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, sustainable consulting for business. 5 Corporate Social Responsibility Courses you can take for free | Global Peace Careers. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Strategic Approach Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Strategic Approach is a free online course offered by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States.

The class is geared toward individuals who hold leadership roles in corporations and wish to learn more about corporate social responsibility. The class is taught in English and has no specific educational or work experience requirements for enrollment. Self-paced, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Strategic Approach can be completed at a rate that works for each student. The instructor does suggest that students break the course down into four weekly units. With this schedule, the class can be completed with two to five hours of study time each week. Sustainable Vikings: Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility in Scandinavia Instruction for Sustainable Vikings: Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility in Scandinavia is taught through online videos.

521b475b ac46 4566 963e d140c6d75993. 7 books to understand the UN's sustainable development goals. The UN has identified 17 interconnected goals for a sustainable future, from tackling poverty to climate action. The aim is to achieve all of these goals by 2030. Unesco’s Cities of Literature have picked books to reflect each goal. Reading, studies show, increases empathy and charitable thinking. Fiction has even been credited with helping readers improve their understanding of others and make changes in their own lives. Knowing the power of reading, a network of cities around the globe has developed a recommended reading list inspired by the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the global benchmarks designed to help the world work toward a better future.

UNESCO's Cities of Literature – a group that includes Durban in South Africa, Manchester in the UK and Baghdad in Iraq – selected novels and true-life stories on key SDG themes, including poverty, hunger and sustainability. 1. The World Economic Forum launched its official Book Club on Facebook in April 2018. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a352e04f 0ee2 4063 8716 3114f9173995. All global sustainability is local -- ScienceDaily. Nations across the world are following a United Nations blueprint to build a more sustainable future -- but a new study shows that blueprint leads less to a castle in the sky, and more to a house that needs constant remodeling.

Sustainability scientists have developed systematic and comprehensive assessment methods and performed the first assessment of a country's progress in achieving all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) not just as a nation, but also at the regional levels, and not just as a snapshot -- but over time. In "Assessing progress towards sustainable development over space and time" in this week's Nature, scientists from Michigan State University (MSU) and in China show that indeed all sustainability, like politics, is local. The group assessed China with methods that can be applied to other countries. China's vast size and sweeping socioeconomic changes at national and provincial levels showed how progress in sustainability can shift. AUDIT PROCESS – The Sustainability Initiative of South Africa (SIZA) Benefits of Becoming a Sustainable Business // Eco-officiency. Although each company has their own reasons and motives for being more green and sustainable in business, here are a few of the primary benefits to becoming a more sustainable company.

Enhanced Brand and Increase Competitive Advantage The Natural Marketing Institute (NMI) has found in their consumer research that knowing a company is mindful of its impact on the environment and society makes consumers more likely to buy their products or services. "Consumers are more interested in aligning their personal values with the brands they buy. If consumers are aware that companies are mindful of their impact on society and the environment, it positively impacts their repeat purchasing behavior. " This demographic according to Cone Communications is roughly estimated at 86% of U.S. consumers who make purchasing decisions based on their personal, social and environmental values. Climate Action Group - Accueil. Climate Neutral Certified: Choose to clean up your carbon. by Climate Neutral. We're making a label to show which businesses have achieved total carbon neutrality. We are off to an awesome start, but we want to scale this endeavor and scale it quickly.

We've already got 50 brands, but want to get that number into the 1000's within 12 months. To do that, we need your help. Read about our efforts in Fast Company, CBS News, Mens Journal, INC Magazine. Solutions to seriously mitigate climate change exist, but they are not free. By joining Certified Climate Neutral, businesses can choose to pay for all of their carbon emissions and accelerate the implementation of low-carbon technologies. When we measure, reduce, and offset carbon emissions, we use tCO2e as a unit of measurement. Businesses must measure their entire carbon footprint. Businesses must commit to 2 new reduction efforts every year. To fight climate change, businesses need to reduce their emissions. Businesses must offset all the emissions they cannot immediately reduce. Strict third party verification. Conduct a Sustainability Gap Assessment | Sustainability Learning Centre. 1. Green Team GAP Assessment Complete a 51 point checklist in this customized face to face or on-line program.

This checklist identifies the criteria, rationale and potential savings associated with Energy, Waste, Water, Transportation, and Healthy Offices. Click here for more information. 2. Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability Expectations The Ceres Roadmap focuses on areas where Ceres sees enormous opportunities for impact ; however, it does not cover every aspect of sustainability. Ceres suggests that businesses start by: Assessing the company’s baseline environmental and social performance Analyzing corporate management and accountability structures and systems Conducting a materiality analysis of risks and opportunities A company can then formulate its own route to sustainability based on the key directions laid out in the roadmap.

Each business has to create its own strategy for success, addressing both the risks and the opportunities of participating in the sustainable economy. Connecting energy services, carriers and flows: Rethinking household energy metabolism in Cape Town, South Africa. Conserving Nature in a time of crisis: Protected Areas and COVID-19. CONSUMPTION - Sustainable(ish) How have we somehow ended up in a society where it's perfectly normal to go into Lidl for a pint of milk and come out with a fence sprayer and a new pair of walking boots, when we weren't even aware we had a desire to paint the fence, or indeed go on any long distance hikes? Conscious consumption sounds pretty dull and grown up, but we do need to wake up to, and acknowledge the fact that everything we buy has an impact on the planet, and on the people who make our stuff and grow our food.

It's not about depriving of things. It's about buying and consuming more thoughtfully, buying less but better quality, buying for durability and repair. Buying things we truly love and want to treasure and keep.And it's also about looking around and thinking about whether we could find the things we need without necessarily needing to buy new - could you swap, repair, or buy secondhand? Corporate sustainability reporting | UNEP - UN Environment Programme. In many markets, both in developed and developing countries, the call for increased transparency and accountability of the private sector is growing. Potential health and environmental risks posed by companies, and the goods and services they produce, are increasing pressure on them to generate, assess, and make information on their sustainability performance and impacts publicly available.

In this sense Corporate Sustainability Reporting represents a potential mechanism to generate data and measure progress and the contribution of companies towards global sustainable development objectives as it can help companies and organizations measure their performance in all dimensions of sustainable development, set goals, and support the transition towards a low carbon, resource efficient, and inclusive green economy. Knowledge products: ECOframe Report Oct08. Education for meaningful sustainability and regeneration.

DANIEL CHRISTIAN WAHL celebrates the work of Gaia Education — an educational NGO that is at the forefront of locally focused sustainability education on six continents (an earlier version of this article was first published by The Ecologist) “ The poet Mary Oliver reminds us the choice to come home into the community of life is ours, every day anew. Those of us alive today are the cast for an epic of civilizational transformation. Something the environmental activist and author, Joanna Macy, describes as “The Great Turning.” As this story unfolds we will see humanity collaborating in the conscious re-design of its collective impact on Earth. If we want to co-create a future worth living, all of humanity will have to learn to collaborate.

Designing for sustainability and regeneration After finishing my PhD in Design for Sustainability, I joined Gaia Education’s first training of trainers at the Findhorn Foundation ecovillage in 2006. Change in worldviews and culture change go hand in hand. EMS Auditor Criteria – SAATCA. Environmental Management in Small and Medium-Sized Companies: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Expert Level Learning Pathway.

The journey to RECP or IEE expert begins with the relevant end-user and introductory level courses. The End User training will provide technical professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to initiate resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP), energy management systems (EnMS) and energy systems optimisation (ESO) interventions, as well as a holistic understanding of the benefits and processes of RECP, EnMS and ESO. All End User courses are followed by a test which will serve as an acceptance test to the Expert Level training. This test, together with the successfully completed Energy Management 101 course and screening of a candidate’s CV for their suitability will constitute the requirements to enter the relevant Expert Level programme. The Expert Level training programme comprises theoretical and in-company practical modules spread over a number of months.

Candidates will need to first complete the end user level training in the relevant discipline. Did you know? Global MDP Program - GlobalMDP. GRI Certified Sustainability Reporting Course | Environmental & Sustainability Solutions. A Sustainability or Integrated Report is a report about the economic, environmental and social impacts caused by an organization through its everyday activities, the organization’s policies and practices to manage these impacts, and how these factors affect the core business of the organization. Publishing integrated sustainability reports has become commonplace, is strongly recommended by the King III Report on Governance for South Africa, and is a requirement for South African listed companies. A variety of organizations, both listed and non-listed, can benefit in multiple ways from publishing a sustainability/integrated report.

The most widely used framework for sustainability reports are the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting. These guidelines have recently been transformed into the GRI Standards on Sustainability Reporting. Register here, or view the training schedule Aim and objectives of this course Specific objectives include: Certificate. Hemp Cleans Up Radioactive Soil and So Much More. Editor’s Note: some text has been updated for clarity (11/30/2019) following feedback from readers. Please see comments for more information. Is there anything hemp can’t do? The mostly outlawed plant, once cultivated by George Washington at his Mount Vernon home, can be made into fabric, paper, pasta, and fuel, but now scientists have discovered a more subtle and astonishing use for cannabis sativa: saving the planet from our waste.

Hemp can even get rid of radioactive soil contaminants. Industrial hemp, the common name for low-THC varieties of cannabis grown for non-medicinal-related uses, has been shown to be extremely adept at sucking up harmful chemicals from the soil, allowing former radioactive spill sites to become fertile (and safe) once again. How Do They Clean Up Soil Contamination? Remediation is the process of fixing ordinarily unusable soil sullied by heavy metals or nuclear material.

Phytoremediation with Hemp Hemp has a Long Root System Hemp is Fast Growing Hemp is Inexpensive. Hemp: The Natural Response to Plastic Pollution. Home - Global Compact Network SA. Human Development Report 2020 | UNDP HDR. Key knowledge gaps to achieve global sustainability goals | Nature Sustainability. Low Carbon Guides & Carbon Reduction Advice | Carbon Trust. M csr 18 ALSTOM Sustainability Materiality Matrix. Moodle. What parts of Africa are African bullfrogs found? African bullfrogs are found mostly in open grasslands at low elevations in the sub-Saharan African countries of Malawi, Zambia, Nigeria, Somalia, Mozambique, Angola, South Africa (except for the southwestern Cape Province), Kenya, Rhodesia, Tanzania and the Sudan. What type of habitat do African bullfrogs prefer? African bullfrogs are one of the most adaptable amphibians on earth, capable of tolerating some of Africa’s harshest environments. Certain areas of their range can be completely dry for years at a time, and can reach surface temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as temperatures that can drop to below freezing during the winter.

What do African bullfrogs eat? African bullfrogs are carnivorous and will consume nearly any animal that can be overpowered and can fit in their huge mouths. How big are African bullfrogs? Male African bullfrogs can reach lengths of more than 9 inches and weigh over 2 pounds. References: Natural Capital Toolkit. Peace Week - Accueil. Protecting Biodiversity Supports Global Stability and Sustainable Development. Our planet stands on the brink of an environmental crisis. In the last three decades, the human population has increased by more than two billion people, global temperatures have continued to rise, and the effects of our changing climate have been manifested in melting polar ice caps, increasingly powerful storms, and raging fires from Australia to California.

According to a groundbreaking UN report, the current rate of extinction is two to three times higher than the average rate over the past ten million years. As a result, up to one million species now stand threatened. Twenty-seven years ago, in my capacity as US Ambassador to the United Nations, I was honored to sign a landmark conservation treaty known as the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. During a recent gathering of the Aspen Ministers Forum in Vienna, we took time to examine these environmental challenges and the threats they pose to global stability and human well-being.

Reporting. Reporting to stakeholders in a transparent and public manner is fundamental for companies committed to sustainability. Your company’s annual Communication on Progress (COP) is a key component of your commitment to the UN Global Compact. There are several powerful drivers of non-financial reporting that are pushing companies to act responsibly and report on their actions: Mainstream investors are considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) information in their strategies. Non-financial information is informing the decisions of consumers, local communities and civil society organizations that are all expecting greater transparency from business.

Once only a voluntary activity, there is a trend towards mandatory non-financial reporting. The COP serves as a good starting point, and in some cases meets government requirements. SA's FIRST DEDICATED SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPE FINANCE COALITION - Wilderness Foundation Africa. SECOND-PARTY VERIFICATION – The Sustainability Initiative of South Africa (SIZA) South Africa. Species Conservation in a Patchy World.

Sustainability Reporting. Sustainability reporting: why South African companies need to up their game. Sustainabilty Assessment Toolkit Guidebook part revised 2016. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Sustainable Foodservice: Waste Audit. The 2019 sustainability leaders the globescan sustainability survey. The 2019 Sustainability Leaders » SustainAbility. The Small Business Guide to Sustainable Business Practices. The solution to the plastic waste crisis? It isn’t recycling | John Vidal. TT 397 09 Industrial Water Management.

Turning climate risk into resilience | WWF South Africa. Un global compact young sdg innovators programme 2019. Upcoming Courses □ Solar Installation Training | South Africa. What is CSR? | UNIDO. World Business Council For Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Young SDG Innovators Programme - Global Compact Network SA.