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Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Classroom. Introduction to Parallel Programming With CUDA. When does the course begin?

Introduction to Parallel Programming With CUDA

This class is self paced. You can begin whenever you like and then follow your own pace. It’s a good idea to set goals for yourself to make sure you stick with the course. How long will the course be available? This class will always be available! How do I know if this course is for me? Take a look at the “Class Summary,” “What Should I Know,” and “What Will I Learn” sections above. Can I skip individual videos? Yes! How much does this cost? It’s completely free! What are the rules on collaboration? Collaboration is a great way to learn. Why are there so many questions? Udacity classes are a little different from traditional courses.

What should I do while I’m watching the videos? The Elements of Computing Systems / Nisan & Schocken. OpenClassrooms - Great teachers, bright classmates. Dev/Tools – Indico. Most people in the Indico team use Eclipse/PyDev.

Dev/Tools – Indico

There's also a small Emacs community. Eclipse + PyDev ¶ Installation and setup ¶ 1. Downloading and installing Eclipse + PyDev ¶ Download Eclipse at ​ . 2. Click on Window > Open perspective > Other... and select PyDev. 3. For this, go to the menu Window > Preferences and perform the following operations: Select the Python interpreter. 4. This step assumes you already cloned the repository to your local computer: see Getting the source code) Go to the menu File > New > PyDev project (if you are do not see ! 5. Right click on the project name and select Properties.

Code formatting and code analysis tools for Eclipse + PyDev ¶ AnyEditTools to remove trailing whitespaces ¶ To remove trailing whitespaces, which give a lot of problems when integrating branches in git, install ​AnyEditTools. Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Introduction to Dynamic Programming. Dynamic programming is a method for efficiently solving a broad range of search and optimization problems which exhibit the characteristics of overlappling subproblems and optimal substructure. I'll try to illustrate these characteristics through some simple examples and end with an exercise.

Happy coding! Contents Overlapping Subproblems A problem is said to have overlapping subproblems if it can be broken down into subproblems which are reused multiple times. Def factorial(n): if n == 0: return 1 return n*factorial(n-1) Thus the problem of calculating factorial(n) depends on calculating the subproblem factorial(n-1). Fibonacci Numbers The problem of calculating the nth Fibonacci number does, however, exhibit overlapping subproblems. Def fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 if n == 1: return 1 return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) Getting Started using Python in Eclipse.

Eclipse with the PyDev module has a lot to offer the Python programmer these days.

Getting Started using Python in Eclipse

If you haven't looked at PyDev before, or not in a while, it's worth checking out. Here are some of my favorite features: One-keystroke navigation to the definitions of variables, methods, classesCode completion, including automatically adding import statementsClean up importsRefactoring, including renaming across projectsClean up whitespace. 50 Places You Can Learn to Code (for Free) Online. If you’re curious about learning a programming language then you’re in luck: there’s no shortage of resources for learning how to code online.

50 Places You Can Learn to Code (for Free) Online

University-level courses, tutorials, cheat sheets, and coding communities all offer excellent ways to pick up a new language, and maybe even a new job, too. Read on, and you’ll discover 50 great places to learn how to code, for free, online. University Many big names in education including MIT and Stanford offer programming courses, absolutely free. General. 27 ways to learn online how to code. Whether you are looking to switch careers and become a full-time programmer, want to try to build a website or app on the side, or are just looking to round out your skill set, learning to code has certainly been something a lot of people have started to do lately.

27 ways to learn online how to code

And while being a programmer might not be for everyone, there is a lot to be said about gaining a better, more educated view of how all those pixels get moved around all those screens. Before we delve into our list of learning resources sites, we wanted to share some advice from Marissa Louie, a self-taught product designer for Ness Computing. A former startup founder, Louie told TNW that the hardest part of being self-taught – whether it’s design, programming, or any other discipline is, “gathering the courage. The most important barrier is just to overcome your fears” (she also said having the ability to follow instructions helps as well). F**k it, we'll do it live!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.