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A slice of React, Clojurescript and Om | Lexically scoped, Fredrik Dyrkell. Update 2014-01-16 Since I wrote this article, Om has undergone a few API changes. For consistency I have kept the original code in this article and put an updated version, using Om 0.1.6, that you can find here. Also note that you must use a compatible Clojurescript version (0.0-2138) for Om to work – this was something I missed which gave me really weird errors when using lookups on the cursors. React React has sparked a lot of interest in the Clojure community lately (and perhaps, hopefully the other way around as well), and for good reasons. “React components implement a render() method that takes input data and returns what to display.” David Nolen’s Om library About a week ago, David Nolen (@swannodette) presented a small Clojurescript library on top of React in a post on his blog.

The core idea in Om is to simplify idiomatic state management with Clojurescript’s immutable datastructures, while still getting all the performance (and more), as well as adding some syntactic sugar. React | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The trusted source for JavaScript packages, Meteor resources and tools | Atmosphere. Springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript. Meteor. Lightning-fast RDF in JavaScript | Ruben Verborgh. Node.js has spawned a new, asynchronous generation of tools. Asynchronous thinking is different from traditional stream processing: instead of actively waiting for data in program routines, you write logic that acts when data arrives.

JavaScript is an ideal language for that, because callback functions are lightweight. I have written a parser for Turtle, an RDF serialisation format, that uses asynchrony for maximal performance. Representing triples The first important choice is the representation of triples (or quads, as I want to support graphs as well). I did not want to go for an “everything is an object” approach, because that would make developers’ code unnecessary complex and slow. This performs very fast, because modern JavaScript engines will automatically create a single runtime class for triples. Var uri = ' var literal = '"Tom Cat"'; Note the extra pair of quotes inside the second string, which indicate that it’s a literal.

C:Tom c:name "" Welcome - Polymer. Home · tinkerpop/blueprints Wiki. 50 JavaScript Libraries for Charts and Graphs. How are you visualizing data in JavaScript? What is your favorite library for creating charts and graphs with JavaScript? I have been a long time fan of jqPlot for its open source approach, simplicity, examples, and great features. It performs well, it is used by many corporations, and it is built on top of jQuery. Recently, however, D3 has really caught my eye. FusionCharts – they call themselves an enterprise-grade JavaScript charting component and with good reason I suppose. D3 – is really amazing and I love it’s simplicity. HighCharts – very powerful, I love the JSFiddle examples and powerful features. JqPlot – if you are already using jQuery, you don’t want to pay for HighCharts, and D3 is too much for your simple use cases, then jqPlot is an excellent choice. dygraphs – open source JavaScript library that produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series.

Protovis – free and open-source created by the same team that is now working on D3. Update: CSSplot – Simple, css-only charts. GoJS Samples - HTML5 Canvas JavaScript graphics. GoJS comes with the full JavaScript / HTML source to over 90 sample applications. Many of these samples show how to build classic diagram types like FlowCharts, workflows, Entity Relationship diagrams, State Charts, OrgCharts, class hierarchy trees, mindmaps social graphs, data visualization and planograms. Many others show off specific features like layout and using templates to define nodes.

You can use these samples as the starting point for your application. Furthermore, the Getting Started Guide and Technical Introduction have hundreds of live example diagrams. See these samples live at GoJS Samples Register with us for support during your evaluation. Screenshots from some of our GoJS samples: add comments to nodes Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) editor tournament bracket cat (feline) monitor custom context menu euler diagram Flowchart2 genogram GoJS with WebGL D3js peityjs grafcet diagram groups and subgroups diagram hierarchical tree subgraph grouping diagram links to links graph minimal.

Sigma js. Discover Meteor - Learn how to build real-time JavaScript web apps with Meteor.js. Knrz/CSV.js. Superhero.js.