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Hacktivism / Médias - Structures

Facebook Twitter - hacktivism. Digital Art, Design and Culture hacktivism. Digitalarti Hacktivisme. We Make Money Not Art - activism. “The collective wisdom of more than a hundred grassroots organizers from five continents.

We Make Money Not Art - activism

It’s everything you need for a DIY uprising of your own” “How can acts of listening, walking, conversing, cooking, and gardening be related to, or even equated with, the well-established history of painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, and other recognized art forms?” Reilly addresses the urgent need in the contemporary art world for curatorial strategies that provide alternatives to exclusionary models of collecting and display. In so doing, she provides an invaluable source of information for current thinkers and, in a world dominated by visual culture, a vital source of inspiration for today’s ever-expanding new generation of curators In 2005, a group of photographers took a stand alongside the people of the small town of Bil’in, and documented their fight to stop the Israeli government building the infamous West Bank Barrier. The documentary 13th argues that the 13th Amendment to the U.S. We Make Money Not Art - hacktivism. Just found out that the utterly brilliant and fascinating thesis that Otto von Busch presented last year at the University of Gothenburg is available as an online PDF.

We Make Money Not Art - hacktivism

So leave Dan Brown on the shelves and take this one on the beach this Summer, ok? Short list of publications worth buying/downloading. Because there’s a world out there that refuses to give in to bigots, idiots and predominant dogmas global aCtIVISm (the capitalized letters form the Latin word civis, emphasizing the power of citizens) describes and documents politically inspired art—global art practices that draw attention to grievances and demand the transformation of existing conditions through actions, demonstrations, and performances in public space The practice of targeted killing by drones raises many questions: “How many civilians have been killed as collateral damage during these strikes?”

The book and exhibition ‘Networked Disruption’ highlights the mutual interferences between business, art and disruption. Neural - hactivism. Cyberfeminist archives. .dpi l revue féministe d'art et de culture numérique. - Hacktivism. Magazine MCDMagazine MCD » Le magazine des Cultures Numériques ! Poptronics. Eclectic Tech Carnival. Revue des ressources - Hacktivisme/activisme. Déclaration d’indépendance du Cyberespace 10 février, par John Perry Barlow Pionnier d’Internet, co-fondateur de l’EFF, militant libertarien, essayiste et parolier des Grateful Dead, John Perry Barlow vient de décéder à l’âge de 70 ans.

Revue des ressources - Hacktivisme/activisme

Voici un texte fondateur d’internet, la célèbre Déclaration d’Indépendance du Cyberespace que John Perry Barlow (le co-fondateur de la Electronic Frontier Foundation) a lue à Davos devant tous les chefs d’état de la planète en 1996, déjà. (...) Le manifeste du hacker de Loyd Blankenship 22 août 2013, par Loyd Blankenship (The Mentor) Le Manifeste du hacker (titré en anglais The Hacker Manifesto, ou The Conscience of a Hacker, « La Conscience d’un hacker ») est un petit article écrit le 8 janvier 1986, par le hacker Loyd Blankenship après son arrestation, sous le pseudonyme de « The Mentor ».

Publié pour la première fois dans le magazine électronique underground Phrack (Volume 1, Numéro 7, Phile 3 de 10), on peut de nos jours le (...) Anarchafeminist Hackerhive. A meeting for women and non-male people to talk with each other about computer stuff.

Anarchafeminist Hackerhive

At Noisebridge, we've been meeting in the library on Wednesdays from 6pm till whenever (usually at least 8 or 9). If you're in another city and want to be on the mailing list, you are welcome too! Mailing list: Hacking * Making * Lulz * Antiracism * Feminisms * Womanisms * Empowerment * Action * Mischief * Activism * Coding * Decolonization * Survival * Trolling * Solidarity * Cake * Meetups * Fun * And More!

For women and people who identify or have identified significantly as non-male. Do you want to start a Hackerhive in your area? Contact: [edit] Hive stuff. LADYBUG FESTIVAL LYON. Art Hack Day. Art Hack Day (@arthackday) AHA:ACTIVISM,HACKING,ARTIVISM, progetto su hacktivism e netculture.