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Visualizing data

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Visualizing large graphs: graph visualization of matrices from the University of Florida Collection. Graph-tool: Efficent network analysis with python. Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet TAGS v3. Important: Changes to Twitter API Because Twitter are making changes to their API this version of TAGS will stop working in March 2013. TAGSv5.0 is compatible with the new API and you should get it here! For existing TAGS users: What will happen to my existing TAGS sheets? When Twitter turn off the old API (test outages this March) all authenticated and unauthenticated search requests will stop working. How do I upgrade my existing version of TAGS? As I can’t push an update to existing copies of TAGS you’ll have to manually update by opening your spreadsheet, then opening Tools > Script editor… and replacing the section of code that starts function getTweets() { and finishes 134 lines later (possiblly with the line function twDate(aDate){ ) with the code here.

To support my research in Twitter community visualisation I’ve updated my Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS) [formerly called twitteralytics – I pre-emptively changed the name to play nice with Twitter ToS]. Basic setup/use. JavaScript and ActionScript Data Visualization Libaries & Toolkits - Alan Greenblatt. Andy Trice recently forwarded me this link: a great site which showcases the current state of many visualization toolkits & frameworks. Upon investigation though, it looks like this is a mix of JavaScript & ActionScript libraries, applications for creation of data visualizations and generic helper tools. Navigating through the list seemed a tricky for the average developer. As well, there was a bunch of libraries I knew about that I didn’t see listed.

It seemed to me like it would be useful to recreate this list based not on whether I’m trying to create a map or chart for example, but rather based on development restrictions. If you’re building an HTML/JS application, ActionScript libraries are not very helpful. Likewise, if you’re building a Flash application, a JavaScript toolkit may or may not be helpful. The list will obviously change as new libaries are developed and old ones go by the wayside. Libaries for JavaScript Development. Pitch Interactive, Inc. - A Data Visualization Studio. OpenDataSites | Your portal to Open Data sites around the world. Out of Sight, Out of Mind: A visualization of drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004.

Dataveyes is a start-up interactive data visualizations. Data visualized: The world’s refugees over four decades. To spend just a few minutes experiencing the newly created online data visualization The Refugee Project is to start to comprehend just how enormous, complex, and problematic the ebb and flow of the world’s millions of refugees has been over the past almost half century. That’s the unique power of data visualization, which is an emerging way for designers, developers, media companies and organizations to tell complex and data-rich stories visually. Developed by design firm Hyperakt and designer Ekene Ijeoma, The Refugee Project takes close to forty years worth of refugee data from The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as world population data from the U.N, and overlays it on an interactive map.

The team also mixed in narratives from about 80 individual refugee conflicts (from Rwanda to Afghanistan), and set the whole thing on a yearly timeline. A screenshot of The Refugee Project Data storytelling The Visualized Conference next month in New York.