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English teacher @ The French School of Lomé

Back to school 2016.


Vocabulary. Reading. Speaking. Differenciation. 20 Terrifying Two-Sentence Horror Stories. By Rob Fee Feb 21, 2014 If you're looking for a horrifying story that will keep you up tonight, don't waste all that time watching a horror movie.

20 Terrifying Two-Sentence Horror Stories

Reddit has provided us with pages of terrifying horror stories wrapped up in two sentences or less. Here are twenty of our favorite stories guaranteed to make you keep your lights on tonight.

The Arts

E-teaching. Plan de travail. Différencier - Le prof. To be tried. Music. The Photos Behind Norman Rockwell's Iconic Paintings. In his 50 year career with The Saturday Evening Post, Norman Rockwell’s cover paintings became some of the most iconic images of everyday life in America.

The Photos Behind Norman Rockwell's Iconic Paintings

Today, prints of the romanticized paintings of a simpler time are popular wall decor in diners and grandparents’ homes and commonly referenced in movies and TV shows. It would be nearly impossible to find an American adult who has not been exposed to at least one of these famous works, therefore it’s quite exciting to find out that the characters in each painting were, in fact, real people.

Enseignants innovants

Terminales. Premières. Troisièmes. LVA. Secondes. Grammar. Tablets in class. Softwares. Tutorials. Web 3.0. Lesson Plans with Tablets. Flipped Classrooms. Réforme collège. Places and Forms of Power. Spaces and Exchanges. The Idea of Progress. Myths and Heroes. Writing. Literature. Sustainable Development.