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DgmPro - 59410 - Parvez Alam. A Simple Way to Add Free News Content to Your Website. A challenge that many website owners face is how to supply continuously fresh content for new and repeat visitors to peruse. It can be a very time-consuming task to manually upload regular updates. Fortunately, there is an easy way to showcase free, readily available news content on a wide variety of topics. We will examine a quick and effective method of incorporating RSS (Really Simple Syndication) coding in order to add news content to any site. First, let’s look at what RSS is, and how it works. RSS is an online coding solution that delivers automatic updates for Web content. Say, for instance, you add an RSS code for international news to your website from a popular source, such as CNN, Reuters, or the BBC. Due perhaps to a misguided perception that it is difficult to add the necessary coding to make RSS work within a website’s framework, it remains an extremely underutilized resource.

A typical RSS newsfeed (this one from the BBC) looks like: Feed Informer: Mix, convert, and republish feeds. Advertising for all budgets. Website owners make money. Dashboard.