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Herve Lourdin sur Twitter : "Ahaa : “The evolution of #SoftwareArchitecture” The evolution of software architecture. Les nouveaux bureaux de Mozilla à Paris. Voilà, cette semaine, juste à temps pour les 15 ans de Mozilla, les équipes parisiennes de Mozilla vont déménager vers de nouveaux locaux superbes dans le centre de Paris. La façade. Crédit photo : Gecina C'est un soulagement pour tous : jusqu'à présent, la forte croissance de Mozilla nous avait obligés à prendre des locaux temporaires en plus des locaux principaux, sans pour autant offrir l'espace que nous espérions pour la communauté. Les nouveaux locaux, sur le boulevard Montmartre, tout près des locaux actuels de La Cantine ont pour objectif ceux de tous les Mozilla Spaces, à savoir : Augmenter la participation des Mozilliens (employés et bénévoles)Attirer de nouveaux participants (employés et bénévoles)[1]Augmenter localement l'influence de Mozilla.

La partie bureaux Il faut dire que contrairement aux anciens locaux, nous avons enfin des bureaux suffisamment grands pour accueillir les employés confortablement (jusqu'à 50 places). La cuisine Alors, à bientôt Boulevard Montmartre ? Unofficial VirtualDub Support Forums -> List Of Input Plugins. [edit] Moderator noteFccHandlers website went offlineThere are mirrors further down the page, but the inactive links are still here just in case they become active again in the future Input plugins 32 bit:* MPEG-PS (MPEG-2 / MPEG-1) / DVD (by fccHandler)* Matroska (MKV MKA) (by fccHandler)* Flash Video (FLV) (by fccHandler)* Flash Video (FLV) (by Moitah) => superceded by fccHandler's one* Windows Media (ASF WMV WMA) (by fccHandler)* Dolby Digital (AC3) (by fccHandler)* FLIC (FLI FLC) (by fccHandler)* QuickTime / MPEG-4 / 3GPP (MOV MP4 M4V M4A QT 3GP 3G2 F4V) (by fccHandler)* QuickTime / MPEG-4 / 3GPP (MOV HDMOV MP4 M4V M4A QT 3GP 3G2 F4V ...)

VirtualDub 32 bit and 64 bit:Latest VirtualDub test build: 1.10.3 test 32 bit special versions of VirtualDub:* VirtualDub dazzle hack (by phaeron) 32 bit mods:* VirtualDub APNG Mod (by maxst) => VirtualDub with animated PNG support* VirtualDub-DVR (by JoneF) => VirtualDub with capture schedulerOther mods Video filters ACM codecs VFW codecs. How to Make Your USB Drive into a Digital Swiss Army Knife.

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Linuxien. Prism / Linux un navigateur dans le bureau ! Prism , anciennement appelé webrunner, est un petit navigateur mono-site dépourvu de toutes interfaces (pas de menus, pas de boutons, ...) le rendant ainsi ultra-rapide. Cet article explique comment l'installer et l'utiliser sur un système d'exploitation Linux. Le but principal de ce logiciel est donc de permettre à l'utilisateur d'accéder facilement et rapidement à des applications en ligne, qu'il consulte très régulièrement (webmail, lecteur de flux RSS ...).

On se retrouve ainsi avec un programme qui réunit le meilleur des deux mondes : les applications desktop locales et les applications web en ligne. 1. Ouvrez un terminal en root, et lancez les commandes suivantes après avoir téléchargé les sources depuis le site officiel : cd /usr/local/src tar jxvf prism-*-linux.tar.bz2 chown -R root:root prism chmod -R 755 prism 2. Pour consulter une page web, il suffit alors d'appeler le programme avec l'option indiquant l'adresse du site. /usr/local/src/prism/prism -uri. Prism Bundle. WebApp Bundle In addition to passing simple command line parameters, Prism can use a zipped bundle package to install a webapp. The bundle can hold additional resources currently limited to: Application INI settings Application icon Script for the application chrome, not the web content Installing a Bundle When Prism opens a webapp bundle it will unpack it into the webapps/{webapp-id} folder in your Prism profile.

The webapp must have an ID in order to be installed. When Prism is launched with a "-webapp [bundle]" command line, the bundle must first be unpacked before the web application is launched. HowTo Here is a simple way to build a basic web application bundle: Create file called webapp.ini that contains something like: [Parameters] id=unique-app-id@unique-author-id.whatever uri= status=yes location=no sidebar=no navigation=no Zip the file to [whatever].webapp Double-click the webapp bundle or use prism -webapp [path-to-webapp] Structure winnt. Prism Config. Configuration A webapp profile is a simple, INI-style text file that specifies some parameters about a webapp.

The profile can be used to launch the webapp in Prism. The parameters also control some of the features of the Prism host window. Here is the list of parameters: id - the unique name of this web application. Remember that other people can create different webapps using the same uri and this webapp is only your particular instance or mashup. So make sure the identifier is not only unique to the web application, but also to you. Launch Prism with -webapp [bundle] to load the specified web profile and install the webapp to your Prism profile folder. Any of the profile parameters can also be passed directly on the command line as well.

Example Here is an example of a webapp.ini profile: [Parameters] uri= icon=gmail status=yes location=no sidebar=no navigation=no. Prism. Prism is a simple XULRunner based browser that hosts web applications without the normal web browser user interface. Prism is based on a concept called Site Specific Browsers (SSB). An SSB is an application with an embedded browser designed to work exclusively with a single web application. It doesn’t have the menus, toolbars and accoutrements of a normal web browser. Some people have called it a "distraction free browser" because none of the typical browser chrome is used. An SSB also has a tighter integration with the OS and desktop than a typical web application running through a web browser. Prism / SSB Objectives Looking at what has already been done and discussed about desktop/webapp integration, the following is a suggested roadmap for SSB experimentation: Separate process: When the webapp goes down or locks up, I don’t want anything else affected.

Current Features Wishlist Add Taskbar icon representation option for the web applications. Proxy=


Infographie. Georezo Search Engine Plugins - Firefox & I. Powerpoint.