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Targeting Murdoch. Quelle surprise! Britain’s parliament discovered what media critics and people wanting real news and information knew decades ago. Murdoch’s world features demagoguery, managed news, scandal, sleaze, and warmongering. He’s the prototypical presstitute famed journalist George Seldes (1890 – 1995) denounced in books like “Lords of the Press.” He called them “the most powerful force against the general welfare of the majority of the people.” He exposed their tactics long before Project Censored. Major media scoundrels are villainous global pirates. Viewing, it added, is like watching “a Harlem Globetrotters game (knowing) which side is supposed to win.” It’s a virtual mouthpiece piece for extremist Republicans. Famed Chicago columnist Mike Royko (1932- 1997) once said “no self-respecting fish would (want to) be wrapped in a Murdoch paper….”

Former Fox employees complain about management cooking the facts to make stories acceptable to right-wing audiences. At age 82, Rupert nears retirement.

How we're trained to believe the impossible & ignore the obvious

Understanding corruption. 2013 What is the Illuminati? Skeptics see this - Amazing 48 minutes of Information. The President Who Told The TRUTH!!! 7 Insane Conspiracies That Actually Happened. The Plan: A group of conspirators (including Guy Fawkes, Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving) decided to blow the fuck out of the British House of Parliament, thus killing pretty much all of the aristocracy, as well as King James I. In May of 1604, a group of Britons who were fed up with King James's rule met with Robert Catesby. As Catholics, they were tired of the Protestant government. In accordance with the teachings of their faith, they apparently decided that the best way to solve their problems was to kill everyone. The conspirators were taking up residence across the street from The House of Lords, the building the upper house of parliament met in. How did that work out? Lord Monteagle None of the protestant politicians were killed, but the plan wasn't a complete failure.

Apparently the conspirators had also planned to kidnap the royal children, as well as incite a revolt. These men weren't told that they had syphilis and were denied proper treatment for their disease. 2 Secret mysteries of America's beginnings The secret architecture of Washington Dc 2007. David Icke - Do You REALLY Want to Know This?? Ozspeaksup's Blog. Election 2012 - Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air 08/11 by Fred CoHost. The Jackson 2 follow Call in to speak with the host The "Election 2012 - Smoke, Mirrors and Hot Air" will examine the acrimonious, rhetoric surrouding the Presidential election. This race is not like any other and it certainly "ain't" pretty. Jed will be interviewing TomCat of Politics Plus with Tom to discuss the nature of the ad campaigns of both candidates. Please join us in the chatroom or call in with your comments at (347) 677-1814. Tags: American Politics Liberal Democratic Discussion Humour h:262721s:3490217archived Recommended For You Comments.

» Big Government conspiracy theories become reality: Fluoride, cancer, chemicals and more Alex Jones. S. D. WellsNatural News Oct 1, 2012 What if you just found out that cancer in America began when food processing plants became prominent and people moved closer to the industrial plants, where the jobs were, just after World War II? And what if you found out from a very “reliable source” that the U.S. government knew this processed food would cause cancer?

Would you believe it, or would you call the people who do believe it conspiracy theorists? What if CNN, Dateline NBC, 60 Minutes, or some other network prime time “mainstream news” program did a HUGE NATIONAL STORY about how fluoride in public water is causing Alzheimer’s, Osteoporosis and Arthritis, and nearly every city and county in America would be removing it from the public water supply starting first thing Monday? Then you start thinking, wait a second, could people go to jail for coming up with this idea, of fluoridating the water, or did they already go to jail for MASS MURDER? Toxic water was a planned conspiracy Source: Jmaros15. World Most Censured and Deleted Video of all times.

This Shit's Got to Go! Revolution 2012: It's Time To Rise. A Message To Humanity! So very powerful wow. Ron Paul Amazing "What If?" Speech. What if Featuring Ron Paul and music by Metallica! Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video)