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3D Printshow 2012

3D Printshow 2012

Looking for business models for 3D Printer | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE: Maker Movement Was passiert, wenn 3D-Drucker alltäglich werden? Was werden die Menschen drucken wollen? Und wie kann man damit Geld verdienen? Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + 3D-Drucker vom Typ Ultimaker im Einsatz | © Patrick Beuth / ZEIT ONLINE Mit neuen Konsumbedürfnissen ist das so eine Sache. 3D-Drucker für zu Hause, eine zurzeit mehr schlecht als recht funktionierende Technik , sind angeblich das nächste große Ding. Anzeige Noch ist der Markt eine winzige Nische, noch gibt es mehr Artikel über 3D-Drucker, als es 3D-Drucker in privaten Haushalten gibt. Mehrere amerikanische Firmen haben sich dazu in Stellung gebracht, vorneweg das New Yorker Unternehmen MakerBot und der Konzern 3D Systems, zu dessen Unternehmensgruppe mittlerweile auch der ehemalige Konkurrent Bits from Bytes gehört. Beliebt: Murmelbahnen ausdrucken Einigermaßen erschwinglich sind 3D-Drucker also schon. Was die Murmelbahnen bei Thingiverse, das sind die Ringe und Armreifen bei 3D Systems.

Natural Machines: The makers of Foodini - a 3D food printer making all types of fresh, nutritious foods. Creative Anarky 2 CREATIVE ANARKY - and the Art and Science of Touch! How cool does that sound? What does it mean? Our ethos is about democratising 3D digital modelling, re-drawing the conventional boundaries by using a software/hardware system that gives you the user a very real sense of touch for a more natural way of working. You have the opportunity to put the ‘passion’ back into digital creativity and the creative freedom to stretch the scope of your imagination. And the great news is that our software/hardware system, our Anarkik 3D Design package that Farah is using in the video, is up for a 3DPrintShow Global Award in the ‘Best Consumer Software’ category. (You can vote for us at this link: as the award is voted for by the public and is not a panel vote. Add to this the readily available 3D printing facilities and your models can be transformed into real innovative customised objects, all at a fraction of the cost not previously thought possible. Why are we seeking your help?

La plus grosse imprimante 3D du monde pour construire une maison Alors que les technologies de fabrication additive se démocratisent dans l'industrie, un projet architectural va plus loin. Une maison entière est en train d'être imprimée en 3D sur les rives du canal d'Amsterdam. Le KamerMaker est la plus grande imprimante 3D du monde. Fabriquée à partir d'un conteneur de transport maritime, elle a été conçue il y a quelques années par Utilimaker et Architectburo DUS afin de repousser les limites de la fabrication additive en permettant l'impression d'objets de très grande taille, qu'il s'agisse de meubles ou de petites éoliennes. Le but affiché consistait, à terme, à se consacrer à des projets architecturaux à échelle réelle. Pour les curieux, il est possible de visiter le site de la construction pour la modique somme de 2,5 euros. Présentation du projet en vidéo :

Statistical Studies of Peer Production » Manufacturing in motion: first survey on 3D printing community by Jarkko Moilanen & Tere Vadén Another industrial revolution? Yochai Benkler’s book is available online as PDF, HTML and many other formats Economists and theorists of innovation such as Jeremy Rifkin , Yochai Benkler, Michel Bauwens , and several others have concluded that the Third Industrial Revolution is at hand [3, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15]. Often the discussion around this topic refers to emerging new technologies such as clever software, novel materials, nanotechnology, more dexterous robots and new processes such as three-dimensional printing or the new wave of rapid manufacturing developed by the open source/hardware community, and the associated distributed ways of organising design and production. 3D printing has been around for a few decades already. In the old world (dinosaur age in software development), the proprietary approach was dominant, companies held their innovations inside and sold binaries to customers. Commons-based peer production Motivations of open source hackers

3D printing This article may require copy editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone, or spelling. You can assist by editing it. (September 2015) 3D printing in the term's original sense refers to processes that sequentially deposit material onto a powder bed with inkjet printer heads. History Terminology and methods CAD model used for 3D printing By the early 2010s, the terms 3D printing and additive manufacturing developed senses in which they were synonymous umbrella terms for all AM technologies. With the maturation of the technology, several authors had begun to speculate that 3-D printing could aid in sustainable development in the developing world.[15][16][17] General principles 3D model slicing Modeling 3D printable models may be created with a computer aided design (CAD) package or via a 3D scanner or by a plain digital camera and photogrammetry software. Printing Printer resolution describes layer thickness and X-Y resolution in dots per inch (dpi) or micrometers (µm). Finishing Processes Lamination

WHY Heirloom Apparent Fifty years after it was purchased, an Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman begins its third chapter with a new generation of the... Read More Live from New York A major market for our furniture, and the headquarters of some of our most important designers, Manhattan has long been... Read More Getting to Comfortable In creating a more casual design for today’s work environments, Jehs + Laub sought a technical solution to balance structure... Read More Myth Maker Celebrated as a photographer of iconic mid-century architecture, Balthazar Korab accumulated lesser-known portfolios that... Read More Social Furniture For Austria’s entry in the Venice Architecture Biennale, Vienna-based EOOS offers a problem-solving design to help Europe’s... Read More The Great Debate: Not Even A Question Decades after the first open office launched a thousand workplace conversations, Herman Miller dives into the...

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects Products Popular Mechanics: "Novint Falcon Haptics Controller Could Be Wii 2.0" Computer Gaming World: "BEST. PERIPHERAL. EVER. Forget Nintendo’s Wii-mote;” Associated Press: “It's so real; it's hard not to feel a pang of guilt when splattering foes.” IGN (9 out of 10): “there's no denying that it's one of the most unique and powerful controllers there's ever been.” G4 X-Play: “It’s absolutely amazing” PC Gamer: ”There’s no question that the Novint Falcon has an opportunity to become a must-have controller for hardcore PC gaming fans.” PC MAGAZINE: “”the Falcon doesn't politely ask for your attention, it demands it…overall, the Novint Falcon is a marvel and currently a controller in a league of its own.” Tom’s Games: ”The Falcon is undoubtedly one of the finest PC gaming peripherals I've ever seen.”

Maker Movement: Still 3D printers are something for hobbyists | Digital MakerBot verkauft mit dem Replicator 2 nach eigenen Aussagen den ersten massentauglichen 3D-Drucker. Das Problem: Nur ein kleiner Teil der Masse ist 3D-Drucker-tauglich. Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + Der Replikator 2 von MakerBot | © MakerBot Das, was Chris Anderson für die Zukunft hält, ist schwarz, so groß wie ein Kasten Bier, leuchtet von innen wie etwas aus einem Science-Fiction-Film und kostet 2.200 bis 2.800 US-Dollar. Auf den ersten Blick erscheint Andersons Euphorie nachvollziehbar. Anzeige Der Replicator 2 sei bestens geeignet "für Ingenieure, Wissenschaftler und jeden, der einfach gerne Dinge kreiert", bewirbt das Unternehmen sein Produkt. Wer wirklich Objekte ausdrucken will, muss sich mit der Hardware und der zugehörigen Software beschäftigen, und das gründlich. 3D-Drucken ist ein zeitaufwendiges Hobby und erfordert technisches Verständnis. Patrick Beuth Sie machen es sich allerdings auch nicht leicht.

A3D Home WikiWep DevBlog. DOJ began a PR push last week to find legislative traction for a set of proposed bills that would criminalize the individual production of rifle receivers and magazines with 3D printers. Sections 4 and 5 of the proposed House bill directly criminalize 3D printed receivers and magazines, and mandate an arbitrary amount of metal be part of their fabrication. Beyond suffering from fatal Due Process and GCA problems, the bill’s prohibitions are not extended to manufacturers because (hint) there isn’t actually a security issue at stake. The bad faith and fraud required to hide this from the current public discussion is of course par for the course. The media organs have dutifully repeated the official account. The NRA used to say “no inroads.” Ceterum censeo
