 2-Greenpeace s'introduit dans la centrale de Fessenheim

Nucléaire et responsabilité civile - Sezin Topçu. *Just In* Scientists Raise Alarm: “Radioactive metal from Fukushima” detected in Pacific Northwest — Concern for impact on humans, west coast ecosystems — Continuing contamination crossing ocean, not going away soon — “A surprise… This is an international. Vancouver Sun, Mar. 12, 2014 at 9:31a ET: Nuclear radiation found in B.C. may pose health concerns; Discovery of Fukushima radioactivity raises concerns for local marine life, and the effect it may have on humans — A radioactive metal from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan has been discovered in the Fraser Valley, causing researchers to raise the alarm about the long-term impact of radiation on B.C.’s west coast.

*Just In* Scientists Raise Alarm: “Radioactive metal from Fukushima” detected in Pacific Northwest — Concern for impact on humans, west coast ecosystems — Continuing contamination crossing ocean, not going away soon — “A surprise… This is an international

Examination of a soil sample from Kilby Provincial Park, near Agassiz [approx. 100 km east of Vancouver coast], has for the first time in this province found Cesium 134, further evidence of Fukushima radioactivity being transported to Canada by air and water. [...] Its presence in the environment is an indication of continuing contamination from Fukushima. [...] [The sample was taken] near the mouth of the Harrison River, on Nov. 16, 2013. Réacteurs en construction. La centrale nucléaire du Blayais suscite l’inquiétude. Une centaine de militants de Greenpeace dans la centrale de Beznau.

J-P. Petit : « Les déchets nucléaires, bombe à retardement planétaire » (Partie 1) - Dernières infos - Société. La Voix de la Russie : Jean-Pierre Petit, vous avez accordé deux interviews à La Voix de la Russie qui ont soulevé un grand intérêt chez nos lecteurs, et également une foule de questions.

J-P. Petit : « Les déchets nucléaires, bombe à retardement planétaire » (Partie 1) - Dernières infos - Société

Il y avait évidemment des gens qui vous connaissaient déjà, ainsi que votre passé de scientifique chevronné, et qui ont exprimé leur satisfaction de vous voir vous exprimer dans nos colonnes. Vous les avez mis en appétit en développant des idées bouleversantes, concernant les voyages interstellaires. Mais vous nous dites qu’il y a, selon vous, un sujet d’une actualité brûlante. J-P. Petit : « Les déchets nucléaires, bombe à retardement planétaire » (Partie 2) - Dernières infos - Société. LVdlR : Venons-en à Bure.

J-P. Petit : « Les déchets nucléaires, bombe à retardement planétaire » (Partie 2) - Dernières infos - Société

Où en est-on ? JP Petit : Les opposants français ne sont qu’une poignée, autour du courageux Michel Guéritte. Le pouvoir nucléaire achète les municipalités locales et l’argent coule à flot. Les opposants ayant des compétences techniques sont réduits au silence par des pressions. Pour être libre il faut être ... retraité, sinon toutes les formes de pressions sont possibles. LVdlR : Au plan technique, cela donne quoi ? News - How France is disposing of its nuclear waste. 4 March 2014Last updated at 09:11 ET By Rob Broomby British Affairs Correspondent, BBC World Service The underground lab at Bure could be the final resting place for most of France's highly radioactive waste Half a kilometre below ground in the Champagne-Ardenne region of eastern France, near the village of Bure, a network of tunnels and galleries is being hacked out of the 160 million-year-old compacted clay rocks.

News - How France is disposing of its nuclear waste

The dusty subterranean science laboratory built by the French nuclear waste agency Andra is designed to find out whether this could be the final resting place for most of France's highly radioactive waste, the deadly remains of more than half a century of nuclear energy. Emerging from the industrial lift there are a series of passageways about the size of an underground rail tunnel. The walls are reinforced with steel ribs and sprayed with grey concrete and there are huge bore holes drilled 100m into the rock walls which would hold the capsules of radioactive waste.

Actualité boursière, marché financier, économie française : Challenges. VIENNE (Reuters) - La construction de centrales nucléaires a atteint son plus haut niveau depuis 25 ans, indiquent deux rapports de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique qui notent de solides progrès accomplis dans le renforcement de la sûreté atomique dans le monde.

actualité boursière, marché financier, économie française : Challenges

L'AIEA manque d'argent pour jouer son rôle de surveillance et de vérification sur la question nucléaire iranienne.