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Australian Curriculum. ABC Splash home - Social networks and online communities. Online, digital, mobile - computers, internet, devices. Getting past the 'suck threshold' TED: Ideas worth spreading. How to learn? From mistakes - Diana Laufenberg. The First 20 Hours - How to Learn Anything: Josh Kaufman at TEDxCSU.

TED Michael Wesch: effects of new media on society and culture. KNOWLEDGE-ABLE: Unlearning, Relearning, Remixing. Lessons Worth Sharing. Ask or look it up!

I'm a scientist, get me out of here!

Deeper Learning: Edutopia. Austin's Butterfly: Building Excellence in Student Work - Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback. Deeper Learning: Highlighting Student Work. A student self-portrait from Ron Berger's student work portfolio Photo credit: Ron Berger I travel with a heavy suitcase.

Deeper Learning: Highlighting Student Work

Over my 35-year career as a public school teacher and educator at Expeditionary Learning, I have been obsessed with collecting student work of remarkable quality and value. I bring this work with me whenever I visit schools or present at conferences and workshops, because otherwise no one would believe me when I describe it. The student work in my giant black suitcase is exemplary -- beautiful and accurate, representative of strong content knowledge and critical thinking skills -- but it's not from "exceptional" students.

It does not come from gifted and talented classrooms or from high-powered private schools. Student self-portrait Photo credit: Ron Berger When I work with educators around the country and pull this work out of my suitcase, it changes the vision of what is possible when students are allowed, compelled and supported to do great things. Seeking Value. How Building a Car Can Drive Deeper Learning (Is School Enough? Series) Is School Enough? Exploring Interest-Driven and Informal Learning. Is School Enough?

Is School Enough? Exploring Interest-Driven and Informal Learning

Video Series Edutopia's new video series profiles young people who are pursuing their passions and making their learning more authentic by taking it into their own hands, on their own time. This series is produced by Mobile Digital Arts and Twin Cities Public Television, as a companion to an hour-long PBS special that is now available to watch. Watch preview of Is School Enough? PBS show (3 min.) Spoken Word Poetry Empowers Students to Use Authentic Voices (2013) High school student Shayanna develops her talents at Youth Speaks, a nonprofit that creates a safe space for young people to explore writing and performance skills in the service of bettering their communities.

Major funding for the PBS show and video series was provided by the MacArthur Foundation and the Pearson Foundation. Back to Top Lessons From Informal Learning Big Thinkers on Learning Outside of School. SAteachlearn YouTube channel - Teaching and Learning in South Australia. Amplify. David Hunter, Zombie-Based Learning. Digital learning by Kym Nadebaum and Gawain Duncan #ACEDay_PD. In just 60 seconds... Digital literacy: ? As important as = The Global One-Room Schoolhouse: John Seely Brown (Highlights from his "Entrepreneurial Learner" Keynote at DML2012) The Tellagami Project Official Movie.

Obvious to you. Amazing to others. - by Derek Sivers. WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson. Deep learning is no longer possible!