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Revision de l'Accesibilité, avec Style. [ HERA | Help | Info | Code | Contact ] HERA is a tool to check the accessibility of Web pages accoridng to the specification Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG 1.0). HERA performs a preliminary set of tests on the page and identifies any automatically detectable errors or checkpoints met, and which checkpoints need further manual verification. Manual revision is always needed to test whether a page is accessible. To be able to do this testing it is normally necessary to know the Accessibility Guidelines, how users work with assistive technology, and have some practical understanding of web page design.

HERA assists in manual revision by highlighting the parts of the page that need checking, providing instructions on how to perform the tests, and offering two views of the page (normal page rendering and the HTML source code) with the most important elements for checking higlighted through colours and icons. Accessibility. Les couleurs et l'accessibilité - Alsacréations. En France, la proportion de daltoniens est d'environ 8% chez les hommes et 0,45% chez les femmes (source Wikipédia).

Plus de 10% de la population masculine est daltonienne dans le monde, et affectée par une perception des couleurs déficiente. Il existe différentes formes de cécité des couleurs : rouge-vert, vert-brun, et ainsi de suite... Bien entendu, il est très difficile, voire impossible d'éviter de mettre sur son site toutes les couleurs qui pourraient être mal perçues. Cependant, il est à la portée de tout le monde de faire en sorte que les pages soient lisibles par tous, quel que soit le handicap visuel.

La première méthode et la plus simple à mettre en œuvre est l'emploi d'un contraste élevé entre l'arrière plan et les couleurs utilisées pour le contenu de la page. Dans cet exemple on voit bien que C et E sont plus facilement lisibles parce que le contraste est assez fort. Complete List of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools. Introduction to Web Accessibility. See also: Accessibility - W3C What is Web Accessibility Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web.

More specifically, Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web, and that they can contribute to the Web. Web accessibility also benefits others, including older people with changing abilities due to aging. Web accessibility encompasses all disabilities that affect access to the Web, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities. Millions of people have disabilities that affect their use of the Web. Web accessibility also benefits people without disabilities. Why Web Accessibility is Important The Web is an increasingly important resource in many aspects of life: education, employment, government, commerce, health care, recreation, and more. Making the Web Accessible Making Your Web Site Accessible Evaluating the Accessibility of a Web Site Terminology. Web Design/Accessibility. What Accessibility Is and Isn't[edit] Accessibility focuses not only on people with disabilities, but on ANYONE who may experience difficulty in reading or navigating a website.

For example, users with a very old computer system, a visually impaired user, or even down to someone with a broken arm who can't use a mouse! See wikipedia's definition for one of the best explanations. w:Web_accessibility Accessibility on the web is governed by the W3C and currently based on WCAG 1.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) with WCAG 2.0 Working Draft closing on 22nd June 2006. Usability is often confused with Accessibility. As a summary- Accessibility- ensuring information is physically retrievable Usability- ensuring the information is retrieved in an easy and simplified manner Resources on Accessibility[edit] Assistive TechnologyRuss Weakley's Basic Webstandards WorkshopA List Apart - Great collection of articles on accessibility on the web Web Design References Tools[edit]