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Las escuelas más innovadoras del mundo no tienen aulas ni pizarras. Actualizado: No hay aulas, tal y como se conocen trandicionalmente, ni pizarras ni pupitres. En las escuelas suecas Vittra los alumnos circulan libremente y cualquier lugar del centro es bueno para aprender, con profesores o con otros compañeros. A veces en las escaleras, otras sobre cojines o tumbados en el suelo. Estos centros han revolucionado la forma de educar, aprender y enseñar con nuevos conceptos sobre el espacio y el tiempo. Los estudiantes aprenden a su ritmo en un modelo distinto y profundamente innovador, sin clases y sin rígidos horarios. Vittra es una empresa que gestiona 27 centros educativos de preescolar (1 a 6 años) y escuelas (de 6 a 16) en Estocolmo y en la zona sur de esta ciudad. Los pilares de la innovación Las escuelas Vittra nacieron hace veinte años planteando ya verdaderos retos educativos. Ese nuevo concepto de espacios abiertos da pie a una organización escolar muy diferente a la que estamos acostumbrados.

Un plan individualizado Las seis promesas de Vittra 1. Call to Innovation. Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning. Editor's Note: Drew Minock, who co-wrote this piece, is an elementary teacher, co-founder of the popular education blog Two Guys and Some IPads, and is one of the voices on "The Two Guys Show" podcast. Imagine living in the magical world of Harry Potter, where the school hallways are lined with paintings that are alive and interactive.

Now imagine creating an atmosphere like that for your students. Augmented Reality (AR) allows educators and students to do just that: unlock or create layers of digital information on top of the physical world that can be viewed through an Android or iOS device. Most people who interact with AR for the first time have a mind-blowing experience but fail to consider classroom applications. In our elementary school classrooms, we use AR to create active learning experiences hitherto inconceivable, and in the process redefine the learning space! Classroom Applications Not Just Another Fad There are endless ideas and possibilities for using AR. Mobincube FREE Apps Builder for iOS Android Blackberry Windows Phone. GoodBarber - Crea tu aplicación para iPhone y Android.

The Literary Guide to the World. Barcelona Activa - Top Emprenedor: Xavier Verdaguer. List of artificial intelligence projects. The following is a list of current and past, nonclassified notable artificial intelligence projects. Specialized projects[edit] Brain-inspired[edit] Cognitive architectures[edit] Games[edit] Knowledge and reasoning[edit] Motion and manipulation[edit] Natural language processing[edit] AIML, an XML dialect for creating natural language software agents.Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity (A.L.I.C.E.), an award-winning natural language processing chatterbot.Cleverbot,successor to Jabberwacky, now with 170m lines of conversation, Deep Context, fuzziness and parallel processing.Cleverbot learns from around 2 million user interactions per month.ELIZA, a famous 1966 computer program by Joseph Weizenbaum, which parodied person-centered therapy.InfoTame, a text analysis search engine originally developed by the KGB for sorting communications intercepts.Jabberwacky, a chatterbot by Rollo Carpenter, aiming to simulate a natural human chat.KAR-Talk, a chatterbot by I.

Planning[edit] Other[edit] OpenAi - - Creating the standard for Artificial Intelligence. AIPARTS.ORG. Censhare-Sistema de Publicación | Software de gestión para Librerías, Editoriales y Distribuidoras. Home | Panorama Education. Knewton - The World's Leading Adaptive Learning Technology Provider. Kapow Software Products Overview — Kapow Software. Big Data Integration for the Modern Enterprise "Kapow brings incredible value to our business users by making them more efficient and productive. With Kapow, we spend less time on manual processes to access and prepare data and more time to make new discoveries. Kapow Kapplets are intuitive and elegant, and provide our business users the critical data they need with just a single click of a button.

" – Lars Johnsen, Chief Content Manager at Schultz. Kapow Enterprise 9.3 is an agile Big Data integration platform that enables organizations to nimbly extract and act on critical information from disparate sources and make it actionable and accessible across their organizations. Kapow Software's technology provides a full 360-degree view of information across any internal and external data source. Data that was previously unattainable, unusable or costly to integrate is now readily consumable to drive top-line growth, innovation and operational productivity. Kapow Enterprise Platform Integrate. 50 incredible stats about the tech scene that businesses need to know. 21 October '13, 06:26am Follow The Internet can be a difficult space for entrepreneurs to maneuver considering the many facets to it.

Should I start with a mobile presence first? Do I need an app or can I just optimize my website for mobile viewing? And here is where a slideshow compiled by Vala Afshar, the CMO and Chief Customer Officer at American computer networking company Enterasys, comes in extremely useful. Statistics to do with the Internet are aplenty (we publish stories touting various stats every once in a while) — but this presentation pulls all of them together for an easy overview. Want to find out how many apps will be downloaded this year, and if YouTube or cable networks reach more potential customers? How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses | Wired Business. You can read a version of this story in Spanish here. Pueden leer una versión de esta historia en español aquí. José Urbina López Primary School sits next to a dump just across the US border in Mexico. The school serves residents of Matamoros, a dusty, sunbaked city of 489,000 that is a flash point in the war on drugs.

There are regular shoot-outs, and it’s not uncommon for locals to find bodies scattered in the street in the morning. To get to the school, students walk along a white dirt road that parallels a fetid canal. On a recent morning there was a 1940s-era tractor, a decaying boat in a ditch, and a herd of goats nibbling gray strands of grass. For 12-year-old Paloma Noyola Bueno, it was a bright spot. After school, Paloma would come home and sit with her father in the main room of their cement-and-wood home.

Sergio Juárez Correa was used to teaching that kind of class. The results speak for themselves: Hundreds of thousands of kids drop out of public high school every year. Fundació Privada per a la Creativació · Dret dels nens a ser Creatius. Diez claves para entender las nuevas tendencias en educación. Por Technology Review La educación es una parte esencial en la vida de las personas. Paralelamente, es necesario adaptar la innovación tecnológica a cada modelo educativo. Para dar una explicación a todas las transformaciones que se están viviendo en el ámbito de la educación, Alfons Cornella, presidente y fundador de Infonomia; y Antonella Broglia, consultora en Infonomia, presentaron sus propuestas en el seminario Update Educación.

Un recorrido por las nuevas ideas y conceptos en educación, organizado en Madrid por la Fundación Telefónica. 1.- ¿Por qué a los niños no les gusta la escuela? Cornella explicó que los seres humanos analizamos nuestro entorno y creemos que ésta es la razón por la que aprendemos. 2.- Mercado planetario del talento Con esta idea, Broglia presentó el nuevo contexto de la educación en un mercado cada vez más globalizado. 3.- El Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas… ¿es el futuro? 4.- No a la universidad 5.- Aprendizaje integrativo 6.- KIPP y sus hermanas En conclusión. 3dprintineducation « Dave White's blog about 3D Printing in Education. Exciting Developments in Uses of 3D Printing in Education. The emergence of 3D printing has drawn the attention of different business sectors across the world.

This high-tech printing method uses many additive layers compounded with each other to create the desired object. A primary driver behind its growing popularity is the ability to create certain constructs more proficiently and cost-effectively than making them by hand or using traditional manufacturing approaches. 3D printing is also making its way into educational institutions. Before delving into many ways 3D printing is being used in education, you might want to take a look at the video clip below.

This news piece provides a overview of 3D printing capabilities, including fascinating emerging capabilities with body parts, foods, and much more. Here are a few of the reasons 3D printing is attractive for academic applications: 3D printing can be performed in the regular classroom well, i.e., during the lecture. 3D printers do not make much noise while composing an object. About K. New Zealand to incorperate 3D printing in education. The New Zealand education curriculum is expanding. Next year students will have the opportunity to use the most talked about manufacturing techniques and machines in 2013.

Yes, you guessed it, 3D printers will now be incorporated into K-12 education! The new curriculum standard 91622 will give students the chance to design a Chess piece that will need to be made on a 3D printer. It will be the start of a fully customized world where goods and products will be made to order. 3D printing is already changing the state of manufacturing in Australia and New Zealand. Our up and coming engineers are now going to be taught the skills and techniques how to take a concept design to make a functional part. Most 3D CAD for Schools is free and there are some fantastic 3D modelling programs to choose from. Download the new standard here standard 91622 Our store related products: 7 Educational Uses for 3D Printing - Getting Smart by Guest Author - EdTech, higher ed, Innovation.

By Nancy Parker When someone says that they have a 3D printer, many people visualize a printer that produces 3D images on a sheet of paper. In actuality, a 3D printer goes beyond an image on paper and brings the object to life in real 3D. Layer by layer, the 3D printer can replicate images created in CAD programs. Any creation in supported design programs can be brought into the real world. What are some educational values of the 3D printer? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If it can be created in a supported 3D rendering program, it can exist in real life. Nancy Parker writes about wide range of subjects like health, Parenting, Child Care, Babysitting, nanny, etc. Photo Courtesy of Makerbot. 10 Ways 3D Printing Can Be Used In Education [Infographic] How 3D Printing Works 3D printing sounds like something from science fiction, but the process is similar to that of CNC machining, where billets are cut into specific shapes and products.

But rather than cutting, it prints. A 3D printer works by “printing” objects–but instead of using ink, it uses more substantive materials–plastics, metal, rubber, and the like. It scans an object–or takes an existing scan of an object–and slices it into layers it can then convert into a physical object. The result is a product that while not as intricate, durable, or functional as the real-world equivalent, is otherwise a real thing that didn’t exist 30 seconds before you printed it. In fact, what it is you’re actually producing depends on what is being printed: if it’s toy jewelry, rubber balls, and plastic chess pieces your after, you’re printing not an analogue of the real thing, but the real thing itself.

Confused yet? Crazy. 11 Ways 3D Printing Can Be Used In Education 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 3D Printing Technology Brings Businesses to the School. Originally intended to keep his instructional workshop armed with the latest technologies, IT teacher Mike Bruggeman’s Dimension 3D Printer now also serves as a design tool for local businesses. But he doesn’t operate the printer himself. It’s his 16- to 18-year old high school students. This arrangement has been such a success for his students and local businesses that Bruggeman and a fellow Chico High School instructor have hosted informational sessions for teachers where they share the value 3D printing has added to their curriculum. “We’ve been giving away our curriculum, and the projects which incorporate the Dimension 3D Printer, because we believe in using 21st century technology in the classroom to best prepare students for success in the field of engineering,” said Bruggeman.

“With the addition of the Dimension printer and partnerships with local business, I think we’re definitely on the right track.” Making the Dimension Decision Kids Create For Kleen Kanteen. How Quirky Works. 3D Printshow. Xtend Educación | Los niños crean, los profesores comparten. Home. HOME. 3D Printing | 3D Printers | MakerBot. OTBInnova Creative Thinking.