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Reporting verb patterns

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Learning or Teaching Reporting Verbs? 5 Low-Tech and High-Tech Activities. And finally, it’s springtime.

Learning or Teaching Reporting Verbs? 5 Low-Tech and High-Tech Activities

“Here comes the sun da-da-da-da”. After, like two months raining non-stop and cold spells whimsically coming and going, I was beginning to flirt with the idea of leaving “sunny” Spain. But, fortunately, it seems spring is here to stay. And this means light. Don’t you feel more energetic when you wake up in the morning, and there is this beautiful sunny day waiting for you outside? Suggest. We can use the verb suggest with a noun phrase, a that-clause, the -ing form of a verb or a wh-question word (where, what).


We can use a noun phrase as the object of suggest: Can you suggest a good restaurant in this part of town? If we need to mention the person who receives the suggestion, we use a to-construction: My teacher suggested an exam I could take at the end of the year. Choosing the right verb tense in reported speech. A confusing area of GMAT Sentence Correction is choosing the correct verb tense in sentences involving reported speech.

Choosing the right verb tense in reported speech

The good news is that there is a rule that helps us here. Consider the following question from the Economist GMAT Tutor: A little bit of drama: Reported speech – reporting verb patterns. Follow me on twitter @RobbioDobbio This is a lesson plan for higher levels (B2+) to teach verb patterns with reporting verbs using video and scripted roleplays.

A little bit of drama: Reported speech – reporting verb patterns

It will be especially useful for CAE students as these structures tend to come up in key word transformations quite often. First (FCE) Transformations - Reporting Verbs - Breakout English. Reporting verbs are a challenging grammar point at B2 level.

First (FCE) Transformations - Reporting Verbs - Breakout English

It combines reported speech, which is nobody’s favourite, with verb patterns, which is really nobody’s favourite. Throw in using the reporting verbs in the past and you’ve got a messy grammar point on your hands. But in the First Certificate exam, there often seems to be at least one key word transformations question with reporting verbs. So, like always, we need to prepare students for the eventuality of encountering it in the exam. Reporting Verbs. Reporting verbs are verbs that serve to report what someone else has said.

Reporting Verbs

Reporting verbs are different than the reported speech in that they are used to paraphrase what someone has said. Reported speech is used when reporting exactly what someone has said. To do this, use 'say' and 'tell'. John told me he was going to stay late at work.Jennifer told Peter she had lived in Berlin for ten years. Peter said he wanted to visit his parents that weekend.My friend said he would finish his work soon. Reported speech 2. Reported speech (2) Remember that in reported speech we usually change the tense of the direct statement.

Reported speech 2

The present simple tense changes to the past simple, the past simple changes to the past perfect and so on. Here are some other points to consider. ‘Can’ and ‘will’

Reporting verbs definitions

Verb + infinitive/that/gerund. Reporting verbs with Gerund. VERBS FOLLOWED only BY "THAT" Grammar: Reporting verbs. Summary report verbs. Exercise 2 - Reporting verbs. Advise (sb) + infinitive/that OR Advise + gerund. Persuade sb + infinitive/that or persuade sb into + gerund (also "Persuade sb of" for summary) Reporting verbs with infinitive. Learning English. BBC Learning English - Course: intermediate / Unit 11 / Session 1 / Activity 3. BBC World Service. VERBS FOLLOWED BY A CLAUSE STARTING WITH A QUESTION WORD.


Verbs for Referring to Sources. You can indicate your attitude to the sources you cite by choosing specific verbs to refer to them.

Verbs for Referring to Sources

Don’t just keep repeating “Smith says.” There is a wide choice of such verbs in English. Use a dictionary to check that you have chosen a verb with the nuance you intend. Here are some grammatical patterns to follow in using these verbs: Pattern 1: reporting verb + that + subject + verb. Reporting verbs course. ‘Say’ Something, ‘Tell’ Someone. This week we answer a question from Medard Luck.

‘Say’ Something, ‘Tell’ Someone

Medard writes: Question: Verb patterns: verb + that -clause. Some verbs connected with reporting can be followed by a that-clause acting as the direct object (underlined in the examples): Everyone agrees that we have to act quickly.

Verb patterns: verb + that -clause

It’s easy to forget that she’s just a child. Recent research proves that global warming is already a reality. We often leave out that after these verbs, especially in informal speaking. Reporting verbs. BBC Learning English - Course: intermediate / Unit 29 / Grammar Reference.

Reporting verbs

BBC Learning English - Course: intermediate / Unit 29 / Session 2 / Activity 1. 6 Minute Grammar: Verb patterns. Content Frame. When we teach noun clauses, the question of the subjunctive comes up after verbs such as insist, as well as after phrases like it is important. We actually teach our students to write sentences like these: The football coach insists that each player get eight hours of sleep per night. It is important that you be on time. However, I find that native English speakers often don't use a subjunctive, and prefer: The football coach insists that each player gets eight hours of sleep per night.

Recommend, Suggest, Advise: Verbs That Have Multiple Sentence Patterns. Some verbs in English have quite a variety of sentence patterns associated with them. For verbs of suggestion such as recommend, suggest, and advise, these patterns evolved to reflect the focus of the suggestion. If the speaker is suggesting a place or a thing, these verbs are followed by a noun. For an activity, they can be followed by a gerund. For a focus on who the suggestion pertains to, they’re followed by a pronoun or noun (person) either after the verb (advise) or at the end of a sentence with “to” (recommend, suggest). These verbs are also possible in the subjunctive mood—with a noun clause that contains a base verb. Learning English.

Content Frame.

Believe sth to be

Assume sth to be. Presume sth to be. Exercise 1 - Reporting structures. Lesson C: reporting verbs. Exercise 1 - Reported speech. Exercise 2 - Reporting structures. Exercise 2 - Reporting verbs. Lesson B reporting verbs. Common reporting verbs. Verb + Object + infinitive/gerund/that-clause. Learnenglish.britishcouncil. Reporting Verbs. Download this explanation in PDF here.Try an exercise about reporting verbs here. In the page about reported speech, we talked about how to change direct speech ("I love coffee") into reported speech (Seonaid said that she loved coffee), using the verbs 'say', 'tell' and 'ask'.

However, we can also use many other verbs to report what someone said, like 'promise', 'warn', 'advise' and 'recommend'. Some of these verbs look a bit more complicated to use than 'say' and 'tell', but it's just a question of getting to know the verb patterns (or verb structures). (As I'm sure you know, we can often choose if we want to use 'that' or not in English. I've put it in brackets () to show that it's optional. Reporting verbs. Reporting verbs. Reporting verbs - 02. 'You're lying, Michael,' she said.She______ accused that Michael was lying. accused Michael of lying. accused Michael to lie.'There's no way I'm working on Sunday.'He ____________ on Sunday. reused to work refused that he would work refused working'She'll be married by Christmas.'He predicted ____________ by Christmas. her to be married that she would be married her marrying'I should think it will cost about a million dollars.'


Warn definition and meaning. Learning English. Reporting Verbs Exercise 1. Reporting Verbs. Reporting Verbs Entries. Reporting verbs – Test English. Exercise 1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below. Reporting verbs are used to report what somebody said, like promise, say, ask, admit, etc. And we normally classify these verbs into different groups depending on the structure they can be found in. Reporting Verbs. Writing Quiz #12. Writing Quiz #11. Writing Quiz #10. Writing Quiz #10. Writing Quiz #9. Writing Quiz #8. Passive. BBC Learning English - Course: Upper-intermediate / Unit 19 / Session 1 / Activity 1. Reporting Verbs. Intermediate vocabulary exercise: reporting verbs. REPORTING VERBS (exercises)

REPORTING VERBS (exercises) Reporting verbs - ESL activities. 147549. The TO-infinitive after passive reporting verbs. Reporting verbs 2. Reporting Verb Exercises. Academic Reporting Verbs. 3 Common Considerations with Reporting Verbs : Grammar and Beyond. Reported Speech and Reporting Verbs. Reporting verbs. Reporting verbs exercise 1. REPORTING VERBS. Passive voice with reporting verbs. A little bit of drama: Reported speech – reporting verb patterns. Special verbs for Reported Speech Exercise. Special verbs for Reported Speech Exercise. Reported Speech for Orders at Auto-English. More Reporting Verbs Exercise at Auto-English. Special verbs for Reported Speech Exercise at Auto-English. Want you to do something in English grammar. Grammar: reporting verb patterns. Reporting Verbs.