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SpanishSpeakingCountriesProject. BuenViajeLevel1PreliminaryChapter. WeeklySeatingChartAttendanceGradesandBehaviorTracking. Spanish I: The First Two Weeks - SPANISH MAMA. Every year, I forget just how exhausting those first few weeks are. My brain is spinning. I’m in overdrive, trying to make everyone feel welcome –but not smile until December, right? – be utterly consistent, totally organized, and always engaging. Whew. The truth is, you just do your best. After a year of intense research, I tossed our textbook and formulated a (developing) personal philosophy of teaching Spanish.

I so appreciate other teachers sharing their process (looking at you, Mis Clases Locas), so in this post I’m outlining my first two weeks. Grading, Procedures, and the Syllabus Changing my why of course changes the how, and so I am overhauling a lot. I am trading in my old categories of tests, quizzes, classwork, etc. for these five categories: reading, writing, listening, speaking, and work habits. It is worth clarifying here that being proficiency-based does not mean looking at the ACTFL standards and working backwards by practicing the the standards.

Macro Targets: Día 1 Día 2.