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HTML and CSS Tutorials, References, and Articles. 50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine. Being a web designer is not easy. Not only do we need to have a good understanding about visual design, typography, information architecture, psychology and a plethora of other disciplines; in our work, we need to take care of so many details, so that our job becomes more and more time-consuming, requiring dozens of tools, attention span and an effective workflow for beautiful, timely and functional results. And this is where small time-savers become handy. Be it a handy checklist, batch installer, dummy image generator or converter from Excel spreadsheet to HTML — all these things can save us a couple of minutes every day, making our work easier and more efficient. And this is why we keep collecting them for Smashing Magazine’s readers.

You may want to subcribe to Smashing Magazine’s E-Mail Newsletter1 (32,600 subscribers) to keep updated about new useful tools, techniques and resources. Time-Savers For Web Designers Link Bounce11A fun and easy way to share ideas on a website. Website Creation. Things-To-Do Before Publishing Your Site | gonzoblog.nl_V.02. Everytime you’re working on a new website there are some things and/or actions that should be considered before publishing a new website and making everything public. It is very important to be prepared in advance, as things are inevitable. In this article I’ll try to capture some of these important things and/or factors many developers often forget during the process of web development. Forgetting these actions can add up to big problems, considering these items will help your search engine ranking result and the overall user experiences of your site.

The idea to write an article about this topic has everything to do with my publication of a new site yesterday, my ‘invite-me-to-dribbble-website’: – please tweet, share or bookmark! Domain Name, Web Hosting and Social Media Also it is quite important to choose a good and reliable webhost where you can host your site, more about this: How to Choose Your Type of Webhosting. Title & Meta Tags Validation Sitemap. Freelancing. 20 Fresh & Easy To Follow Photoshop Web Interface Tutorials | ne. Posted by Daniel in Photoshop, Tutorials on June 24th, 2010 with 7 Comments With the introduction to our community news, we have been receiving some great resources and articles. But many have been tutorials created by up and coming creative blogs such as trendyTUTS & GraphStock.

Also with the overwhelming success of our first web interface showcase we had to do another! In today’s resource showcase we are featuring 20 easy to follow photoshop web interface tutorials, with utilizing your new design skills you may also be featured in the coming weeks! Please note that clicking on the screenshot below will take you to the full tutorial. Create a Grungy, Translucent Web Portfolio Design via PSD Tuts+ Not only have watercolor brush strokes become a popular trend in modern web design, but so have advanced layers of transparency (or what I call, translucence). Create a Promotional iPhone App Site in Photoshop via PSD Tuts+ Simple Portfolio Gallery Layout in Photoshop via DeviseFunction Network Posts.

An InDesign for HTML and CSS? – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Dai. In “CSS is the new Photoshop” (?) , Adobe’s John Nack correctly observes, as have many of us, that “Cascading Style Sheets can create a great deal of artwork now, without reliance on bitmap graphics.” Nack quotes Shawn Blanc, one of several concurrent authors of the phrase “CSS is the new Photoshop,” who cites as evidence Louis Harboe’s iOS icons and Jeff Batterton’s iPhone, both designed entirely in CSS and both only viewable in the latest Webkit browsers, Safari 5 and Google Chrome 5. He’s not alone: Håkon Wium Lie from Opera predicts that CSS3 could eliminate half the images used on the Web. You can use various graphical tools to generate things like CSS gradients and rounded corners. As people can do more and more in code, it makes sense to ask whether even to use Photoshop in designing Web content.I think Adobe should be freaking out a bit, but in a constructive way.

So far, so good. Nack acknowledges that this will be difficult. HTML is a language with roots in library science. Html5. Hello, World. Learn Perl - The Java™ Tutorials. The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications. They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails". The Java Tutorials primarily describe features in Java SE 8. For best results, download JDK 8.

What's New The Java Tutorials are continuously updated to keep up with changes to the Java Platform and to incorporate feedback from our readers. Lambda expressions enable you to treat functionality as a method argument, or code as data. Apart from fixing typos and errors, this update includes also includes the following: The Security trail has been restructured; find security information about applets and Java Web Start applications in the Java Applets lesson.

Trails Covering the Basics These trails are available in book form as The Java Tutorial, Fifth Edition. Creating Graphical User Interfaces Specialized Trails and Lessons. Perl 6. How to Make Money from Programming. SDK. Before installing Android Studio or the standalone SDK tools, you must agree to the following terms and conditions. This is the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement 1. Introduction 1.1 The Android Software Development Kit (referred to in this License Agreement as the "SDK" and specifically including the Android system files, packaged APIs, and Google APIs add-ons) is licensed to you subject to the terms of this License Agreement. 2. Accepting this License Agreement 2.1 In order to use the SDK, you must first agree to this License Agreement. 3. 3.1 Subject to the terms of this License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use the SDK solely to develop applications for compatible implementations of Android. 3.2 You may not use this SDK to develop applications for other platforms (including non-compatible implementations of Android) or to develop another SDK. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. 14.

How to start programming in Android. There's a big opportunity here, but the path to Android programming isn't as clear as it should be. That's why I got in touch with Tony Hillerson, a mobile developer at EffectiveUI and the instructor behind the free online course "Developing Android Applications with Java. " In the following Q&A, Hillerson discusses the skills and tools you'll need to dive into Android programming. Mac Slocum: If you want to get into Android development, what technical and programming skills should you have? Tony Hillerson: You'll feel most at home if you already know Java. I also think that since the apps you make with Android are heavily dependent on the frameworks, anyone with an understanding of common, object-oriented languages like C++ and C# will pick things up quickly. Understanding how Android's XML-defined views translate onto the screen isn't hard, but some experience with a tag-based view technology like HTML or Adobe's Flex will make the views very familiar.

TH: The big one is layout. How to start programming in Android. Apple Developer. C - Your Resource for C and C++ Programming. Java Coffee Break - your free guide to the world of Java programming, packed full of free articles, tutorials, book reviews, and FAQs. PHP/MySQL. How to Get Rich Programming. I originally discovered the fiendishly addictive Tower Defense as a multiplayer game modification for Warcraft III. It's a cooperative game mode where you, and a few other players, are presented with a simple maze. A group of monsters appear at the entrance and trudge methodically toward the exit.

Your goal is to destroy the monsters before they reach the exit by constructing attack towers along the borders of the maze. As you kill monsters, you gain cash, which you use to purchase more powerful attack towers and upgrades for your existing towers. The monsters keep increasing in power each wave, but if you're clever, you might be able to survive all the waves and reach the end. I can't explain exactly what makes Tower Defense so addictive, but man, is it ever. I suppose it was inevitable that this new, addictive Tower Defense game mode would jump from the select audience of gamers with gaming-class PCs to simpler Flash implementations everyone can enjoy. Windows CMD Commands. Andrewmassengale.

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