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A space for collecting advice and support for teachers who are connecting their classrooms with others internationally.

Focusing our Teaching and Learning Priorities: A reading list. | headguruteacher. This post is essentially a copy of a message I’ve given to my staff, collecting some required reading to inform the next phase of the development of our curriculum and our approach to teaching and learning. Hopefully you will recognise the Trivium in this; these ideas are ways of making things happen more deliberately and explicitly so that the conceptual ideas become more tangible and feature in the experience of HGS students every day.

Our first run at devising a Highbury Grove model for Teaching and Learning last year captured lots of ideas but, now, we need to focus on fewer specific areas to make sure the default practice has shifted fundamentally; that the experience of every student is shaped more deliberately and consistently by all of us. I am proposing that we focus on these things for 2016/7: Knowledge. How do we specify the knowledge we want students to learn? Reading. Rhetoric. Excellence Exhibitions. Why UK students want to learn in a global classroom - Universities UK blogUniversities UK blog. In the month when Universities UK is celebrating the cultural diversity of our universities with the #WeAreInternational campaign, research published today by Hepi provides a new angle to the debate on international students by looking at the soft power and educational benefits for UK students from learning and living alongside students from across the globe.

UUK’s infographic about the economic benefits for local communities and the country as a whole are regularly re-tweeted, and our report with British Future on international students and the UK immigration debate have added to our understanding about what the general public think about international students. But this research by Hepi and Kaplan International, with polling provided by YouthSight, asked those in the process of applying to UK universities what they think about the prospect of studying alongside students from abroad and being taught by international staff.

Head of Political Affairs and Deputy Director of Communications. COIL – Virtual mobility without commercialisation. Much, if not all, of the debate in higher education seems to be focused these days on massive open online courses, or MOOCs, which according to several people should be considered nothing less than a revolutionary new model for higher education teaching and learning.

In the meantime, a slower burning addition to international teaching and learning is already taking place with much less attention – ‘virtual mobility’, as it is called in Europe, or ‘collaborative online international learning’ (COIL), as it is more correctly referred to in the United States. While in MOOCs the teaching stays more or less traditional, using modern technology for a global form of delivery, in COIL the technology is used to develop a more interactive and collaborative way of international teaching and learning. Virtual mobility and COIL It is connected to a desire to focus on the large majority of students who are not mobile, the ‘internationalisation at home’ movement. Why COIL is important. Education Everywhere: School Success Stories from Abroad. Global Education | Edutopia. Global Competency | Asia Society. Students can: Generate and explain the significance of locally, regionally or globally focused researchable questions. Identify, collect and analyze the knowledge and evidence required to answer questions using a variety of international sources, media and languages.

Weigh, integrate and synthesize evidence collected to construct coherent responses that is appropriate to the context of issues or problems. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. Students can: Recognize and articulate one’s own perspective on situations, events, issues or phenomena and identify the influences on that perspective.

Articulate and explain perspectives of other people, groups or schools of thought and identify the influences on those perspectives. Explain how the interaction of ideas across cultures influences the development of knowledge and situations, events, issues or phenomena. The Professional Power of Twitter by @Tim_Jumpclarke. Selling the benefits of using twitter for professional development purposes to the uninitiated can be a challenge, but in this re-blog post, Tim Clarke points out some of the benefits he has gained from interacting with the platform, as well as guidance and tips to get colleagues started.

Tim is a primary head teacher. The professional power of Twitter Key benefits Connect with others involved in education nationally and internationally, which can give you a broader view of current issues and initiatives. For example it has been interesting finding out how other areas of the country are managing: recruitment, PRP and judging teacher performance without grading observations.Posing questions to gain other views. How to start This is fairly straightforward. You can set your account up as locked so you can control who has access to your information if you wish. Time issues Undoubtedly time is always going to be a key issue. Before smartphones and tablets I would probably not have used Twitter.

ICTEvangelist - education, learning & technology. 11/10-11/23 Unit 5: About Co-learning. Connected Learning | Higher Ed Beta. The headlines are legion, the sentiment, widespread: “Why Social Media is Destroying Our Social Skills” (USA Today). “Evidence Grows That Online Social Networks Have Insidious Negative Effects” (MIT Technology Review). The rise of social media, many fear, is ruining authentic interpersonal relationships. No amount of social media, we are repeatedly told, can ever equal face-to-face interaction. Social networking has altered our very vocabulary. And it’s not just a matter of “tweets.” Face-to-face interaction, long upheld as the gold standard of social connection, has increasingly been supplanted by social media as the dominant way that the young interact and communicate and develop social competencies.

Nor are social media tools confined to the young. Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Reddit, Tumbler, Twitter have reimagined social connectivity. To be sure, not all the effects of social media are unabashedly positive. What are the implications of social media for pedagogy? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Home | EdConteXts | International Network of Educators. Learn how to focus on content by Chromecasting in your Chromebook 1:1. When I taught in a 1:1 iPad environment, I had to teach differently in order to utilize the devices to their potential. I started to move away from worksheets and textbooks to more engaging activities, but my focus was still on the content. The tools being used were allowing me and the students to focus on content as much as we could, rather than training them to do ineffective worksheets and turn them…or else it’s a zero. Putting Content in the Front of the Classroom… Then came along AirPlay with an iOS update. – game changer!

By downloading the Reflection App (because I didn’t have an Apple TV), myself AND the students were able to wirelessly reflect to the my projector. Shifting Students Attention… By shifting the attention away from me and more on the content, students began to understand its importance. Ready, Set, Cast! Now, if you’re in a 1:1 classroom with Chromebooks, you can harness the same power. Keep in Mind… Final Thoughts… Jarod Bormann EdTech Rocks! P.S. About the author. UKED Magazine Oct 2014 by UKedchat. Why Connected Learning | Educator Innovator. For more than a century, educators have strived to customize education to the learner. Connected Learning leverages the advances of the digital age to make that dream a reality — connecting academics to interests, learners to inspiring peers and mentors, and educational goals to the higher order skills the new economy rewards.

Six principles (below) define it and allow every young person to experience learning that is social, participatory, interest-driven and relevant to the opportunities of our time. Connected learning thrives in a socially meaningful and knowledge-rich ecology of ongoing participation, self-expression and recognition. In their everyday exchanges with peers and friends, young people fluidly contribute, share and give feedback. Powered with possibilities made available by today’s social media, this peer culture can produce learning that’s engaging and powerful. Interests foster the drive to gain knowledge and expertise.

How Social-Emotional Learning Transforms Classrooms. Research clearly demonstrates that integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) into the classroom is good for both students and the adults who work with them. But there’s a story that the research hasn’t captured—the one of powerful transformation that can result from the practice of SEL. I recently spoke to a number of educators about the impact of SEL on themselves and their students. What they told me revealed the potential of SEL to transform not only people, but also education itself. SEL transforms the inner life of teachers When educators begin using SEL in the classroom, sometimes the most surprising outcome is how they personally change. Elementary educator Patricia Morris found that she had changed significantly as a result of using SEL in her classroom. Lora Bird, a Kindergarten and music teacher, discovered that SEL rounded out her personality.

SEL helped me realize that I needed to improve my social-emotional skills, too. SEL promotes teacher well-being SEL requires micro-moves. 20 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom. Google Classroom Guide: Help and Support for Educators. Classroom: The Story So Far Google Classroom officially launches in August 2014, but educators like me who have been lucky enough to get access to it ahead of its public unveiling have largely been very impressed.

Are there features missing that we would love to see? Sure, but they will no doubt come in time. So, if you are curious as to what it looks like right now, take a look at this step-by-step help guide for Google Classroom. How to Create a Class with Google Classroom Creating classes is the first step for teachers who want to set up an online space with Google Classroom. Thankfully, this is easy to do. Navigate to the "I am a Teacher" optionClick the "+" sign in the top right-hand corner next to your Google accountSelect "Create Class", then give it a name and a section, and click "Create" Customize the Appearance of Your Class When you create your class for the first time, you are given a default header image. Edit or Delete a Class 1. 2. 3.

Michael Graffin's Page - Flat Connections.

Learning environments

Google Announces Classroom Their Take On A Learning Management System. This year at SXSWedu there was a lot of buzz in the Google lounge about a new product coming down the pike. Thousands of teachers were already using Google Docs as part of Google Apps For Education as their own free LMS (learning management system). Teachers were adapting Google Apps For Education in the ways that best met their needs but it still wasn’t totally an educational offering.

Well Google heard that call. Now, Google’s Apps For Education team has unveiled Classroom their take on a learning management system. This new free tool for teachers is designed to help teachers organize, assign, and collect work done across Google Docs. Google Docs have taken a front and center seat in the education space because the tools are free and allow students to do everything from write reports, to organize and create presentations, to developing spread sheets. Teachers will be able to set up rosters of students in Classroom, you know similar to those old school grade books. Share this. Educational Hash Tags. #edude#eduFollowChallenge#edugreen #eduhashtag #eduit#edumindset#eduON (Ontario)#euduoz #edupd#edupreneur#edupunk #edutech #EduThingsILike#eduvc#eduvoxers #elemchat #elementary#elemsci #ell #ellchat#elrnchat #elt#eltchat#eltpics#emchat #emotionalliteracy#edpolitics #engagechat#engchat #engedu #EngineeringEducation#english #english-teacher#engsschat #enrichingkids#enviroed#e-safety#ESCchat#esdgc#esea#esl #esol#esp#ETAS#etcchat#ETcoaches#etmchat#ettipad #e20#expandedlearning #family#fb4ed#FCE#FETC #FF#fft#filmclass#finnedchat#fitnessedu#flatclass #flatclassroom#FLE#flipblogs#flipchat #flipclass#flipped#flippedclassroomflippedlearning#flteach#FOAMed #followalibrarian #followfriday#fooded#foodtechteachers #formativeassessment#forteachers #frenchchat#frimm#fstenet#FutureReady#FYCchat #jalt#jcedchat#jedchat#jed21#jerdchat#journalism#journchat#JoyfulLeaders #TABSchat#TalkTech#TCEA #tck#TCRWP#TRCWPCoaching#TD#TDSIG#teach#teachchat#teachered#teacher-librarian#teachchat#teachgender#teach-me.

Week 0 webinar - learning the ropes. Twitter: How to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation. The use of Twitter to collecting tweets around an event hashtag allowing participants to share and contribute continues to grow and has even become part of mass media events, various TV shows now having and publicising their own tag. This resource is often lost in time, only tiny snippets being captured in blog posts or summaries using tools like Storify, which often loose the richness of individual conversations between participants. It doesn’t have to be this way. Using a combination of Google Spreadsheets as a data source and a simple web interface to add interactivity it’s possible to let users explorer your entire event hashtag and replay any of conversations.

View example conversation replay Try out a LIVE version Update: If you are still struggling to understand the concept Radical Punch have done a overview of this tool Here's how to archive event hashtags and create an interactive visualization of the conversation (written instructions below): Capturing the tweets. Design Thinking « Design Thinking for Educators. ‘Team Teaching’ as shared experience. For many educators the professional experience can be a paradoxically lonely one. Teaching is all about communication and relationships, they spend most of their time with large groups of people, yet their position is unique and in many ways isolating.

They spend class time as an ‘other’ in a large group of peers, conceptually if not physically alone, and when the classes leave and the work of planning and assessment begins they are often physically alone as well. The personal implications of this are obvious but there are professional implications as well. In an isolated situation is is hard to develop and progress in what you are doing, as the impetus to do so must come entirely from within, and the models and ideas for next steps must be created from nothing or very deliberately sought out.

Why else are so many teachers eagerly communicating through platforms such as twitter, blogs and other social media? Photo Credit: Dave McLean via Compfight cc Related posts: Internet mentors could supplant traditional lecturers. Horizon Scanning study points to a ‘new kind of pedagogy’ in higher education by 2020 Traditional lecturers may soon be replaced by networks of online mentors working for several universities, a new study predicts. In the report, titled Horizon Scanning: What will higher education look like in 2020? , the Observatory on Borderless Education suggests that academic staff are likely to be employed part-time by several universities – often working remotely via the internet – rather than relying on a single employer. “Changes in job structures may come with the embrace of the online revolution,” says the report, due to be published on 25 September, which is based on interviews with senior academics and university leaders.

“Junior lecturers may be gradually replaced by mentors, scattered around the world and with only a loose connection with their employers,” says the report. “More senior academics might have multiple contracts with several higher education institutions,” it suggests. Click to rate. How can we connect to other educators using Twitter? What A Week Of Groceries Looks Like Around The World « Nutrition News. Teachers Tweeting Teachers: Building a Community of Practice through Twitter. The Future of Education.

2-Character Alphabetical Country Codes - Digraphs of All Countries. International Education News l The PIE News l 2020: Demand for HE to outpace international student mobility. Using Video for Social Learning. ‘Un autre monde/ Eine andere Welt : Echange scolaire virtuel à l’aide d’une plateforme Moodle et de Machinimas’

Building global learning communities | Cochrane. UNDG Report 2013. Qui sont nos camarades de classe? Faisons la connaissance. Tell users about Google+ - Google Apps Help. ESL EFL Conversation worksheets. Learn Mandarin the Chineasy Way. Using Digital and Multi-modal Texts. Primary Perspective. 3 Reasons To Try Google Chromebooks In The Classroom. Erasmus faces demand and management problems – LERU. 18 Things To Know About Education In Mexico. Flipped Learning Network Ning - A professional learning community for teachers using screencasting in education.

Q&A: Mimi Ito on Connected Learning for All. 50 Google Charts Tricks for Your Next Classroom Presentation. Technology: Virtual mobility with a difference « European Association for International Education European Association for International Education. Teacher's Guide to Using Shared Google Docs with Students. Fair Use: Remix Culture, Mashups, and Copyright | Teaching Copyright. Best Practices for Blackboard Collaborate | Center for Online Learning, Research & Service. Our New Interactive Book: Connected from the Start: Global Learning in the Primary Grades. EYES, the next gener@tion! Accessibility Guides - Google Apps Help. Ten Tips for Becoming a Connected Educator.

Languages @ Tile Hill Wood School: We had mail (from Japan)! Google Docs Collaboration In Hangouts Is Now Available To All Users [Updates] Five Essential Google Drive Skills For Teachers. UNI-COLLABORATION | intercultural exchange | Supporting virtual intercultural exchange between university classrooms across Europe and beyond. App Reviews | check out the TeacherCast review of the app: Skype. The language of Twitter: the rise of MFL teachers online | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional. JISC Quiz - - Upload and Share your Flash SWF Animations. How a Social Collaboration Platform Can Overcome Virtual Team Distance. Collaboration Basics. Launching The Global Classroom Mentors Project.

Cross-Cultural/International Communication - Ethnocentrism, Factors affecting cross-cultural business communication. Rise of the Chromebook: Lenovo is the latest to challenge Windows laptops. Wisconsin, United States Time Zone Converter Difference Calculator. Numérique éducatif : 5 bonnes idées pour le ministre. Classroom 2.0 LIVE! - Home. What Online Tools Work for Teaching Language Arts? 3 Core Essentials of Collaboration Tools. An Interactive Tutorial: Google Presentation. Teaching with Online Collaboration Tools: U-M Faculty Examples. Waking the dead - Halloween, 31 October - Day of the Dead, 31 October to 2 November - resources. World Languages. Pédagogie. ACCUEIL - Site de ecouterlirelemonde ! 15 Great Google tutorials for Teachers.

Some quick notes on Google+ Hangouts On Air JISC CETIS MASHe. Classroom 2.0. A Relief Teacher's Journey - A new teacher's thoughts on working in the Western Australian education system. Classrooms as Complex Adaptive Systems: A Relational Model. Why Teachers Need Social Media Training, Not Just Rules. Jeunesses 2.0 et médias sociaux : comment explorer virtuellement la vraie vie ?

Year 9 Passion-driven project … using social media to have a real world impact! Designing for Participant Engagement with Blackboard Collaborate. Clivesir - Ed Blog Register. Advice for New Globaled Teachers. Are You Ready for BYOD? Using social media as a language learning tool | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional. Tech For a Global Early Childhood Education | Globalizing Early Learning with Technology. Launching Blackboard Collaborate. Collaboration Grid. Les réseaux sociaux pour enseigner : n’en jetez plus ou jetez les tous ? Ridiculously Efficient - 5 Monday Must-Reads on a Collaborative Work Environment. Ten Sites Supporting Digital Classroom Collaboration In Project Based Learning.