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Rumi, on how to find True Love. Find What You Love and Let It Kill You. “We’re all going to die, all of us. What a circus! That alone should make us love each other, but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities; we are eaten up by nothing.” Yes, we’re all going to die. You and me and everyone else. When we die isn’t even really the interesting question, as once you’re dead you won’t be around to care about what you did or didn’t do. No, the interesting question is how we die. Me? Luckily that hasn’t happened yet. When we think about our own deaths we typically think about the final moments. You could say that our death is a work-in-progress over the course of our lives — each breath, each bite, each swallow, each late night and missed traffic light, each laugh and scream and cry and crashing fist and lonely sigh — they each bring us one step closer to our own dramatic denouement from this world.

So the better question isn’t when you’re going to die. With Passion Comes Pain Bukowski was a shameless drinker, womanizer and all-around fuck up. How to Find Inner Peace as a Man in This Crazy World. This is a guest post by my buddy G-Freedom. G runs an amazing self-growth blog called “The Art of Selfhood,” where he shares his personal journey. This piece really shook me up when I first read it and I truly believe presents the reality of what we really crave for as men in a very clear and inspirational way.

-Andrian Inner peace. How much would you pay for it? What would you give for it? Inner peace. No matter if you never gain another lb of muscle (you will), never make another dollar (you will), and if everyone you know and care about dies and fades away (they will, eventually) – you will still have inner peace. What’s that worth to you? I can tell you the truth about something: I hesitated before sending this article to Andrian. But then I thought – If I’m not going to tackle the real issues men face, then why the hell am I writing in the first place?

We want inner peace. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m talking about a vibrant interaction with life. How does that make you feel? G-Freedom. ‘Native and Non-native Foreign Language Teachers: Tribute to My Teachers’ by Anita Lewicka. This post was originally published on 9th January 2015 by Anita Lewicka on her blog and is republished by TEFL Equity Advocates with full permission and consent of the author.

You can access the original post here. “Only native speakers or near-native speakers” – you may often come across such a line in various advertisements promoting vacancies for language teachers. What does “being a native or near-native speaker” really mean? If you happen to be a native speaker of a given target language, you were most probably born in a country where the target language is the official language.

You are most probably this country’s passport holder. You may have been educated following this country’s national curriculum, in which the very target language (being your mother tongue) is the norm. You may have observed festivals, customs and traditions typical of the country of your birth, of your upbringing. Grammar is a totally different issue. This is, of course, my personal opinion. References: The Most Important Words you are Ever Going to Hear! | Chris Walklett | TEDxUniversityofEssex. What is 'success'? 21 Things to Expect When Dating a Strong Woman. A strong woman works hard to create the life they want to live.

Living authentically is the key characteristic that makes them who they are and they aren’t willing to jeopardize what they have worked for. As such, they often come off as independent women that don’t need a man to be happy. And while this is true on some level, they do want a relationship that compliments what they stand for and what they have accomplished so far. Don’t let the tough exterior fool you, a strong woman is capable of loving deeply and fully and wants a meaningful relationship in her life. Strong women are on a mission. Of course, a strong woman is much more than the things listed here and the important takeaway is to expect a relationship, not a dalliance. Empowered women are strong yet vulnerable, love openly yet hold their feelings close and trust fully yet are slow to give it. Power of Positivity More Posts - Website Follow Me: Bezuvjetno prihvaćanje samoga sebe – Alternativa Informacije. Prihvaćanje samog sebe je sposobnost koju prvo treba razumjeti, a zatim i razvijati.

Ono je rezultat rada više svijesti, no može se dogoditi i obrnuto: da nas samo odvede do više svijesti, jednom kad se razvije. Možda će vam se na prvi pogled učiniti nejasnim, zbog čega biste, zaboga, uopće i željeli takvu nekakvu “višu” svijest? Ono što čovjeka čini božanskim je probuđenje intuicije koja vam govori, da je viša svijest moguća, te da vam može pružiti odgovor na probleme s kojima se danas suočavate.

Viša svijest vas može dovesti do jednog oblika sreće koji ne možete niti zamisliti prije no što do njega ne doprete, ali koji postoji u stvarnosti. Ovisna potreba, ljubav, pripadanje usko je vezana uz niza središta svijesti, i izrazito je usmjerena na samu sebe. Čakra Srca nalazi se u središtu prsnog koša. Tijekom integriranja Srca, doživljavate bezuvjetno prihvaćanje samog sebe, a time i širenje ka biću, onome što stvarno Jeste. Razvijate sposobnost šire vizije. Psychotherapy. Mental health of pupils a 'top concern' for head teachers.

How Writing Down Specific Goals Can Empower Struggling Students. Why do you do what you do? What is the engine that keeps you up late at night or gets you going in the morning? Where is your happy place? What stands between you and your ultimate dream? Heavy questions. One researcher believes that writing down the answers can be decisive for students. He co-authored a paper that demonstrates a startling effect: nearly erasing the gender and ethnic minority achievement gap for 700 students over the course of two years with a short written exercise in setting goals.

Jordan Peterson teaches in the department of psychology at the University of Toronto. Experiments going back to the 1980s have shown that “therapeutic” or “expressive” writing can reduce depression, increase productivity and even cut down on visits to the doctor. “The act of writing is more powerful than people think,” Peterson says. Most people grapple at some time or another with free-floating anxiety that saps energy and increases stress. ‘It Turned My Life Around’ ‘Zeroes Are Deadly’ If you want your children to succeed, teach them to share in kindergarten. Kindergartners who share, cooperate and are helpful are more likely to have a college degree and a job 20 years later than children who lack those social skills, according to a new study. Kids who get along well with others also are less likely to have substance-abuse problems and run-ins with the law. The research, which involved tracking nearly 800 students for two decades, suggests that specific social-emotional skills among young children can be powerful predictors for success later in life.

“These are skills that probably portend their ability to do well in school, to pay attention and to navigate their environment,” said Damon E. Jones, a research assistant professor of health and human development at Pennsylvania State University. He was the lead author of the paper, published Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health. It may be difficult for overburdened schools to find time to focus on children’s social-emotional selves, he said, especially in grades beyond kindergarten. Brain-Based Learning: Resource Roundup. Facebook Edutopia on Facebook Twitter Edutopia on Twitter Google+ Pinterest Edutopia on Pinterest WHAT WORKS IN EDUCATION The George Lucas Educational Foundation Understanding How Brains Develop and Learn Five-Minute Film Festival: Learning and the Brain: Watch a collection of videos about the brain that will get you thinking about how findings from neuroscience can be applied in the classroom.

Back to Top Applying Neuroscience in the Classroom Strategies for Strengthening the Brain's Executive Functions: Use these classroom strategies to help students better understand and develop executive functions. Social and Emotional Learning and the Brain Brain Labs: A Place to Enliven Learning: Consider creating a brain lab in your classroom or school to teach children about metacognition and develop skills for self-reflection, attention, emotional regulation, and cognitive flexibility.

Brain-Based Student-Engagement Strategies Brain-Friendly Assessment Practices Neuroscience and the Common Core. Strategies for Strengthening the Brain’s Executive Functions. Editor's note: This post is co-authored by Marcus Conyers who, with Donna Wilson, is co-developer of the M.S. and Ed.S. Brain-Based Teaching degree programs at Nova Southeastern University. Earlier in Donna's career as a teacher and school psychologist, she assessed, diagnosed, and helped to create interventions for children and youth who had difficulty with their executive functioning.

Today as teacher educators, we are pleased that our graduates are increasing students' cognitive, metacognitive, and executive functioning in classrooms around the world (as just one example, Texas teacher Diane Dahl blogs on teaching metacognition). What Are Executive Functions? Through explicit instruction and modeling, students can come to recognize the importance of taking charge of their executive functioning in their academic endeavors and later in their careers.

Executive functions can be defined as the awareness and directive capacities of the mind. Making Connections 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Language and reward: Study examines the pleasure of learning new words. From our very first years, we are intrinsically motivated to learn new words and their meanings. First language acquisition occurs within a permanent emotional interaction between parents and children. However, the exact mechanism behind the human drive to acquire communicative linguistic skills is yet to be established. In a study published in the journal Current Biology, researchers from the University of Barcelona (UB), the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany) have experimentally proved that human adult word learning exhibit activation not only of cortical language regions but also of the ventral striatum, a core region of reward processing. Results confirm that the motivation to learn is preserved throughout the lifespan, helping adults to acquire a second language.

Subcortical areas are closely related to those that help to store information. Motivation for learning a second language. The Trouble With Bright Girls. When Upward Mobility Becomes a Health Hazard. Denying instant gratification in deference to long-term goals is virtuous, people tell me. Those people might be right. Psychologists call it self-regulation or self-control. And together with conscientiousness, it’s at least a trait (or a coping mechanism) that’s reasonably good at predicting a young person’s future. People with less self-control are more likely to end up where the world tells them to go. Even in the worst circumstances, people with the most self-control and resilience have the highest likelihood of defying odds—poverty, bad schools, unsafe communities—and going on to achieve much academically and professionally.

Meanwhile the opposite effect is seen in high-achieving people from highly advantaged backgrounds, where achievement goes hand-in-hand with health. For the past several years, Miller and colleagues have studied the relationship between stress and physical health, and how self-control translates one into the other. Age Acceleration as a Function of Self-Control. What's the Real Purpose of Classroom Management? | Alfie Kohn. Everyone knows why classroom management skills are considered a critical part of teacher training. The reason we need to minimize "misbehavior" and get students to show up, sit down, and pay attention is so we can teach them stuff. That proposition is so obvious that it's rarely defended or even spelled out, except maybe on the first day of Classroom Management 101. While we may disagree about strategies -- for example, the relative merits of discipline versus self-discipline (getting kids to regulate and manage themselves) -- we take it for granted that the whole point is to create an environment conducive to learning.

But what if that wasn't entirely true? What if, at least for some teachers and administrators, an orderly classroom was the ultimate goal? And what if the curriculum and the model of teaching were actually chosen with that goal in mind? I first encountered this unsettling possibility some years ago in a book called Contradictions of Control. But why? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. BRUNO ŠIMLEŠA ‘Većinu problema u vlastitom životu stvaramo si sami’ | NACIONAL.HR. Pamtim da sam još kao dijete promatrao odrasle i pitao se zašto lažu, glume da su nešto što nisu i kompliciraju si živote umjesto da pokušaju nešto promijeniti. Tijekom odrastanja i obrazovanja sam pronašao odgovore na ta pitanja i spontano mi je došlo da se s time počnem i baviti”, govori jedan od najprodavanijih hrvatskih autora literature o samopomoći Bruno Šimleša. On je upravo objavio novu knjigu “Umjetnost života”, a započeo je i niz predavanja na temu ljubavi, obitelji i poboljšavanju kvalitete života koja se održavaju u zagrebačkom Branimir centru.

Iako mlad, pisanjem, predavanjem i osobnim savjetovanjem Šimleša se bavi više od 10 godina, a njegovu je popularnost dodatno povećao voditeljski angažman u televizijskoj emisiji “Svaki dan, dobar dan”, koja se na HTV-u emitira drugu sezonu. NACIONAL: Upravo ste izdali novu knjigu “Umjetnost života”. Glavna poruka je da su životni događaji samo glina, a kako ćemo ju modelirati ovisi o nama. NACIONAL: Kakve su bile reakcije na knjigu? 5 Things That Should Be Taught in Every School.

Let’s be honest: our education system is fucked. I mean, almost all of the important history I learned between grades 5 and 12 I could probably find on Wikipedia and understand within a few weeks now. And pretty much any basic scientific knowledge you could ever want to learn is explained with pretty videos on YouTube. On top of that, you have the most unstable job market in almost 100 years, technology developing so rapidly that robots will be doing half the work in another decade, college degrees that some argue are now worthless, and new industries and technologies being invented practically every six months.

Yet we’re still pushing kids through the same curriculum their grandparents went through. It’s cliche at this point to say that the most important things you learn in life you don’t learn in school. But why couldn’t these things be taught in school? Call me bitter. But before I get carried away fantasizing, let’s get real. 1. Seriously, compound interest runs the fucking planet. Utopian Film. Cinema is the most prestigious cultural activity in the modern world. It is for us what theatre was in the age of Shakespeare or painting was in the days of Leonardo da Vinci: the art form with the biggest impact, the largest budgets, the most widespread audiences. © Flickr/Hamed Masoumi Collectively, we recognise that film has an astonishing power to induce emotion: it can reliably make millions of us weep, feel terror or relief, be elevated or downcast.

It is a massive engine for getting and holding our attention. But it would sound very weird to stop and ask what film was really for, what purpose it serves in our societies and why we spend so much time in its presence. That’s because we don’t generally think of films as serving any very strenuous or serious cause. We might point out that films aim to be great entertainment, make money at the box office and – occasionally – present us with a controversial idea.

. © Flickr/Kino unter Sternen This idea isn’t new. . © Flickr/Marco Garro 1. 2. Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events) - All free Festivals, Gigs, Talks, Performances | Dublin Events | Things to do in Dublin | What's on in Dublin | Events in Dublin. A Nuclear Machine That Heats Space, Advanced Trolley Problems. Teaching Children Philosophy. A 56-Song Playlist of Music in Haruki Murakami's Novels: Ray Charles, Glenn Gould, the Beach Boys & More. What to do with all this wildness now that I’m married and monogamous? | One Taste. The Good Office. Everything You Wanted To Know About Procrastination But Were Too Lazy to Figure Out. Horses that heal: how equine therapy is helping people find peace of mind | Science. Terapeutkinja je skupila 7 znanstveno dokazanih razloga zašto je bolje biti sam nego u vezi. He Explains 50,000 Years Of Human Creativity In 2 Minutes. What He Says? My Mind Is BLOWN! He Explains 50,000 Years Of Human Creativity In 2 Minutes. What He Says? My Mind Is BLOWN!

Srećko Horvat iz Atene za Index: Neki su čak govorili i o građanskom ratu. Empathy Is Actually a Choice. Essential skills and qualities of a successful academic (The University of Manchester) What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong? How To Woo The Hearts Of Millennials. Suggestions for Managing Disruptive Students :Educational Strategies | Teaching Resources.

IT | The Quintessential Man. How to be a Mindful Entrepreneur. Novo istraživanje sugerira da nam zahtjevan posao poboljšava pamćenje i način razmišljanja. Grčka – što vam nisu rekli HRT, Večernji, Jutarnji, Index, Nova-tv, 24 sata, RTL… | 2012 Transformacija Svijesti. Psihološki studio : LJUBAV JE ZNANJE. Astro zanimljivosti :: Najpronicljiviji horoskopski znaci. New Technologies and 21st Century Skills. I watch therefore I am: seven movies that teach us key philosophy lessons | Film. The 15 Best Movies Influenced by Nietzschean Philosophy. How Not to Let Work Explode Your Life. Samopouzdanje djeteta ovisi o stilu odgoja – Alternativa Informacije.

People in Parapsychology: XXIII: Hoyt Edge | Parapsychology. Jayson Gaddis: Live with Your Heart and Discover Yourself. Sakyong Mipham: Want to Help the World? Here's how. #walkthetalk. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Animated: History’s Greatest Parable Exploring the Nature of Reality. This Zen Comic Is Full of Timeless Life Lessons. Understanding The Way I Feel: Mighty Girl Books About Managing Emotions. How women survived post-communism (and didn't laugh) - Slavenka Drakulic. EUROPLJANI ORIJENTA ILI ORIJENTALCI EUROPE? Grci i Hrvati su slični: svade se, žive iznad mogućnosti, svi su protiv njih...

Greek Philosophy – the Movies. Odrastanje Kaina - Kako zaštititi emocionalni život dječaka - Planet Zoe. “Odrastanje Kaina” i Odrastanje Kaina — Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys: Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson: 9780345434852: Books. Raising Cain (text only) 1st (First) edition by D. Kindlon, M. Thompson: M. Thompson D. Kindlon: Books. Dr. Dan Siegel - Resources - Healthy Mind Platter. Lojong Teachings (Mind Training) and daily meditation practice with Khenpo Sherab Sangpo [session 5] The one Buddhist Red Flag to watch out for & how you'll know if he or she is The One. The Seven Points of Mind Training.

The 59 Slogans of Lojong | The Buddhaful Tao. The Practice of Lojong: Cultivating Compassion through Training the Mind (9781590303788): Traleg Kyabgon, Ken Wilber: Books. Lojong. Lojong Mind Training Slogans. Pema Chodron. 18 Relationship Red Flags Every Woman Should Know. 108 Little Things to Appreciate about being Single. How to Fall in Love with Yourself. Pema Chödrön explains Maitri. What Does Maitri Mean? How to Fall in Love with Yourself. Raynaud's phenomenon: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. HumanMetrics - online relationships, personality and entrepreneur tests, personal solution center. It's Not All Your Parents' Fault. In The Future, Our Attention Will Be Sold. Andy Warhol. The 12 Things Sigmund Freud Got Right | Blake Fleetwood.

Transakcijska analiza | psihoterapija . psihodrama. "Wear Sunscreen": The Story Behind the Commencement Speech That Kurt Vonnegut Never Gave. How Many Of Baz Luhrmann's "Wear Sunscreen" Life Lessons Did You Actually Follow. You Will Be Amazed by Steve Taylor [Poetical Writings] | Non-Duality America. Things I Would Like to do with You this Evening. How Studying or Working Abroad Makes You Smarter. Eckhart Tolle TV | Shared Video Clip. Vanjski nered često je odraz ‘nereda’ u životu | Boris Blažinić. Vanjski nered često je odraz ‘nereda’ u životu | Boris Blažinić. “I want to be the Irish Nietzsche”: what the Übermensch meant to Bernard Shaw.

We Don't Cry Because We're Sad | Shots of Awe. Vezivanje strahom - Alaya. 10 Key Points on Developing a Genuine Personality. 6 Easy-to-Steal Rituals of Extremely Successful People. About Marc and Angel Hack Life. 12 Quiet Rituals of Enormously Successful Humans.