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How to Plant Ideas in Someone's Mind. Serres : "Ce n'est pas une crise, c'est un changement de monde". Michel Serres est une vigie plantée en haut du mât de notre époque.

Serres : "Ce n'est pas une crise, c'est un changement de monde"

Du haut de son gréement, de ses 82 ans, de sa culture encyclopédique, de son temps partagé entre les cultures française et américaine qu'il enseigne, ce philosophe académicien nous décrit les changements qu'il observe sur l'équipage humanité que nous sommes. En curieux de tout qu'il est, il guette avec impatience et gourmandise les évolutions qui nous arrivent, comme un des matelots de Colomb aurait scruté l'horizon dans l'espoir de nouvelles terres. 10 Most Unbelievable Places in the World. There are ten most unbelievable places in the world that you definitely must visit before you die. 1.

10 Most Unbelievable Places in the World

Tunnel of Love, Ukraine Image credits: Oleg Gordienko This powerful train tunnel of trees called the Tunnel of Love is located in Kleven, Ukraine. 2. Image credits: Allard Schager The sensational landscape provokes a visual effect hard to repeat in a life time. High-Tech : L'homme nouveau tient le monde en main. INTERVIEW - Philosophe, académicien et historien des sciences, Michel Serres dresse le portrait d'un homme nouveau, né de la révolution du numérique, qui va devoir tout réinventer.

High-Tech : L'homme nouveau tient le monde en main

Source Le Figaro Magazine LE FIGARO MAGAZINE - Quelles sont, pour vous, les inventions en cours et à venir qui vont bouleverser notre vie? Michel SERRES. - Les inventions à venir, je ne les connais pas. Elles sont toujours imprévisibles, inattendues. Je préfère rester lucide sur le temps présent, comprendre les bouleversements en cours et ce que pourraient être leurs implications.

Vous brossez un portrait de ce nouvel humain dans votre livre Petite Poucette*. Oui, parce que j'ai assisté depuis un demi-siècle, partout dans le monde, à la victoire des femmes. Comment appréhende-t-elle ce nouveau monde? Elle a trouvé le sens réel du mot «maintenant». 7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People. Some people get more done than others--a lot more.

7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People

Sure, they work hard. And they work smart. But they possess other qualities that make a major impact on their performance. They do the work in spite of disapproval or ridicule. Work too hard, strive too hard, appear to be too ambitious, try to stand out from the crowd. Pleasing the (average-performing) crowd is something remarkably productive people don't worry about.

They hear the criticism, they take the potshots, they endure the laughter or derision or even hostility--and they keep on measuring themselves and their efforts by their own standards. And, in the process, they achieve what they want to achieve. 12 outils pour mieux gérer l'infobésité des médias sociaux. 2 avril 2012 L’infobésité, traduction de l’expression anglaise « information overload » est très certainement l’effet secondaire le moins agréable qui découle de l’avènement des médias sociaux.

12 outils pour mieux gérer l'infobésité des médias sociaux

Déjà en 2007, selon emarketer, les gestionnaires peinaient à trouver l’information pertinente au sujet de leur propre compagnie ou de la compétition, sans parler des courriels qui ne cessent de croitre avec quantité de gens qui nous mettent en copie conforme (c.c.), les infolettres auxquelles on s’abonne, etc. 3 Tools to Simplify Your Social Media Marketing.

Are you looking for powerful tools to manage your social media efforts?

3 Tools to Simplify Your Social Media Marketing

How do you keep up with blog post comments, responses to LinkedIn status updates and Twitter interactions? Social relationship management is about managing these relationships. And you need the right tools to help. In this article, I’ll show you 3 new social media tools to help manage your online relationships and grow your presence on social media platforms. #1: Engagio—Manage All of Your Online Conversations in One Place Engagio is an inbox for conversations on the web. With Engagio, you have the functionality to manage, support and encourage conversations. Features It’s very easy to set up and free to use. Because your conversations happen in many places, you need a tool to support many platforms. How to Refresh Your Brain. Andy Puddicombe is a former Buddhist monk and co-founder of Headspace, an entrepreneurial venture designed to demystify meditation and make it easily accessible to all audiences.

How to Refresh Your Brain

In a recent TED talk, Puddicombe promotes an idea that almost sounds too easy to be true: refresh your mind in just 10 minutes a day and you might be happier at work. Puddicombe seeks to provide “meditation for the modern world,” eliminating stereotypes of incense and cross-legged monks. And he might just be on to something. Here are two problems that plague modern-day workers--and how Headspace’s bite-sized meditation plan can help. Problem #1: Inability to Focus “The average office worker changes windows [on her computer] 37 times an hour,” Headspace’s head of research Nick Begley says in a meditation tutorial.

Problem #2: Stress When people get stressed, there is a part of the brain called the amygdala that fires up the “fight or flight” part of the nervous system that helps you make quick, impulsive decisions. Attitude Determines Success. The results of your actions have little to do with what you are actually doing and almost everything to do with your attitude.

Attitude Determines Success

Which is ironic because we spend most of our time creating lists and getting organized and listing resolutions about what we should be doing, forgetting that who we are being is much more important. That’s why we’re called human beings. Not human doings. Your life is full of things that you do. Your business and family and community demand that you do certain things. Valerie Tong Cuong, auteur.