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What Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health. Pale poop If your poop appears pale and even seems to float in the toilet, it may be an indication that your pancreas, an organ that aids in digestion, isn’t working normally, Chey says.

What Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health

Former Nurse Explains How American Hospitals Are Exploiting Their Patients For Money, Goes Viral On TikTok. In the last decade, the U.S. has tried to improve its healthcare, however, a 2020 study shows that only seven percent of Americans are satisfied with it.

Former Nurse Explains How American Hospitals Are Exploiting Their Patients For Money, Goes Viral On TikTok

The desire for change even crosses political lines as 6 out of 10 people from multiple political affiliations all agree the healthcare system needs changes or a complete overhaul. Former nurse and TikToker Christy is one of them. A few months ago, she quit her job at a hospital so she could speak out about all the problems she had seen and help people to stand up for themselves. Christy recently released a video on price transparency and variation in U.S. health services and cut straight to the chase, showing proof that so many American hospitals care only about money. 8 Common Health Problems That Can Be Treated With 2 Tbsp of Epsom Salt : The Hearty Soul. 8 Common Health Problems That Can Be Treated With 2 Tbsp of Epsom Salt Medical Daily This article is shared with permission from our friends at Medical Daily.

8 Common Health Problems That Can Be Treated With 2 Tbsp of Epsom Salt : The Hearty Soul

Most of you are probably familiar with Epsom salt and its ability to relief joint pain. The Most Effective Weight Loss Method I See Almost No One Using. Hard-Braking A Lot When You Drive Could Be an Early Sign of Dementia. One of the hardest parts of dementia can be suddenly realizing it's affecting your everyday activities during its beginning phases.

Hard-Braking A Lot When You Drive Could Be an Early Sign of Dementia

For some, the way they handle money can be an easily missed red flag of the condition's onset. But according to a new study, doing one thing in particular while driving could also be an early sign of dementia. Growing Trend of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery. Beyond that, he says, “my doctor told me we could do as good a job with rehabilitation at home as in the hospital.”

Growing Trend of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

Indeed, after doing exercises on his own and later attending physical therapy sessions, McGinnis is back to walking, bicycling and playing golf again. The COVID-19 pandemic has hastened the trend toward more outpatient total knee and hip joint replacement surgeries at hospitals throughout the country. At the Northwestern Medicine Regional Medical Group (which includes Central DuPage Hospital), in the six months before the COVID-19 pandemic 14 percent of hip and knee joint replacement surgeries were done as same-day surgery; in the six months after the pandemic began that figure jumped to 27 percent. NYU Langone Health in New York City saw a similar increase. Pain control shifts key to the outpatient procedures. How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Live Healthier, Longer. Intermittent Fasting May Be the Key to Healthy Weight. & Grounding Products.

More Data Support Heart Healthy Benefits of Omega-3s. For many years I’ve been recommending that you eat a diet rich in healthy saturated fats, and avoid vegetable oils and trans fats.

More Data Support Heart Healthy Benefits of Omega-3s

Over the past decade, public opinion has turned against partially hydrogenated oil, a source of trans fatty acids, a movement that triggered many restaurants to substitute with 100% vegetable oil. Even the Food and Drug Administration has found partially hydrogenated oils to be unsafe, determining they are not “generally recognized as safe,”1 and announced that removing them “from processed foods could prevent thousands of heart attacks and deaths each year.” The product was originally developed to extend the shelf life of food.2 The process starts with vegetable oil, then hydrogen is added, causing the product to become a soft solid at room temperature instead of a liquid.

Health - Eyes

Home. How to Reduce Your Risk of Automotive Death. We may mistakenly believe that the chances of dying are greater in the air than on the road because the severity of aviation accidents can be devastating.

How to Reduce Your Risk of Automotive Death

Compare that to automotive accidents where the probability of dying in a given automotive accident is about one half of 1 percent. Here’s the rub, unfortunately: nearly 18,000 automotive accidents occur every day in the US, on average. 2021 TRS-Care Medicare Advantage Vendor Transition. General HTML Content 1 The Pulse, February 2020 Beginning Jan. 1, 2021, UnitedHealthcare (UHC) will serve TRS-Care Medicare Advantage participants.

2021 TRS-Care Medicare Advantage Vendor Transition

Calcium + Strontium. I Saved The Best News for Last… Our Stronger Bones For 7 Years Guarantee When you follow directions for use of AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost - we guarantee you will see increased bone density in EVERY follow-up DEXA scan you have while using these 2 products - or we will refund every penny you paid for our products between your scans.

Calcium + Strontium

This guarantee extends to every scan you have for the next 7 years! Sepsis May Be Responsible for 20% of Deaths Worldwide. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition triggered by a systemic infection that causes your body to overreact and launch an excessive and highly damaging immune response.

Sepsis May Be Responsible for 20% of Deaths Worldwide

Unless promptly diagnosed and treated, it can rapidly progress to multiple-organ failure and death. A number of studies have shown sepsis is becoming ever more prevalent, making it imperative to be on the lookout for its signs and symptoms whenever you're ill or in the hospital. This includes cases of suspected influenza, as sepsis can mimic many of the signs and symptoms of the flu. In fact, sepsis is one of the leading causes for influenza deaths. Studies have also identified sepsis as a top cause of death in hospitals, and one of the primary causes of serious harm due to misdiagnosis. Statins Trigger Brain Changes With Devastating Effects. Data from the CDC1 in 2017 show heart disease causes one death every 37 seconds in America and that it is the leading cause of death in the U.S.

It created a financial burden of $219 billion in 2014 and 2015. Every 40 seconds someone has a heart attack. Those at higher risk are smokers and those who have high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and/or diabetes.2 Since researchers believed cholesterol levels contribute greatly to heart disease, pharmaceutical companies focused on developing a drug that might be marketed to millions when they first began searching for a “cure” to what is known as “hardening of the arteries.” After a historical journey beginning in the mid-20th century,3 the first statin drug was released in 1987 — lovastatin. LiverTox - NCBI Bookshelf. Cargill’s EverSweet GMO Stevia. Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana), a perennial shrub native to South America, has a long history of use as a natural sweetener for food, medicines and beverages.1 Whole stevia contains a number of substances, including various stevioside compounds, rebaudiosides and glycoside.

Steviol glycosides, including rebaudioside A, rebaudioside D and rebaudioside M (Reb A, Reb D, Reb M respectively), are what provide the sweet taste, with Reb A being the sweetest.2 In its isolated, purified form, Reb A is 250 to 400 times sweeter than sugar. Despite hundreds of years of safe use of stevia, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has labeled stevia leaf and crude stevia extracts “unsafe food additives,”3 granting GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status to certain high-purity steviol glycosides only.4 If this FDA action strikes you as backward, you’re not alone.

More often than not, consuming whole plant products will be safer due to synergistic effects than using a single active ingredient by itself. Are You Getting Enough Vitamin K? Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin with significant health influence that many don’t get enough of. Your body stores very little of it, so it’s rapidly depleted without regular dietary intake. Common drugs can also deplete vitamin K, making elevated intake even more important.

There are many vitamin K-dependent proteins in your body, which are involved in things like blood coagulation, bone metabolism and mineralization of your blood vessels. As you’d suspect, that means vitamin K plays a particularly important role in the prevention of bleeding disorders, osteoporosis and heart disease. There are two main forms of vitamin K, along with several subtypes, all of which can make matters a bit confusing. 5 Best Moves To Relieve Plantar Fasciitis Pain - Lifelong Wellness. What Causes Vertigo and How You Can Treat It. Sometimes it's a bump on the head that dislodges the crystals. "BPPV is positionally triggered,” says Kim Bell, a San Diego-based doctor of physical therapy who specializes in vestibular rehabilitation. That means when you move your head in certain ways — dropping it forward to pick something up off the floor or attempting a Downward-Facing Dog yoga pose, for instance — you can cause these crystals to move and bring about an attack of vertigo.

It's often triggered when you're lying down: You go to bed feeling perfectly fine, then roll over toward your bad ear to get out of bed in the morning, and wham! The shifting of the crystals sends a faulty signal from your inner ear to your brain about how you're moving, which leads to that “world is spinning” sensation. How Fast You Walk Tells Us How Quickly You Age - texassunshine47 - Gmail. How Dietary Intervention Lifts Depression. Foods have an immense impact on your body and your brain, and eating whole foods as described in my nutrition plan is a good way to simultaneously support your mental and physical health. Avoiding sugar and artificial sweeteners is in my view, based on the evidence, a crucial aspect of preventing and/or treating depression. Both contribute to chronic inflammation and can wreak havoc with your brain function. Recent research also shows how swapping processed junk food for a healthier diet can significantly improve depression symptoms, which really shouldn’t come as a great surprise.

When Do You Need to See a Geriatric Specialist? How to get up from the floor (after a fall) - MacGyver style! Common Fasting Regimens Reviewed. Understanding what makes for a healthy diet and lifestyle has never been more important. Shockingly, obesity has now become a greater global health crisis than hunger, and is the leading cause of disability and chronic illness around the world.1,2 On average, the global population is plagued by obesity-related pain and illness during the last 14 years of life, which takes a significant toll on quality of life.3 One lifestyle factor that appears to be driving not only obesity but also many chronic disease processes is the fact that we rarely avoid eating for more than 12 hours. In fact, Dr. Satchin Panda's research shows that 90 percent of us eat across more than 12 hours a day. Historically, generous amounts of food were not accessible throughout the entire year, let alone 24/7, and evidence strongly shows your body simply isn't designed to run optimally when continuously fed and will radically increase your risk for chronic degenerative disease when you regularly violate this principle.

Statin Use Linked to Dementia. Worldwide, someone develops dementia every three seconds, and by 2030 it’s estimated that 75 million will be living with the condition.1 In the U.S. alone, 5.7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, and someone develops the disease every 65 seconds.2 Meanwhile, the use of statin cholesterol-lowering drugs doubled among U.S. adults from 2000 to 2011,3 and U.S. doctors write more than 200 million prescriptions for such drugs every year.4 In the fervor to lower cholesterol levels — a misguided strategy still being mistakenly promoted to reduce heart disease risk — might health care professionals be increasing dementia risk?

Study Finds Evidence for Heart Tumors From Cellphone Radiation. How to Wean Off Opioids. Time. Increasing Omega-3s Can Decrease Anxiety. New research out of Taiwan suggests treatment with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may help reduce symptoms of anxiety, rates of which continue to climb in the U.S. and worldwide. Ketogenic Diet Keeps Your Brain Healthy and Youthful. Natural Remedies & Wellness Archives - ONE essential COMMUNITY. Essential Oil Healing Salve. Eating Early Dinner Aids Weight Loss and Lowers Cancer Risk. By Dr. Say Goodbye To Breast Tenderness: 7 Ways To Treat Sore Breasts Naturally. The Importance of Healthy Bacteria in Nitric Oxide Production. Questionable Tactics Used in Vaccine Safety Testing. Popular Weed Killer Toxicity and GMO Labeling Rules Updates. How to Turn Ordinary Vegetables into Superfoods.

Dark Chocolate Reduces Stress and Inflammation. Lifestyle Factors Linked to Alzheimer's. Eco-Friendly Summer Essentials. New Shingles Vaccine: What You Need To Know. Curcumin Supplementation May Impart Long-Term Cognitive Benefits. Focus On Fasting: Intermittent, Water, and Mimicking Fasting. Drinking Coffee May Be Good For Your Health. Increasing Fiber Decreases Major Health Risks. How to Grow Milk Thistle. The 6 Most Effective Essential Oils for Fighting Allergies -

Heart Attack Symptoms And Signs Of A Stroke. The incredible benefits and uses of bay leaves. Blueberries and Dark Chocolate Hold Secrets. According to NASA, you should have these plants in your house. They help purify the air! Why Baking Soda Is One Of The Greatest Things You Could Use. Here Is What You Didn’t Know Baking Soda Can Do - Healthy Doctor Web. Bug Bites - Pictures to Identify Bug Bites and Bugs. Her Various Symptoms Seemed Unrelated. Then One Doctor Put It All Together. Tips on Growing Collard Greens. The Hidden Health Hazards After Flooding. Cholesterol Isn't the Problem in Heart Disease; Inflammation Is.

Strawberries Top List of Fruits With Most Pesticides. Order 12 — Healing Through Movement. Stop dieting. Get life-long results. Pictures: What You Should Know About Macular Degeneration.

Health - Allergies

Health - Altzhiemer's and Dementia. Health - Arthritis. Health - Cancer. CBD. Health--cold, flu, sore throat. Health--Dental. Health--diabetes. Health--exercise.

Health - First aid. Health - Hearing and Ears. Health - Heart, Blood pressure, dvt. Health--hiatal hernia. Health - Lighting. Health - Medicare and Insurance. Health - Mold and mildew.

Health- Mono, CFS, fibromyalgia

Health--Pain. Health - Skin. Health--sleep. Health - Vision. Health - Vitamins and minerals. This Nasty Medieval Remedy Kills MRSA. The 2-Ingredient Wash That Helps Remove Pesticides from Non-Organic Produce. How to Reduce Lectins in Your Diet. Manuka Honey May Be a Natural Way to Beat Bacteria. Statin Side Effects: 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Take Statins. 9 habits you need to start today to stop dementia and Alzheimer's before it starts : The Hearty Soul. Menopausal Weight Gain: 4 Hormones Other Than Estrogen That Need Your Attention : The Hearty Soul. Has Sepsis met its match? The Many Health Benefits of Okra. Childress winery owner recovering from mysterious poisoning. What Is Diarrhea Anyway? AHA Sends Out Warning: Saturated Fats Should Be Avoided. ?id=texassunshine47&email=texassunshine47@gmail. Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret.