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150,000 Botanical and Animal Illustrations Available for Free Download from Biodiversity Heritage Library. 10.1007/978 3 030 32394 3. 10.1: Introduction, Simpson’s Index and Shannon-Weiner Index - Statistics LibreTexts. As forest and natural resource managers, we must be aware of how our timber management practices impact the biological communities in which they occur. A silvicultural prescription is going to influence not only the timber we are growing but also the plant and wildlife communities that inhabit these stands. Landowners, both public an(18)}{d private, often require management of non-timber components, such as wildlife, along with meeting the financial objectives achieved through timber management.

Resource managers must be cognizant of the effect management practices have on plant and wildlife communities. The primary interface between timber and wildlife is habitat, and habitat is simply an amalgam of environmental factors necessary for species survival (e.g., food or cover). So how do we develop a plan that will encompass multiple land use objectives? Diversity of organisms and the measurement of diversity have long interested ecologists and natural resource managers. Example : : October - December 2020. A global map of terrestrial habitat types | Scientific Data. 1.Newbold, T. et al. Global effects of land use on local terrestrial biodiversity. Nature520, 45–50 (2015).ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar 2.Joppa, L. N. et al. Filling in biodiversity threat gaps. Science352, 416–418 (2016).ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar 3.Maxwell, S. A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardizing root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements - Archive ouverte HAL.

Abstract : In the context of a recent massive increase into research on plant root functions and their impact on the environment, root ecologists currently face many important challenges to keep on producing cutting edge, meaningful and integrated knowledge. Consideration of the belowground components in plant and ecosystem studies has been consistently called for in recent decades, but methodology is disparate and sometimes inappropriate.

This handbook, based on the collective effort of a large team of experts, is to be used not only as starting point by students and scientists who desire working on belowground ecosystems but also by confirmed experts for consolidating and broadening their views on root ecology. African Plants - A Photo Guide - Search results. AfricanWildlife 75. An ecology reading list for self-isolating environmentalists. The social isolation response to the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in our lifetimes. Perhaps not since the economic depression of the 1930s and World War II has the human family found itself so singularly engaged with shared global issues. In any case, for fellow shut-in environmentalists facing weeks of relative isolation, I have compiled an ecology reading list. There are over a million ecology books in print, and sorting through them might be a challenge.

I’ve included some of the essential classics in the field. In my estimation, every ecologist and/or environmentalist would benefit by being aware of the information in these books. The first book is no book Spend some time in the wildness. We live inside a biosphere. Even in a city, you can find opportunities to be a student of wild nature. An essential dozen ecology books 1. This book launched the modern environmental movement. 2. This book clearly showed that human numbers, consumption, and economy cannot grow forever. 3. 4. 5. ArcGIS Web Application. Biodiversity and our brains: how ecology and mental health go together in our cities. Mental health in our cities is an increasingly urgent issue.

Rates of disorders such as anxiety and depression are high. Urban design and planning can promote mental health by refocusing on spaces we use in our everyday lives in light of what research tells us about the benefits of exposure to nature and biodiversity. Mental health issues have many causes. However, the changing and unpredictable elements of our physical and sensory environments have a profound impact on risk, experiences and recovery. Read more: Green for wellbeing – science tells us how to design urban spaces that heal us Physical activity is still the mainstay of urban planning efforts to enable healthy behaviours. Mental well-being is then a hoped-for byproduct of opportunities for exercise and social interaction. Neuroscientific research and tools now allow us to examine more deeply some of the ways in which individuals experience spaces and natural elements.

What do we mean by ‘nature’? Why does biodiversity matter? Biodiversity Heritage Library. Can regenerative agriculture reverse climate change? Big Food is banking on it. This story was produced in partnership with Civil Eats, a nonprofit news organization focused on the American food system. More than 20 years ago, Will Harris was a cattle farmer who relied on common industrial tools like pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and antibiotics. Today, his 2,500-acre ranch in Bluffton, Georgia, is a holistically managed, no-waste operation with 10 species of livestock rotated to graze the rolling pastures and fertilize the land without chemicals, resulting in rich, healthy soil. Known as regenerative agricultural practices, those methods have not only improved the land of his ranch, White Oak Pastures, they also have led to the land becoming a carbon sink, pulling carbon from the air and storing it in the ground.

As a result, Harris’ ranch has been able to offset a majority of the emissions related to its beef production. "I've literally bet the farm on it working,” Harris said. Danone, Kellogg, Nestlé, and a dozen other companies are not far behind. Childhood connection to nature has many benefits but is not universally positive, finds review: A connection to nature is complex, as well as positive emotions, it can generate negative emotions linked to issues like climate change -- ScienceDaily.

The review, published in the British Ecological Society Journal People and Nature, is the first to focus on nature connection in children and adolescents. In the article Dr Chawla comprehensively reviews the full scope of literature on the topic, covering peer-reviewed articles, books and studies by environmental organizations. The review finds that connecting with nature supports multiple areas of young people's wellbeing.

"There is strong evidence that children are happier, healthier, function better, know more about the environment, and are more likely to take action to protect the natural world when they spend time in nature. " said Dr Chawla. Several studies found that children's connection with nature increased with time spent in natural environments. Time spent in this way was also a predictor for active care for nature in adulthood. However, a connection with nature is not universally positive. Conservation of biodiversity is like an insurance policy for the future of mankind. Fens and bogs are valuable research environments for paleoecologists due to ancient fossils that have survived in the peatland for thousands of years.

A recent study carried out by the paleoecologists of Tallinn University of Technology reveals that the rich biodiversity of spring fens is a result of their millennia-long stable environment. The continuously high local richness in spring fens is contrary to the general decrease in biodiversity around the world caused by increasingly intensive land use. The study of bogs and fens carried out by Estonian scientists is particularly valuable because in most parts of Europe they have been destroyed due to rapid industrialization and agricultural development. The research group led by Triin Reitalu and Ph.D. student Ansis Blaus from the Division of Quaternary Geology of TalTech Department of Geology studied one of the oldest fens in Estonia, the Kanna spring fen in Viidumäe nature reserve in Saaremaa. Provided by Estonian Research Council. Cover crops south africa. Ecological Economics: One of the circles of sustainability « IAN/EcoCheck Blog. By: Srishti Vishwakarma What is Ecological Economics?

According to United States Society for Ecological Economics, ecological economics is “a venue for intellectual exchange and collaboration on issues related to the theory, policy, and implementation of sustainable development.” When studying sustainability, economic, social, and environmental domains must all be considered. It is important to understand that sustainable development requires a system of economic activity which is compatible with, and not destructive of, either the ecological of social webs of life.

In order to better understand this integrated topic, Dr. The three circles of sustainability are social, environmental, and economic circles. The lecture began with instructions for our mid-term assigned for the following week. Our lecture and discussion on ecological economics started with the comparison of empty world and full world. Are we living in the world of weak or strong sustainability? References 1. Environmental Defense Fund. Environmentoutlook chapter6. Environmentoutlook executivesummary. Error - Cookies Turned Off. Estimating population sizes of animals is key in nature conservation (Davis & Winstead, 1980; Norton‐Griffiths, 1978; Van Lavieren, 1982) and large‐scale animal husbandry (Andrew, Greatwood, & Burghardt, 2017; Chamoso, Raveane, Parra, & González, 2014).

Accurate animal population estimates are important for farmers to determine the value of their companies and for game managers to optimize hunting strategies (Hearne, Korrûbel, & Koch, 2000; Mwakiwa et al., 2016; Van Lavieren, 1982), while precise estimates are important to follow population trends of rare and/or valuable wildlife species (Van Lavieren, 1982). Most of the animal population estimates are based on sample counts, where animals are only counted in a part of the area and the counts are afterwards extrapolated, which is cheaper and less time‐consuming than total counts (Jachmann, 2001; Norton‐Griffiths, 1978; Van Lavieren, 1982). 2.1 Data collection 2.2 Detection algorithm 2.3 Algorithm evaluation 3.1 Algorithm evaluation to.

Error - Cookies Turned Off. In Kennedy, Oakleaf, Theobald, Baruch‐Mordo, and Kiesecker (2019), we presented findings that terrestrial ecosystems have higher human modification than previously reported and that most ecoregions are intermediately modified. Our findings were based on the global Human Modification (HM), which maps the degree of land modification based on the spatial extent and the potential intensity of impact of 13 anthropogenic stressors.

We concluded that moderately modified ecoregions “warrant elevated attention” given that they fall within critical land use thresholds. Venter, Possingham, and Watson (2019) express two main concerns with Kennedy et al. (2019): (a) that the results “underestimate the extent, and therefore importance, of Earth's remaining unmodified lands”; and that (b) “the HM exhibits high rates of error.” We believe their concerns miss the main point of our work and are not supported statistically. Error - Cookies Turned Off. ClimMani Working Group: Nelson Abrantes1, María Almagro2, Inge H. J. Althuizen3, Isabel C. Barrio4, Mariska te Beest5,6, Claus Beier7, Ilka Beil8, Z. Carter Berry9, Tone Birkemoe10, Jarle W. Bjerke11, Benjamin Blonder12,13, Gesche Blume‐Werry8, Gil Bohrer14, Isabel Campos1, Lucas A. Cernusak15, Bogdan H. Error - Cookies Turned Off.

Current challenges in research on plant allocation Plants are sessile organisms that, once germinated, have to cope with in situ environmental conditions for the rest of their life span. These conditions may be favourable for growth and development but may also be constraining or even harmful for their survival. Hence plants must employ available resources most strategically to optimize growth and development and to avoid stress and reduce harm or damage. In this context carbon (C) plays a central role as it is one of the most abundant and most versatile elements involved in plant metabolism.

During photosynthesis carbon dioxide (CO2) is taken up from the air and converted to nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC) that serve as both energy carrier and as a building block for anabolic processes like growth, defence or exchanges with other organisms (Hartmann & Trumbore, 2016). NSC are of particular interest as they are the dominant currency of C allocation. References. Factors influencing the palatability of herbage and species selection by the animal. Factors influencing the palatability of herbage and species selection by the animal P Botha ONE of the main problems in veld management is to obtain a high standard of veld production and to maintain this veld without the invasion of undesirable plants.

Another problem is the control of undesirable plants by grazing with specific types of animals. Preferences for a specific plant differ from animal type to animal type, as well as between individual animals of the same type. An indicator of the plant-animal relation is the well-known fact that animals select their diet from the total available herbage. Before considering the factors influencing the palatability of herbage and species selection by the animal, certain terms should be considered (Heady, 1964). 1. 2. 3. 4. Species selection is the result of a stimulation reaction relationship between the plant and the animal. 1. 2. 3. Species selection may take place in any stage of the chain and can be controlled by any number of factors. . . Finding common ground for scientists and policymakers on soil carbon and climate change. There is growing interest in the potential for soil carbon to mitigate climate change, brought into the public sphere at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris.

France. There, the French government launched an international initiative, "4per1000," aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by building soil carbon. The ambitious initiative has increased visibility, but also led to disagreements among scientists over how much carbon can realistically be stored in soil. In an opinion published this week in Nature Sustainability, a group of scientists argue that this disagreement is part of the normal scientific process. However, they posit, the public debate is undermining the potential for policymakers to implement policies that build soil carbon for other environmental and agricultural benefits.

"For me and a number of others, the arguments missed the point. " "Agricultural soil carbon is foundational to soil health, fertility and climate resilience. Global trends in nature's contributions to people -- ScienceDaily. Grasslands among the best landscapes to curb climate change – UWMadScience. Grassroots Grassroots - Vol 20 No 1. Grassroots Grassroots Vol 20 No 1. How Does Earth's Carbon Cycle Work? | At the Smithsonian. Hugelkultur Raised Beds: An Ancient Technique That’s Turning Gardeners’ Heads - Live Love Fruit. In the fight against biodiversity loss, connectivity is key (commentary) IPCC - Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Joel Houdet | Green Growth Knowledge Platform. Landscapes that work for biodiversity and people. Local climatic changes affect biodiversity responses to land use: A review - Williams - - Diversity and Distributions. Monitoring – ENVASS. On the Three Major Recycling Pathways in Terrestrial Ecosystems.

One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership. PAPACO – English. Paperback thorn (Acacia sieberiana) | Feedipedia. Protected and Conservation Areas Database | Environmental Geographical Information Systems (E-GIS) Protected and Conservation Areas Database | Environmental Geographical Information Systems (E-GIS) Protected Planet. Scientists Say We Need These 6 Things For Us to Meet Our Climate Goals. Short Course in Savanna Plant Ecology, Skukuza, Kruger Park(preliminary dates 17-28 February 2020) — Dirisa Portal. Soil carbon unearthed | Nature Geoscience. Standard to support global action on invasive alien species. Styrofoam Eating Larvae Wins National Highschool Sustainability Contest. The 12 Types Of Conservation Career (and how to choose which one is for you?) - Dr. James Borrell. The consequences of replacing wildlife with livestock in Africa. The world secretly runs on hippo poop.

Thought water scarcity was a developing world problem only? Think again. UN Unveils Desperate Blueprint to Protect at Least 30% of Our Planet by 2030. Wetlands do the job of expensive technology, if we let them. What is Rotational Grazing and Why is it Misunderstood? - Countryside. Why are rhinos important for ecosystems? - Africa Geographic. Why deforestation and extinctions make pandemics more likely. Working with indigenous, local and scientific knowledge in assessments of nature and nature’s linkages with people. • Strelitzia.