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User Persona Template and Examples. Apprendre à construire des personas - We Love Users. Qu’est-ce qu’un persona ?

Apprendre à construire des personas - We Love Users

Définition Un persona est un archétype représentant un groupe de personnes dont les comportements, motivations et buts sont proches. Les personas sont utilisés en Design1, Ergonomie, Marketing, Informatique, etc. pour permettre au(x) concepteur(s) de déterminer ce que le produit ou service doit faire et comment il devrait fonctionner. Exemple Origines La méthode des personas a été créée par Alan Cooper. Case studies Archives. About the Company Flyability is a Swiss company building safe drones for inaccessible places.Their collision-tolerant drone is unique, as it can fly in complex and confined spaces and in contact with humans, because it has a surrounding cage that protects it.

Case studies Archives

They call it Elios. The Challenge The idea to develop a caged drone was born after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Adrien Briod, the co-founder, envisioned how a collision-tolerant drone would assist in managing such dangerous situations. Yet, very soon he and his team discovered that their drone can perform many different jobs, for different types of customers.

95 Ways to find your first customers for customer development or your first sale « Building Customer Driven SaaS Products. You can have the best idea in the world, but until you find someone besides yourself that wants it, it’s not really a business.

95 Ways to find your first customers for customer development or your first sale « Building Customer Driven SaaS Products

To find those people, as Paul Graham wrote in a recent essay, you have to “Do Things That Don’t Scale.” The problem is, it is often unclear what those “Things” are. Fortunately, the internet is full of help. In particular, I was inspired by recent posts on someone going from zero to revenue in 5 weeks using customer development and validation by Melissa Tsang for her new startup Cusoy. I’ve also found the advice for Joel of Buffer about his start and the advice from this post by Jason Cohen of ASmartBear blog to be spot on. How to use this post: Before we get into the massive list of tactics below, I want to be clear on what to do with this list and what to expect when you find a few tactics you want to follow: Your initial goal should be learning.In the immortal words of Lean Godfather, Steve Blank, “No Plan Survives First Contact With Customers.”

Customer Journey / Experience Map PowerPoint Template. The PowerPoint template collection includes definitions, layouts and examples of professional Customer Experience Maps.

Customer Journey / Experience Map PowerPoint Template

Get to Know Your Future Clients Customer experience management is based on customer-oriented principles: it focuses on the customer’s experience with the end product and CEM seeks to comprehend his expectations and to create as many positive touching points as possible. The final goal of customer experience management is to turn happy customers into advocates of the respective brand/ product. Create Product Experiences User Experience Maps (or Customer Journey Maps) enable you to track customer experiences and to draw outlines from their first contact with the respective brand until the ultimate disposal of the end product. The Key To Paid Traffic? Knowing Your Customer’s “Awareness Level”

There’s one HUGE mistake many marketers make when creating the ad copy and landing pages they’re sending traffic to.

The Key To Paid Traffic? Knowing Your Customer’s “Awareness Level”

The problem is they present the same message to everyone. They use the same copy that works on their email list — people who are familiar with them and their product — as they use on their cold traffic landing pages and display ads — people who are NOT familiar with their company or product. Someone on your email list already knows what you are about. They’re familiar with you, your views and your products. However, someone coming from cold traffic is a complete stranger. The Experiment Picker. Validation: 20 experiments you can do to validate your business concepts! Validation Guide + 20 Ways to Test your Business Ideas Before we start What is validation?

Validation: 20 experiments you can do to validate your business concepts!

Validation is the process of gathering evidence and learning around business ideas through experimentation and user testing, in order to make faster, informed, de-risked decisions. Through experimentation and validation, you move away from the standard innovation approach used in corporations (read: build the car, launch it on the market) towards a Lean, de-risked approach, where user testing allows for evidence-based decisions. I have a business concept to validate. Betatestr - Faire tester son site / application auprès de testeurs qualifiés. AdoctA - Etudes marketing. [Veille] 4 startups à découvrir ce weekend: Kurveo, Frizbiz, Adocta, Minilogs - Maddyness - Le Magazine des Startups Françaises. Maddyness propose, tous les vendredis, une veille des 4 startups à découvrir pendant le weekend, à tête reposée.

[Veille] 4 startups à découvrir ce weekend: Kurveo, Frizbiz, Adocta, Minilogs - Maddyness - Le Magazine des Startups Françaises

Le but est de faire découvrir rapidement des startups ou des initiatives innovantes que la rédaction a spécialement repérées, et pour lesquelles, vous pouvez voter avec le module de vote Poutsch, à la fin de l’article. Drag'n Survey : comment ça marche. #Outils : Les 10 outils pour optimiser votre MVP ! Vous vous lancez dans l’entrepreneuriat ?

#Outils : Les 10 outils pour optimiser votre MVP !

Vous pensez que votre idée vaut de l’or ? Oui, mais comment être sûr que votre cible adhère à votre produit ? Dans cet article, 10 outils pour optimiser votre MVP et valider votre idée auprès de votre marché ! 7 façons de tester son idée de startup avec un Minimum Viable Product / MVP.