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Awesome Things (39 pics) Master Sword: Zelda Twilight Princess. Master Sword : Zelda Twilight Princess This replica of Link’s Master Sword from Zelda: Twilight Princess is a perfectly accurate cosplay and collector prop. The sword was made with durable resin and reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass rods for structural support, making it well balanced for carrying as a cosplay prop. The paint was custom automotive paint for a metallic and mirror-like shine, and to resist minor scratches. The sword measures about 42" long, and weighs about 3lbs. The sheath was lined with suede and soft foam to keep the blade firmly in place, and prevent scratches while sheathing. Nokia E-Cu, The Cell Phone that Charges in Your Pocket - Technology. What Do You Do With Old Bumper Cars? - Yes, you read that right; these little beasties are street legal. Yes, you read that right; these little beasties are street legal.

What Do You Do With Old Bumper Cars? - Yes, you read that right; these little beasties are street legal.

They run on either Kawasaki or Honda motorcycle engines and co-opt vintage bumper car bodies into the most awesome form of mini-car we've seen in too long. There are seven of these little monsters floating around California , and they're all the creation of one man, Tom Wright, a builder in the outskirts of San Diego who figured the leftovers of the Long Beach Pike amusement park needed a more dignified end than the trash heap. They were originally powered by two cylinder Harley Davidson Motorcycle engines but they rattled like heck because of the two cylinder vibration and Tom replaces them with four cylinder Honda or Kawasaki 750's and a couple have been measured as capable of 160 MPH, which is terrifyingly fast in machines with such a short wheelbase. Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius (40 Pics)

Double-Sided Design Solves Painfully Universal USB Problem. Sometimes something begs for a simple solution.

Double-Sided Design Solves Painfully Universal USB Problem

The nearly-ubiquitous USB port is perhaps the technological poster child for an obvious failure to work both ways (right-side-up or upside-down) despite looking perfectly symmetrical on both sides. Thankfully, and finally, this has been tackled from two directions (appropriately enough): one more idealistic, one more realistic, but both ingenious. Ma Yi Xuan is a student designer who has solved the problem in theory, and in reality by UltraTek‘s new Flipper. These answers have been a long time coming.

This author, for example, has bend more than one USB plug (and port), though fortunately only destroyed one to date. In the student version, there is a piece on either side of the interior that slides out of the way to reveal a data connection – which half moves depends on what way the plug is placed into the accepting slot. Design_Doc_Artifact.jpg (JPEG Image, 840x19274 pixels) Don’t Buy a Dual-Core Tablet Until You See This Video — Mobile Technology News. Origami Tropical Turtle. 21 Innovative Inventions. Fletcher automated Capstan Table‬‏ Universal wrapping paper.

Full screen-split screen with any game.‬‏ New ultra-battery is the most powerful non-nuclear energy storage ever // Current. To Our Faithful Users: Current's run has ended after eight exciting years on air and online.

New ultra-battery is the most powerful non-nuclear energy storage ever // Current

The Current TV staff has appreciated your interest, support, participation and unflagging loyalty over the years. Your contributions helped make a vibrant place for discussing thousands of interesting stories, and your continued viewership motivated us to keep innovating and find new ways to reflect the voice of the people.

We now welcome the on-air and digital presence of Al Jazeera America, a new news network committed to reporting on and investigating real stories affecting the lives of everyday Americans in every corner of the country. Coolest Inventions Now days ~ Funny Pics : Hot Pictures. Anonymous Says: June 11, 2011 6:53 PM They are truly unique. Anonymous Says: June 12, 2011 2:08 PM Only one or two of these are inventions. The rest are things that have existed for years that somebody felt like stylizing. fajas colombianas Says: June 13, 2011 9:54 AM. 7 Man-Made Substances that Laugh in the Face of Physics.

The universe is full of weird substances like liquid metal and whatever preservative keeps Larry King alive.

7 Man-Made Substances that Laugh in the Face of Physics

But mankind isn't happy to accept the weirdness of nature when we can create our own abominations of science that, due to the miracle of technology, spit in nature's face and call it retarded. That's why we came up with... #7. Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth. Mike Matas: A next-generation digital book. Genius Part 1 [30 Pics] Gadgets. SOOOOooo…yes I know that is all grammatically incorrect and yes I am a TEACHER! AHHHhhhh! Anyways, usually most people don’t worry too much about grammar when we are communicating what we might say in person to someone else in writing on the internet, not a term paper. Gifts For Your Girlfriend. World Wide Fred - Fred & Friends. Replace Your Bulky Keychain - Keyport Slide and Blades. Keyport products are proudly designed, manufactured, and assembled in the USA.

Replace Your Bulky Keychain - Keyport Slide and Blades

Keys have been around for centuries and they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Keychains however, are a thing of the past. Flexible Love" Folding Chair. Mental_floss Blog » Gifts for the Geek Home. A home should be an expression of who you are. Sure, when you're young and broke, your room or apartment might be an expression of who your parents or the people who donate to Goodwill are, but gradually you collect items that express your personality, whether you receive them as gifts or purchase them yourself.

If you are a technologically oriented geek, there are plenty of manufacturers and vendors catering to your tastes in home decor. Interactive LED Dining Table Windell Oksay of Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories built a dining room table with 448 LEDs inside. The lights respond to movement on and above the table surface! Motherboard Picture Frame. Laser Tag Has Evolved Beyond Recognition - Gizmodo. The Good And Bad Of Kitchen Accessories. Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius Part 8. Plans for a 4,000mph underwater train from New York to London // Current. This Is The Future of the Desktop PC. It’s not every day you get to re-imagine what the desktop computer will look like, especially in an age where mobility is taking over.

This Is The Future of the Desktop PC

However, courtesy of some brilliant thinkers at the Media Computing Group at Aachen University in Germany, the desktop computer is looking brand-spanking new and totally awesome. Joystick. Floor Plan Light Switch by Taewon Hwang. Know Your Switches When you have a panel full of light switches, it can be challenging to remember which is which.

Floor Plan Light Switch by Taewon Hwang

The Floor Plan Light switch offers an easy solve. The switches are modified according to the floor plan of the room and operate accordingly. In bed with good design. Like most designers, you’ll want your home to be looking good or at least well-design.

In bed with good design

This collection presents some beds that I could make mine. Bookcase into a bed Floating bed Bed Up The Scoop. Jasonamendolara.wordpress. Amazing Water Taps. Weird Awesome Stuffs. Water Shade by Yitu Wang. This project is completely apolitical. It IS literally a gate of water. 5374494559_a3e084ec00.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x333 pixels) Smart Fridge by Ashley Legg. Smart Fridge Is Your New Recipe Card.

Smart Fridge by Ashley Legg

Document Extractor - Combi Monitor, Screen & Printer by Byeong Min Choe. Print That Screen, Literally!

Document Extractor - Combi Monitor, Screen & Printer by Byeong Min Choe

20 Tape Rolls That'll Have You Rolling On The Floor Laughing. Brawl in the Family » Store. Why Most Shampoos Are a Waste of Money. Tan Le: A headset that reads your brainwaves. Moogaloop.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) NoteSlate — Devices and Cases. Written by Katie on February 8, 2011. 5 Awesome New Inventions You'll Never Hear About" An All Encompassing Future by Nokia Morph. IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard. Is This the Cheapest, Most Wacky-Looking Gestural Interface in the World? Gestural interfaces aren't quite mainstream yet, partly because they can be ruinously expensive--involving multiple cameras and custom detectors. T-Shirts. USB Prank Device Will Make Your Office Mates Hate You. 10 Cool Modern Gaming Tables. Collection of creative modern gaming tables that make games such as ping pong, pool, and table football more exciting.

LED Pong Table Designed by Moritz Waldemeyer, this table comes with 2400 LEDs and 2 trackpads that turn it into a modern version of the 1972 Pong game. [link] Cool Unbreakable LCD Video Screen Video. Yanko Design » The Light Bulb Effect. The Light Bulb Effect. Eun-Gyeong Gwon & Eun-Jae Lee.  Email Junk. Usbcell - revolutionary rechargeable usb battery that can charge from any USB port.

Two-Stroke Jet Pack for Sale – Anatomy of a Two-Stroke Jet Back. Now That's a Lawn Chair. 泥だんご. Climbing Wall for your Pool. Ostendo CRVD 43″ Curved Display.