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Faveous:真正的社会化阅读服务 - 动点科技. Qrait. PostPost:帮你的Twitter降噪, 创造和谐社区. 提醒:【教學】使用 mySyndicaat 重整、合併、發佈你的訂閱-哪吒网. Mlkshk. Newspin. KBucket: Start your search with Someone’s research. Keepstream: now a part of Infochimps. Factiva - Dow Jones. Factiva helps you make better business decisions faster with access to thousands of premium news and information sources, all in one place.

Factiva - Dow Jones

Through its powerful search and alerting, it provides you with the exact information you need, when you need it. Factiva’s unique level of insight cuts through the noise to help you discover new, business-critical information. Whether you’re working on a request for research, creating a daily company newsletter or browsing a summary of top industry news, Factiva gives you a clear information advantage. Industry-leading content set & archive: get behind the paywall with access to premium licensed sources as well as a curated set of pictures, videos, websites, blogs & message boards. Flexible & powerful search: easy-to-use code lookup, comprehensive Boolean search query and Factiva Expert Searches, curated for difficult-to-find topics.

Reliable alerting: emailed directly to your Inbox, as the news comes in or on a scheduled basis. Eqentia:实时新闻流的另一种方式_科技_腾讯网. Faveous:真正的社会化阅读服务. Zootool. BlogBridge. CLIPZINE. 创业公司RebelMouse聚合你在所有社交网络中的新鲜事,任何人都可通过一个链接查看. 在不同的时间、不同的场合,大家越来越多地谈到社会化媒体碎片,事实上我们的时间也确实在向着碎片化方向发展。


在 WordPress 上写博客;在 Facebook 或 Instagram 上把照片分享给你的朋友;在微博上发布信息;在 FourSquare 上签到;在 Pinterest 贴图;在 YouTube 上分享视频;在 Soundcloud 上分享音频。 Bazaarvoice:用SaaS技术服务互联网点评 _Bazaarvoice(BV) _i美股. Meddle: Curated Insights. Content Curation - Use it! Love it! Buy it! Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders. Themeefy:免费创建数字杂志_酷站_嗨豆网. Attrakt. 信息高速公路上,我们通过浏览器在web的世界里尽情驰骋。


想要成为一个好的驾驶员,掌握方向的能力很重要。 这很像是Google在我们生活中扮演的角色,通过它可以找到一个又一个的信息宝藏。 Google拥有很强大的高级搜索功能,通过一系列的布尔逻辑表达式,我们能精确的找到我们需要的信息。 Kippt:可协作、分享的书签服务,链接领域的GitHub. Content Curation Made Simple to Promote Your Blog Posts. Content curation is one of the buzz words in the new year.

Content Curation Made Simple to Promote Your Blog Posts

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to work smarter and not harder. I had been sifting through Google Analytics to see what had been working for this blog and found and to be in the top 50. at 16 and at 42. was an easy 5 minute set up and viola you are done! I wondered why I had not done it sooner. Curating Content with Content curation is a great way to share your favorite blogs posts by others and your own. You can set your own within minutes. Who doesn’t like a mention on Twitter? The New and Improved is another content curation website that’s been around a while.You can read a post on when I first joined a year ago. Introducing the New Listly I came across this content curation site in doing some research and had heard of Nick Kellet It is similar to and maybe even a little easier to use.

Lisa Latest posts by Lisa (see all) Collected. Filtering the world's information. Content Curation & Content Marketing Solution - Curata. - Discover Popular and Most Discussed Interests. Feedly_百度百科. Flipboard_百度百科. 1定义解析编辑 Flipboard的灵感来自于创始人迈克·麦克库伊(Mike McCue)在飞机上阅读多本 flipboard.


Hey ! welcome on kweeper. your online library since 2009. Paper.li把Twitter变成日报. 独家报导 – SmallRivers是来自瑞士的一家初创公司,他们的网络应用 Paper.li可以让你把 Twitter 消息、标签、和列表变成一份日报。


2008 年该公司曾获得 100 万美元种子基金,现在又获得了更多投资。 参与此次投资的除了一些不太知名的 web2.0 天使投资之外,还包括德国投资媒体集团 Econa 和 Kima Ventures。 该轮投资由法国创业者 Xavier Niel 和 Jeremie Berrebi 发起。 Aggregage - Aggregating Great Content and Engaging Audiences. Content curation service - we list+submit your site in a very unique way on all content curation platforms! - Top Guest Posting Service - 100% Real Sites - Guest Blogging Services - The cream of the crop and affordable!

Ever heard about sites such as floost?

content curation service - we list+submit your site in a very unique way on all content curation platforms! - Top Guest Posting Service - 100% Real Sites - Guest Blogging Services - The cream of the crop and affordable! and ? Ever wanted your site to have completely legit links that make you look like a BRAND? If you want to win in the seo game you have to take even your little site to brand level & content curation = brand level marketing What about these ones? Dont be ashamed if you havent But let me tell you these sites are social powerhouses of 2013All the big fortune 500 companies use them to spread their content The best thing is if you get your content on there the users of those sites will even spread their content for you by sharing it!

Now the very best thing. If you want links on these sites pointing to an epic content piece that will get supercharged on the google ranks and supershared Simple recap: We now offer you links on all of them! is always ahead of the curve when other seo’s still slugg with outdated methods we excavate the diamonds in the rough for you our dear clients! Business plan Corporate plan. ContentGems. 各大媒体助力社交策展创业公司Mass Relevance发展 — 中广互联 - 个性化新闻Feed!Prismatic知道您喜欢读什么-搜狐IT. 在这个“信息爆炸”的时代,网络新闻让很多人深感纠结——一方面生怕错过自己感兴趣的新闻,而另一方面又在面对铺天盖地的新闻时莫名焦虑。


如果您像小编一样有点“新闻阅读强迫症”,那就更加痛苦了,因为“扫新闻”的习惯难免浪费生命。 当然,我们再也回不到那个每晚七点全家围观新闻联播的年代,不过在新闻阅读网络化、社交化、移动化的今天,一些移动应用能帮您筛选您喜闻乐见的新闻,供您在乘车、发呆或忙里偷闲时用智能手机或平板电脑了解资讯兼打发时间,而在此类应用中,新闻Feed聚合阅读服务Prismatic日前推出的iOS应用是既易用又实用的一款。 智能手机和平板电脑用户对于新闻类应用早已司空见惯,所以我们在此就不再赘述Prismatic的基本用法——其实它就是一个新闻Feed聚合器加上类似Readability的阅读器。 Prismatic创始人兼CEO布拉德福德•克罗斯(Bradford Cross)透露称,他们的iOS应用曾经“五易其稿”,推翻了五个不同的设计才有了如今的版本。

那么这款看似貌不惊人实则来之不易的新闻应用究竟有何与众不同的特色呢? Pinterest_百度百科. 1发展历程编辑 2010年,Pinterest由美国加州帕罗奥多的一个名为Cold Brew Labs的团队创办2010年正式上线。


2011年8月16日,Pinterest入选美国时代杂志“2011年50个最好的网站”。 MyCurator.在线兴趣爱好主题推荐平台.在线兴趣爱好主题推荐平台是一个可以让你获取互联网上丰富的资源的站点,其实它也是一个内容编辑工具,由Guillame Decugis创办,定义为大众提供免费出版平台,搜集自己感兴趣的资讯,编排出集热情于大成的线上刊物,实现个人当作家的梦想。在线兴趣爱好主题推荐平台

大家为每日掩没在信息流里载浮载沈而感到厌烦,逐渐转向能帮助他们「发现」有兴趣信息的服务,最好还是能他们发挥内容创作的天性,有机会传播出去,吸引观众的注意。 这时Scoop.it切入的时机正好,在这全球疯策展(Curation)的年代,创造一种崭新的方式,让人们不用花太多时间与精力去编写内容,就能树立自己独一无二的价值。 身为Scoop.it的新用户,请做好燃烧热情火力全开的准备,Scoop.it备好几样工具,等你大展身手。让用户创建可分享和互动的列表_科技_腾讯网.