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VOW — In lieu of mother’s day and because my mom is the... Sculptural braided extension cords. I’m constantly getting into silly arguments with my partner about my DIY projects.

sculptural braided extension cords

Whenever I turn to him for advice, ever the left-brainer, he gives me the practical answer, which I hate. Shouldn’t you be able to carry it this way? Wouldn’t this shape make it sturdier? What’s this extra piece for? Excellent questions, all. I’m realizing that on the art/design spectrum, I fall much closer to the former than I thought. Vitamini handmade: DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord. I ordered a simple clip lamp from Amazon to help illuminate my work area.

vitamini handmade: DIY Neon Wrapped Lamp Cord

I loved its industrial look, but wasn't thrilled with the ugly brown cord. VOW — In lieu of mother’s day and because my mom is the... 50 Amazing Life Lessons Everyone Needs. These Will Change Your Life. Its easy to lose ourselves in life sometimes.

50 Amazing Life Lessons Everyone Needs. These Will Change Your Life.

Life isn’t always easy, after all. Bad phases can come and go, or come and stay for a long time. But, we need to go on, and if we do we often come out stronger than we were before. Below are the best inspirational quotes to help you out during those tough times and hopefully give you some motivation, or at the very least something to think about. Comments. The Ultimate (Mostly) 90s Playlist To Turn Up Loud And Sing At The Top Of Your Lungs. Recipes ~ Halogen Oven Inspirations! on Pinterest. Buy Wholesale Aromatherapy Essential Oils. Terms of Use Important!

Buy Wholesale Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Customers should purchase products from Bulk Apothecary with the clear understanding that all products must be used at the customers own discretion and only after referencing Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and all other relevant technical information specific to the product. Bulk Apothecary sells all of it’s Nature’s Oil brand and Bulk Apothecary Brand products for manufacturing purposes only. Consequently all of these products may not be labeled for consumer use. This includes nutritional facts labels where applicable. Bulk Apothecary shall not be held responsible for any damages to property or for any adverse physical effects (including injury or bodily harm) caused by insufficient knowledge or the improper use of a product.

DIY Natural Products on Pinterest. Plastic-Free Potato Chips. DIY Plastic-Free Potato Chips Craving potato chips?

Plastic-Free Potato Chips

Make your own, right now. Yes, right this very minute. If you have a microwave, a sharp knife, a plate, a bowl, a few potatoes, oil, and some salt, you are about 10 minutes from plastic-free, home-made potato chips. Strawberry Vodka and Strawberry Vodka Lemonade. It's so easy to capture a boozy taste of Summer by making your own flavored vodkas.

Strawberry Vodka and Strawberry Vodka Lemonade

I used the first strawberries of spring on this round and next I'll make cherry and then raspberry vodkas. Here's how: Fill a quart jar (make 2 jars like I did if you want to end up with a quart of strawberry vodka) with 2 cups of average quality vodka. No need to go top shelf here. Next, put enough clean, hulled strawberries in the jar to reach the top. Packaging Templates. Tutorial: Estojinho de maçã pet. Turma BoniFrati em:

Tutorial: Estojinho de maçã pet

Bridget Hair Tutorial. Of course I'm speaking of Miss Bardot.

Bridget Hair Tutorial

This hair style is a fun mix of retro sexy, messy, and structured all at the same time. Not only that, it's great for days you roll out of bed and want to look great without a ton of work. It's supposed to be tousled and fun. DIY String Bracelets with Wire Shapes. Honey Brown Sugar Scrub Recipe. Create: Urban Outfitters Inspired Dreamlight Tutorial. *I was given supplies to complete this mason jar craft from Consumer Crafts, but the idea and all opinions are 100% my own.

Create: Urban Outfitters Inspired Dreamlight Tutorial

Consumer Crafts gave me a challenge to create something fun with mason jars. I'm sure you've seen about fifty billion mason jar crafts on Pinterest alone, so I wanted to try and think outside the box. How To Create The Perfect Smokey Eye. Beauty-recipes-Treat-Your-Feet-framed+copy.jpg (JPEG Image, 525 × 604 pixels) - Scaled (81. Craft, DIY, Art, and Beauty: DIY Sea Salt Spray. I have never used sea salt spray on my naturally lightly wavy hair in the past, so I'll have to go on Cara's word over at Maskcara on how amazing it is.

Craft, DIY, Art, and Beauty: DIY Sea Salt Spray

She has a stunning beauty blog (her eye makeup tutorials are the bomb). Light Bulb Vase – DIY Home Décor. This week we’re sharing some of the blog’s greatest hits! These are some of our most loved posts by you, our amazing readers. Don’t throw away those old light bulbs just yet! I have a fun, easy DIY for you that will brighten up your home decor or workspace :) This DIY is very simple, but it requires working with glass so you definitely need to be careful! What you need: A light bulb (any shape or size will work!) , pliers and gardening wire. Step One: First you need to remove the little silver layer on the bottom of the light bulb. Step Two: Now you have to remove the black cap from the bottom of the light bulb.

DIY Face Scrub. A Simple iPhone Slip Case Pattern. Our simple kindle fire slip case tutorial inspired a great many comments and pins remarking that it would be easily modified to an iPhone case. I figured, why not? Let’s modify the pattern and slip a boxy iPhone inside. If you want someone else (me!) To do all the measuring and conversions for you, you may purchase and download the pattern at Craftsy. Lunchbox Container from a Milk Jug. Say goodbye to the brown sack lunchbox! Lunchbox Container from a Milk Jug.