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Timbuktu in Mali Westafrika. Geschichte und allgemeine Informationen Timbuktu ©Senani PCC Timbuktu am Niger im heutigen Mali war zwischen dem 13. und 16. Jahrhundert eine bedeutende Handelsstadt und ein großes Kulturzentrum des Islam in Westafrika. Sie lag auf der Kreuzung der Karawanenwegen von Algerien und Ägypten nach Westafrika. In der Stadt wurden vor allem Salz und Gold gehandelt, was der Stadt zu großem Reichtum verhalf. Djinger-ber Moschee ©KaTeznikCC Da keine Steine gebrannt werden konnte, sind Bauwerke und Häuser aus Lehm errichtet worden, die auch nach jedem Regen neuer Pflege bedürfen. Daten Standort: Timbuktu am Niger in Mali Bauzeit: Stadtgründung etwa im 9. Links Interesante Informationen und Film-Dokumentationen gibt es auf der Homepage des SWR: Schätze der Menschheit. 12 Most Beautiful Canyons of the World. Canyons or gorges are one of nature’s natural wonders carved out over eons by fast moving rivers. Most canyons were formed by a process of long-time erosion from a plateau level.

The cliffs form because harder rock that are resistant to erosion and weathering remain exposed on the valley walls. Canyons offer some of the most dramatic landscapes on earth (and even in the solar system), not only for the sheer size but also for the beauty that often lie hidden beneath the ground. Note: The word canyon is generally used in the United States, while the word gorge is more common in Europe. 12Todra Gorge Todra Gorge is situated on the remote east side of the High Atlas Mountains and is one of the popular tourist attractions in Morocco. 11Kings Canyon King’s Canyon is one of the major tourist attractions in the southern desert region of the Northern Territory in Australia. 10Taroko Gorge Situated near the rocky east coast of Taiwan, Taroko Gorge is one of the island’s biggest tourist attractions.

15 Most Incredible Slot Canyons on Earth. 10 Largest Canyons on Earth. The List: The World’s 7 Best Canyons. The Seven Summits are easy to decide: Pick the highest peak on each continent and, voila, you have your list. The “Seven Canyons”? Not so easy. Deepest? Sure, that could be fun. 1. Twice as deep as the Grand Canyon (and at 13,650 feet deep touted as the world’s deepest, though it isn’t), Colca Canyon’s colorful 45-mile length is rife with cultural history, with Inca and pre-Inca settlement and indigenous peoples who maintain ancestral traditions. 2. The Barrancas del Cobre, six canyons formed by six rivers draining the western side of the Sierra Tarahumara, form a network larger and more complex than the Grand Canyon. 3.

This sandstone joint in the Bungle Bungle Range in Western Australia’s Purnululu National Park is only a 1.5-mile walk from the parking lot. 4. At 1,800 feet deep, 100 miles long, and 18 miles wide, Fish River Canyon is the largest canyon in Africa and Namibia’s second-most popular tourist attraction (behind Etosha National Park). 5. 6. 7. Canyonlands of Africa. Venezuela Tepui Canyonlands.

Mexico's Copper Canyon. Australia: Earth's Mystical Grand Canyons. Watch 1,000 Places To See Before You Die Free Online. Home | 1000 Places To See Before You Die | Workman Publishing Company. Because Every Country Is The Best At Something. 10 Beautiful Places In The World That Actually Exist. Visit Norway - Norway official travel guide.

Flags of Every Country - StumbleUpon. Countries of the World - - StumbleUpon. How Did We Get So Big So Fast? 16 Weird Facts From Around the Globe.