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M2 Week 5

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Internet Safety. DIGITAL ALTERNATIVES. ELT Sandbox – Digital Game-Based Language Learning. Our Discovery Island - where learning is an adventure. ELTJ: Interactive Whiteboards. Resources. Training handbook. Graham invited me to state my case regarding the value of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in language education.

Let me try.As always when confronted by a technical innovation, we should be asking ourselves the question that Neil Postman famously posed: “What is the problem for which this technology [in this case IWBs] is the solution?” What is the problem? One answer that is commonly cited is lack of motivation. IWBs help solve this by providing a change of focus, delivering interesting content, and offering multiple functions (including an interactive potential) that can keep learners (especially younger ones) engaged and entertained.

Fine. Cr0602. Iwb Practice Detail page. Cideb - Black Cat Publishing. The interactive whiteboard (IWB) is an easy-to-use tool that can help teachers make learning more effective.

Cideb - Black Cat Publishing

With an IWB you can bring together different resources (text, audio, images) in one place in the classroom and learners can then interact with these resources via the IWB.IWBs can help you make your lesson more effective and more fun. In the following six video tutorials Graham Bradford, a learning technologies teacher trainer based in Italy, demonstrates how easy it is to take advantage of the enormous potential of IWBs with your learners.Each tutorial is divided into two parts: one shows the variety of ways you can use the IWB in your lessons and the other part, which is more technical, demonstrates the IWB tools. Equipment: Interactive Whiteboard, laptop, projectorHow to calibrate the board How to use the IWB tools.

IwbS. With The Consultants-E: Log in to the site. Spent but enriched. In this activity, students play an online digital game (in pairs or alone at home) and then focus on the lexis related to money.

Spent but enriched

Kyle Mawer_0. Room ARTHUR Virtual Round Table Web Conference_67. 9 Fun Ways to Practice English with Pokémon GO! “We do have a lot in common.

9 Fun Ways to Practice English with Pokémon GO!

The same air, the same Earth, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what’s the same instead of always looking at what’s different,…well, who knows?” —Meowth Have you heard about the latest craze of people playing Pokémon GO on their iOS and Android devices? Gamers pretend to be trainers who try to capture the Pokémon that surround them. The app allows users to practice basic tasks in English. Related Lesson. Language Learning and Minecraft. Language Learning And Minecraft Even if you have absolutely no interest in computer games, you have probably heard about Minecraft.

Language Learning and Minecraft

If you teach or have kids, you have probably heard a lot about Minecraft. Since its original alpha version dropped onto the internet in 2009, this simple game of ‘digital lego’ has amassed over 40 million players – not just kids but adults too, all mining and crafting in their own unique virtual landscapes. The great attraction of the game is that it invites the player to learn ‘as we go’ through exploration and experimentation. The game offers feedback first and guides us to figure out the rules through extended play, a great way to motivate and encourage ownership. That sense of community has helped Minecraft become something more than a game. DP PartB Intro Activities. ELT Sandbox Blog - ELT Sandbox. INFOGRAPHIC: Gaming in the Classroom: Why Bring Electronic Games into the Classroom? Gaming, wikis, blogs, social media, interactive polls and QR codes: just some of the technologies that teachers are bringing into the classroom.

INFOGRAPHIC: Gaming in the Classroom: Why Bring Electronic Games into the Classroom?

The dizzying pace of tech evolutions offers some challenges as teachers and administrators race to keep up with the latest tools. The research discussed here shows the payoff for schools that become "friends" with educational gaming. Experiments show how technology supports learning, with the potential to increase student engagement and motivation, even for students enrolled in college online. Games target all kinds of subjects and age groups, with different types of gaming from strategy to simulations to hard-core curriculum topics.

Teachers can access an arsenal of tools, from game consoles to laptops to smartphones. Still, the U.S. government reports a lack of nationwide studies on the use of tech tools and gaming in education. Sources: National Education Technology Plan – Executive Summary,, Games and Education Scholar James Paul Gee on Video Games, Learning, and Literacy. Our Discovery Island - where learning is an adventure. Impara l'inglese, lo spagnolo e altre lingue gratuitamente - busuu. Online Language Education with Private Teachers. Minecraft: Education Edition. Engage. Elessons. Teaching business English and ESP online. Learn Spanish, French and other languages for free. Apps. Take a look inside - Macmillan English Campus.

ICT in ELT: How did we get here and where are we going? Touchstone 2nd edition. Our Discovery Island. Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever. • Memorable characters and adventures Poptropica™ characters set the theme and present new language through a visually appealing scene, a catchy chant, games, and listening tasks.

Our Discovery Island

Digital adventures on distinctly themed islands develop the cognitive and the emotional skills of the whole learner. • Learning through stories A funny story consolidates and integrates language and leads into a CLIL lesson, a fun hands-on activity and a project. . • Extended language adquisition.