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What The Color Of Your Snot Says About Your Health. It goes by many names: snot, booger, phlegm, mucus.

What The Color Of Your Snot Says About Your Health

Call it what you will, but we need to at least acknowledge the importance of what that gooey substance lining your mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs and gastrointestinal tract does for your health. The Cleveland Clinic has done just that, with a helpful infographic about what the shade of your nasal mucus may mean for your health. Of course, if you are concerned about the color of your snot, it is always best to consult a doctor. Check out the infographic below. The Cleveland Clinic has also made an infographic about “What The Color of Your Urine Says About Your Health.” 10 Essential Tips for Long Lasting Relationships With Friends and Family. Relationships can be the most vital part of our lives.

10 Essential Tips for Long Lasting Relationships With Friends and Family

How To Make Efforts In A Relationship - TheLifeTech. Relationships are hard.

How To Make Efforts In A Relationship - TheLifeTech

10 Ways to Help You Get through Tough Times - TheLifeTech. The sad truth of life is that it is unpredictable.

10 Ways to Help You Get through Tough Times - TheLifeTech

One moment you’re happy, and then suddenly something horrible happens that affects your life negatively. People suffer everyday; trying to cope up with their loss; some successfully, others in vain. More often than not, they are unable to deal with a tragedy; bearing horrible consequences such as depression, alienation and in the worst cases, suicide. Whether it is the demise of a loved one, the end of a romantic relationship, a financial loss, a long academic struggle or a completely different adversity, here are 10 ways to help you get through the tough times: 15 Signs That You've Found Your Soulmate - TheLifeTech. Everyone needs someone who understands them and cares for them unconditionally.

15 Signs That You've Found Your Soulmate - TheLifeTech

Sure we have parents and siblings, but the one person who will truly get you is a soulmate. Most children are introduced to the idea of soulmates in movies or television shows. 7 Ways To Differentiate Between Real Love And Attachment - TheLifeTech. 10 Mind Expanding Books You Should Read In A Lifetime. 10 Mind Expanding Books You Should Read In A Lifetime: Reading gives your brain a different kind of workout than watching TV or listening to the radio.

10 Mind Expanding Books You Should Read In A Lifetime

Whether you’re absorbed in a page-turner or simply scanning an instruction manual for your coffee maker, “parts of the brain that have evolved for other functions—such as vision, language, and associative learning. Reading is fun. Reading is powerful. And reading has served me so well that I’d say it contributes to the majority of the successes I’ve experienced in my life — both personally and professionally. 10 Simple Ways To Increase Happiness In Your Life - TheLifeTech. Simple Ways To Increase Happiness In Your Life: Life isn’t always perfect and we all get down sometimes.

10 Simple Ways To Increase Happiness In Your Life - TheLifeTech

However, there are many things you can do to improve your cheerfulness no matter what comes your way. It’s hard to keep the world from weighing down on you. With relationships, bills and a whole slew of other frustrations in the world, it’s easy to understand why you feel glum. It can even feel as though life is just one giant string of depressing moments broken up by tiny moments of happiness. However, the truth is that many times, our frustrations are caused by not taking the proper time for yourself. Best Motivational Quotes To Never Stop Yourself In Difficult Circumstances. Best Motivational Quotes: Sometimes we feel like we have nothing left to give, and no matter how hard we try, we keep hitting road blocks that seem to hold us back.

Best Motivational Quotes To Never Stop Yourself In Difficult Circumstances

The matter of fact is, if we can overcome the obstacles presented to us and keep pushing through the bad times, we will find the success within ourselves to create something worthwhile. Top Adventure Destinations in India You Will Love Them - TheLifeTech. Adventure Destinations in India: In recent years, India has emerged as one of the world’s most popular adventure travel destinations.

Top Adventure Destinations in India You Will Love Them - TheLifeTech

One of the main reasons for this is the huge variety of adventure activities that are possible. Most people looking for India adventure travel destinations head to the far north mountains, and the beaches of Goa. Here are the best places to unleash your adventurous side. With many beautiful destinations and opportunities for marvelous things to do and enjoy, India is a tourist friendly country in every aspect. Top 12 Essential Free Tools Used By Professional Bloggers - TheLifeTech. Are you struggling to get to grips with all the new technology that seems to be part of the blogging experience Blogging requires you to do extensive research.

Top 12 Essential Free Tools Used By Professional Bloggers - TheLifeTech

In addition, the posts in your blog must be interesting, grammatically sound and authentic. This will consume a lot of time. However, there are different free tools professional bloggers use to make their job easier. Why It Is Better To Traveling Alone Than Dating Someone - TheLifeTech. Traveling Alone Than Dating Someone: No doubt, dating someone is a great experience and teaches very important lessons which help you to mature, Dating can be hard sometimes. It is full of challenges, compromises, and sacrifices. It needs the courage to give your all to your special someone because you are letting him/her influence your choices. If you are single and still in the dating game, you will understand the pain that comes with the daily pressure to meet that special someone.

While dating is fun and exciting, it may not always be the best option for you as a single person. Interesting Facts About Google You May Not Know. Interesting Facts About Google: As we all know Google is a most popular search engine, but apart from that we have lots and lots of interesting things to know about google. Come-on lets see what and all fascinating things we can really able to get from google. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University, and was formally incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. You know there’s more to something than meets the eye when such a massively successful company has such a simple layout though, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Google has always done things a little bit differently, and that works to keep things fresh, immersive and consistently progressive. 1. The name ‘Google’ was an accident. 2. Google’s original name was Backrub, based on the system finding and ranking pages based on back links. 10 Best Nutrients For Building Strong Immune System - TheLifeTech. Want to fight off that illness that’s spreading around the office or your child’s school? Aside from practicing good hygiene, boosting your immune system is a great way to start.

What you eat is important for maintaining a healthy body. In this world of processed foods, would you know that you are getting all the right nutrients from the foods you eat? Your diet plays a part in strengthening your immune system. Sadly, too many of us don’t eat enough of the fresh fruits, vegetables and other foods we need to keep ourselves healthy year-round. Check Also: Healthy Eating Plan For A Busy Lifestyle 1. Of the many functions of protein in your body, one of its most critical is supporting your immune system.