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CISPA Another Fascist Takeover of the Internet. PRISM - Where do we go from here? | In light of the shocking revelations regarding the United States surveillance machine (the National Security Agency) and their PRISM initiative - one has to ask how do we move forward? As you can see from my previous blog post, I have personally written to President Barroso of the European Commission asking that the Commission immediately revoke the Safe Harbour status of the United States, ban all US companies from EU markets until such time as the US Government acknowledge and uphold the fundamental and constitutional rights of European citizens and begin a formal investigation into the allegations that the UK Government's signals analysis agency GCHQ used PRISM to circumvent the legal processes in place governing the acquisition and interception of citizens' communications.

People have already started to ask me to recommend some alternatives to the popular services we use online, to be honest there aren't very many. For the above reasons, I once again turn my old friends at Ixquick. Android permet à votre smartphone de vous filmer à votre insu. Cette semaine, la sécurité d'iOS a fait couler beaucoup d'encre suite au contournement du verrouillage iCloud. Pas de jaloux, Android a aussi sa grosse faille : un chercheur en sécurité a découvert qu'il était possible pour une application de capturer des photos ou des vidéos sans demander l'autorisation de l'utilisateur et sans que rien n'apparaisse à l'écran. Pire, l'application peut ne pas figurer dans la liste des applications installées actives.

Autrement dit, il est possible de transformer n'importe quel smartphone ou tablette en mouchard parfait. Ceci est rendu possible par l'accumulation de plusieurs petits défauts de sécurisation. Mais cette contrainte est facile à contourner : Android ne bronche pas si on demande d'afficher le flux capturé sur un seul pixel ! En combinant ces trouvailles dans une application sachant communiquer avec un serveur distant et récupérer d'autres informations basiques sur le téléphone (l'état de la batterie, la présence d'une connexion réseau, etc.)

DoulCi, le hack qui déverrouille les iPhone et iPad volés. Qui oublie le mot de passe de 6 iPhones ? Avec iOS 7 Apple introduit une fonction très appréciée : le verrouillage d’activation via iCloud. Grâce à ce mode, tout iPhone ou iPad volé et bloqué à distance ne peut être réactivé sans le mot de passe iCloud de son possesseur. Malheureusement, ce verrou a fini par être cassé. Deux hackers @AquaXetine et @MerrukTechnolog ont trouvé un moyen d'activer un appareil iOS verrouillé et ont mis à disposition du public un service en ligne, baptisé doulCi (iCloud écrit à l'envers), qui remporte un vif succès si l'on croit leur page Facebook ou leurs flux twitter.

La procédure nécessite de connecter l'appareil à un PC (ou un Mac) hôte et de lancer iTunes. Ces hackers naviguent d'ailleurs en eaux troubles. PRISM (surveillance program) Below are a number of slides released by Edward Snowden showing the operation and processes behind the PRISM program. It should be noted that the "FAA" referred to is Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act ("FAA"), and not the Federal Aviation Administration, which is more widely known by the same FAA initialism. Slide showing that much of the world's communications flow through the U.S. Details of information collected via PRISM Slide listing companies and the date that PRISM collection began Slide showing PRISM's tasking process Slide showing the PRISM collection dataflow Slide showing PRISM case numbers Slide showing the REPRISMFISA Web app Slide showing some PRISM targets. Slide fragment mentioning "upstream collection", FAA702, EO 12333, and references explicitly in the text.

FAA702 Operations, and map FAA702 Operations, and map. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) Opt out of PRISM, the NSA’s global data surveillance program - PRISM BREAK. How traffic surveillance is invading your privacy. Is it cutting-edge, or just downright creepy? Surveillance technology is increasingly being implemented in municipalities across the country. But while such gadgets aim to curtail crime and decrease traffic accidents, some people are wondering about the costs to both town budgets and privacy.

"Overall, we wonder if the costs will outweigh the benefits," said Jay Stanley, a Washington, D.C. -based senior policy analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union's Speech, Policy and Technology Project. Such technology, which includes everything from neighborhood video cameras, red-light cameras and, most recently, parking-space sensors, is popping up faster than mushrooms in a shady forest. "Over the last several years, traffic-centric surveillance applications were the most prolific," said Eric Ackermann, sales manager for enterprise solutions and services at Siemens Industry in California's Orange County. Pluses and minuses "People get upset when there is 100 percent enforcement," Stanley said. Centre d’espionnage gigantesque aux Etats-Unis. Dans le désert de l’Utah les Etats-Unis construisent un centre d’espionnage gigantesque. On peut y rassembler et évaluer du monde entier des courriers électroniques, des entretiens téléphoniques, des demandes de recherches sur Google, des routes de voyage, des achats de livres, tous les curriculum vitae et des données informatiques personnelles.

Des amis de cercles de services secrets nous ont passé quelques données. Ainsi les serveurs seront placés sur une surface de 8000 mètres carrés. Sur une autre surface de 275? 0000 mètres carrés seront placés des mémoires de données. La quantité d’informations qui pourra y être sauvegardée est à peine imaginable. Car aujourd’hui un teraoctet de données va déjà sur un chip de la taille de l’ongle d’un doigt. De même la NSA va sauvegarder et traiter plusieurs yottaoctets de données. Les quantités de données sont procurées par le réseau de surveillance mondial de la NSA («aspirateur dans l’espace») et par les capacités de sauvegarde élargies. » CISPA Amendment Allows DHS to Intercept Tax Returns Alex Jones.

Perennial big government advocate Sheila Jackson Lee strikes again Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, April 25, 2012 An amendment introduced to the controversial CISPA bill by perennial big government advocate Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee would empower the Department of Homeland Security to intercept online IRS tax returns and any other Internet traffic deemed to transit networks owned by the federal government or operated on its behalf. “Jackson Lee’s amendment (PDF) is broad enough to sweep in government contractors and university networks such as Internet2 and CENIC, said a telecommunications attorney who did not want to be identified because of client sensitivity. It also appears to cover open Wi-Fi networks run by federal agencies and networks in government-provided housing,” reports CNet’s Declan McCullagh.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison This article was posted: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 at 6:29 am Print this page. BLM Nesting Ground Discovered. Domains Made Simple. CISPAcat: using memes to fight America's terrible, net-breaking "cybersecurity" bill. Zakkai from Fight for the Future (the folks who brought you the war on SOPA) sez, "Want to fight for Internet privacy with cute cat photos?

CISPAcat is a new advice animal that wants nothing more than to spy on your internet activity. He's the child of the privacy-killing cybersecurity bill CISPA and the equally creepy ceiling cat. Check him out and submit your own. Curious why CISPA is so bad? DOJ Claims It Can Read Your E-mail without a Warrant. Comment se rendre invisible du réseau PRISM? La révélation par Edward Snowden des programmes américains de surveillance de l’internet et des communications a semé l’inquiétude chez certains internautes, y compris ceux qui n’ont pas de projets d’attentats ou de complots contre les Etats. On connaît une liste de 9 firmes qui ont confirmé avoir collaboré avec la NSA dans le cadre de PRISM: Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Skype, PalTalk et AOL.

Sur cette base, un designer nommé Peng Zhong propose sur un site internet une série d’outils qui devraient aider les internautes soucieux de protéger leur vie privée à ne pas être espionné par les autorités américaines. Ces outils ne peuvent pas avoir été développés par les 9 firmes qui collaborent avec la NSA. Selon Peng Zhong, si l’on veut échapper totalement à PRISM, il faut tout changer dans sa façon d’utiliser internet. Il faut uniquement travailler avec des outils open-source. En savoir plus sur CISPA Authors Confident Bill Will Pass Despite Rising Opposition. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich), author of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, better known as CISPA, is confident the bill has enough support in the House to pass when it comes up for a vote Friday.

Rising opposition from privacy groups and concerned Internet users has not shaken his belief. "This isn't about scrambling for votes, we're well passed that," Rep. Rogers (R-Mich.) said on a media conference call Tuesday afternoon. [More from Mashable: ‘Moms for Mitt’ Flock to New Romney Facebook Community [EXCLUSIVE]] CISPA is designed to allow private businesses and the government to share information about cybersecurity threats, which advocates say will increase the U.S. government's ability to fight off cyberattacks. [More from Mashable: CISPA Won’t Die — It’s More Like the PATRIOT Act than SOPA] "We've gone through most of the privacy concerns expressed by privacy and civil liberties communities and by technology companies like Facebook," said Rogers.

CISPA – are tech giants backing off nervously? - Ireland’s CIO and strategy news and reports service. The CISPA internet surveillance bill in the US – which looked like it had the unanimous support of tech giants like Facebook and Microsoft – appears to be losing support or causing rifts in the industry. Mozilla has become the first tech company to speak out against the legislation. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) was cleared last week in the US House of Representatives, 248 to 168. According to Forbes, Mozilla issued the following statement: “While we wholeheartedly support a more secure internet, CISPA has a broad and alarming reach that goes far beyond internet security. “The bill infringes on our privacy, includes vague definitions of cybersecurity, and grants immunities to companies and government that are too broad around information misuse.

We hope the Senate takes the time to fully and openly consider these issues with stakeholder input before moving forward with this legislation,” Mozilla said. So remind us, what is CISPA? John Kennedy. Worse Than SOPA- CISPA Will Allow Monitoring Any Online Communication (#Censorship) Obama threatens to veto CISPA cybersecurity bill, citing privacy concerns. On Wednesday, two days before the expected House vote, the Obama administration expressed its concerns. The bill, it said in a statement, “fails to provide authorities to ensure that the nation’s core critical infrastructure is protected while repealing important provisions” of privacy law. The legislation would make it easier for the government to share classified data with the private sector and for the private sector, in turn, to share data voluntarily with the government.

Advocates say the exchange of information about cyberthreats could help companies improve their defenses against attacks. The bill’s co-sponsors, Reps. But the White House, which had refrained from publicly taking issue with any specific cyber-legislation before Wednesday, said the bill allows broad sharing of information with government agencies without sufficiently establishing ways to anonymize personal information or ensure that data are used only for appropriate purposes.

Then, Rep. Proposed Amendments to #CISPA Don't Protect Privacy. CISPA: A guide to the 'Big Brother' cyber security bill. » Obama Opposes CISPA, But Will Sign It Anyway Alex Jones. Get ready for another NDAA-style bait and switch Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, April 25, 2012 President Barack Obama simply “can’t wait” to bypass Congress and use executive privilege to advance his political agenda, but even though his administration has expressed its opposition to the draconian CISPA bill, don’t hold your breath for a veto.

Earlier this week the New York Times reported on how Obama had personally invented the slogan “We Can’t Wait” to characterize his intention to “aggressively use executive power to govern in the face of Congressional obstructionism.” However, Obama ‘s penchant for defying Congress seems to lose its steam when there’s a bill to be passed that will strip Americans of what’s left of their fourth amendment rights. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) orders ISPs to share Internet data of users with government “notwithstanding any other provision of law.” “The Obama administration opposes Cispa,” he told the Guardian. Facts on #CISPA. With the body of SOPA still warm in the grave, Congress is making another run at a cyber-bill -- and the battle over it is starting to look a little familiar.

This one's not about piracy. Known as CISPA (the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) the bill would, among other things, allow private companies -- internet service providers and others -- to turn over information about users to law enforcement and security agencies without a court order. It has bipartisan support (there are 82 Republican co-sponsors and 25 Democratic ones, unusual these days) and a lot of backing from big tech companies. But it has infuriated advocates who claim it lacks protections for individual privacy. A vote in the House is expected next week, which has privacy advocates scrambling -- this week a coalition launched a Twitter campaign similar to the one that brought the SOPA bill to the public's attention. You can read our profile of the bill (H.R. 3523) here. Photo courtesy of Rep. CISPA sponsors narrow bill. Co-sponsors of Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act have circulated a draft substitute amendment that would place some limitations on the government's ability to use shared cybersecurity data for other purposes and eliminate intellectual property theft from the definition of cyber threat information.

The bill (H.R. 3523), sponsored by Reps. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.), is more commonly known by its acronym, CISPA, and has garnered increasing opposition from privacy and civil liberties groups. It is one of a slew of bills under active consideration that would foster cyber threat data exchanges between the private- and federal- sectors and is likely to come up for consideration on the full House floor later this month. Sign up for our FREE newsletter for more news like this sent to your inbox! The draft substitute amendment also changes the liability protection afforded to private sector participants in cyber threat information exchange. CISPA.